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Chapter Six

"Jen there are so many things that had happened. I don't even know half. You were always out and I was so young. I don't even know him. I can't even remember what he looks like. I know of him from talk, but other than that, no. I do know, that night was your last with Chris because he was moving away with his father," Michelle said.

"Where did he move?" I asked.

"Somewhere down south. You know, something happen between you and mom, and she hated him. I don't know why, but I do remember that when you were in the hospital, he came and mom was yelling at him. She never stated why though. Mom was probably going to kill him because dad had to drag her away. He allowed Chris to bid you a farewell because he couldn't stay here with you," Michelle said.

"Are there any pictures? Anything?" I asked frantically, trying to pry any information out of her.

"I honestly don't know. I know that the doctor didn't want us to tell you anything because you probably wouldn't remember it and you'd be angry and hurt that you couldn't remember. Everything mom and dad did was in your best interest, believe it or not," Michelle said.

"Damn it, Michelle. How can you be so calm about this? How could you keep this away from me for so long?" I said, standing up, "I thought you were my sister. I thought you cared about me. You should have told me. I should have known. How dare you, or anyone else for that matter," I yelled into her face and ran out of the room and into mine.

'Damn it,' Michelle thought. 'I shouldn't have said anything because I knew she would have been like this. She's not really mad at me, she's mad at the fact she can't remember,' Michelle said over and over to herself.

~In My Room~

I laid down on my bed and cried. I couldn't help it. This was all so overwhelming. Why can't she just tell me the truth? I am always honest with her. I soon fell into an uneventful sleep.

Chapter Seven
Chapter Five