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Chapter Four

Jane had been living with JC for a month, and it seemed as if she were adjusting well. The nightmares had stopped, and she laughed more often now. She was becoming more and more comfortable around the guys now, like today when they were all taking a break and spending the day in JC's pool. She was laughing and joking around with the guys as if they were all her brothers. Nobody suspected the pain she still kept locked away in her heart. There was only one person that could get her to talk about how she was truly feeling.

"Hey, Jane, phone!" JC walked out on to the pool deck, phone in hand, waving it in the direction of his little sister.

"Who is it?" Jane asked as she made the inter tube she was floating in turn to face JC.

"It's your sister."

"TRACY!" Jane jumped off the inter tube and swam across the pool as quickly as she could. She practically ran up the ladder and across the deck, grabbing the phone out of her brother's hand. "Can I take this call inside?"

"Sure, go ahead."

Jane ran into the house, where she could be alone without anyone hearing her, before she put the phone up to her ear.


"Hey Janie, how ya doin'?"

"I miss you so bad Trace! JC's great and all, but he's not you. I want to come home, PLEASE?"

"Hon, I would have you on the first plane home if I could, but I don't think JC would go for it."

"I don't CARE if he likes it or not, what about what I want?"

"Sweetie, you know the arrangement we made. You're better off with him, he's got way more money than I do and can buy you a whole lot more than I ever could!"

"I don't NEED things bought for me, I need to be at home with you! I miss you and the rest of the girls!"

"I know you do. We all miss you too."

"Please, bring me home, then nobody will miss anyone."

"Yes they would, because JC would miss YOU."

"Who cares?" Jane had begun crying by then, and she rushed to dry her tears before anyone came in the house, they all thought she was happy and content down here, and she didn't want them to think otherwise.

"Sweetie, please don't cry, you're going to make me cry. Listen, I have to go now, but I'll call you again soon, okay?"

"I guess." Jane reluctantly hung up the phone before running upstairs to her room and throwing herself across her bed, tears running freely down her face. She didn't care who heard her as she let out a heart wrenching sob, "I HATE IT HERE, I WANT TO GO HOME!"

Chapter Five
Chapter Three