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Chapter One

JC looked at the young girl sleeping in the seat beside him. It was weird to think about the fact that he was the one responsible for her well-being, but there was nobody else to do it. Her parents had been killed in a car accident and her other brother and sister just couldn't take care of her, they were both too young and not financially stable enough to be able to handle the responsibility of raising a thirteen year old. He looked back out the window of the plane, thinking about the changes this would bring to his life, wondering how the other guys would accept her, and how she would accept all of them.

"JC?" Her voice interrupted his thoughts and he turned back to her to see what was wrong.

"What sweetie?"

"How much longer is it? I don't feel very good." "We're almost there. The plane should be landing in about twenty minutes or so, do you think you'll be okay that long?" "I don't know. I feel really sick to my stomach, I want my mom!" Tears began pouring out of her eyes and down her cheeks. She had been crying for most of the flight from Pittsburgh, and it was breaking his heart. He loved his sister to death, and he hated seeing her hurt like this.

"Jane, baby doll, please don't cry. We'll be there soon, then we can sit at the airport for awhile and let your stomach feel better. Maybe I can find somewhere to get you a Ginger Ale to sip on."

"I don't want a Ginger Ale, I want my mom and dad."

"I know you do, sweetie, but I'm gonna have to do. Come here, just relax and maybe your stomach will stop hurting." He put his arm around her and leaned her up against him, doing his best to calm her down. He rubbed her back and talked to her in a soft soothing voice for the remainder of the flight. When the plane landed in Orlando, JC grabbed both his carry on, as well as his younger half sister's, then helped her off the plane. When they reached the end of the terminal, JC looked around expectantly, hoping one of the guys remembered that they would be on this flight and came to pick them up.

"JC! YO, JC MAN, OVER HERE!" JC turned around and saw Justin, standing off to the side jumping up and down, waving his arms. Leave it to Justin to cause a scene and draw attention to them both.

"Justin, SHUT UP!" JC scolded as he walked over to where the younger man was standing. "You're drawing attention."

"Oh, yeah." Justin carefully looked around and noticed that about five or six young girls were looking at them with looks of recognition. "Let's get out of here then."

JC put a protective arm around Jane to try and shield her from the curious looks of fans, He knew he'd have to answer questions about her eventually, but today wasn't the time, he just wanted her to be a little more adjusted before she had to go through anymore. Luckily when they arrived at baggage claim, Jane and JC's luggage was among one of the first on the conveyor belt. Justin grabbed the bags for them and carried them out to the car, while JC still tried to keep his sister hidden.

When they got to the car, Justin threw the bags in the trunk while JC helped Jane in, then crawled in beside her. He knew she was old enough to sit by herself, but he didn't want her to be stuck by herself, and he thought that maybe by having a familiar face with her, she would be more reassured. Justin hopped in the drivers seat and, before taking off, turned around to give a supportive smile to Jane.

"Hey Janie, remember me? I know I only met you the once, and it was a few years ago."

"I remember you." Jane answered, her voice practically a whisper.

"Don't be scared sweetheart. We're all really nice, and your brother has a room all ready for you, you're gonna like it here, I promise."

"I just want to go home!" As Jane began crying again, JC sighed and pulled her close to him again. She laid her head against his chest and had cried herself to sleep by the time they were out of the parking lot.

Chapter Two