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Chapter Five

"Jen...Jen...wake up!" Michelle said while standing in the doorway.

"Okay, I'm up," I mumbled.

"Look, it's 9:00, and we have to be ready by 10:00," Michelle said.

I sat up and looked at her.

"Come on, Jen. Hurry," she urged.

I got up out of bed, walked past her, and then walked into the bathroom. I turned on the warm water in the sink and washed my face. After I dried my face, I sat on the toilet and thought about my dream. 'I saw that dress before, but where did I see it?' I thought, then it hit me. I saw it when I helped Michelle move in here.

I jumped up from where I was sitting, ran out of the bathroom, and ran into Michelle's room. She had just finished getting dressed when I ran in.

"Jen, what's wrong? What are you doing?" Michelle shouted as I opened her closet and practically threw everything out of it.

Near the right hand side at the end, there it was. I froze up and just stared at it. It was dark blue and had straps. It was a long dress, that had a slit up it.

I then snapped out of my trance and grabbed it. When Michelle saw me grab, she gasped and sat down on her bed.

"Do you know anything about this dress?" I asked, "Is it mine?"

Michelle wouldn't look me in the eyes, but mumbled, "Yes".

"What? Yes to what....To," I said, but didn't get to finished because Michelle interrupted me.

"Yes, I know everything about the dress. Yes, it's yours. And, and," she said in tears, "it happened so long ago. Why do you want to know now?"

"Because Michelle. It's my past that I don't even know. I remember bits and pieces, but not everything. Most of the things I know is what people have told me. I know I was a dancer, but do I remember? No!" I said, "if you don't tell me, then fine, that'll be more of something I found out, but no one will tell me. What about those dreams I have about being wet and cold, and."

"Now shut up Jen. I told you that we don't know anything about what happened there. We don't know what you mean we weren't there. The only other person there was Chri..." she stopped and shut her mouth.

I sat down on the bed next to her. "Michelle, "I said softly, "I don't even know who Chris is. Everyone shut him out of my life. No one will tell me about him. Please, talk to me. Tell me about Chris."

Chapter Six
Chapter Five