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Chapter Five

Tracy walked into the living room of the apartment she shared with one of her friends, Amanda. She flopped across the couch and unshed tears were apparent in her eyes. It absolutely killed her whenever she talked to Jane, she missed her little sister as much as Jane missed her.

"What's wrong Trace?" Amanda asked, noticing the tears in her eyes.

"I just got off the phone with Jane. I miss her so bad, and she misses it here too."

"Was she crying again?"

"YES! It's awful, I feel so bad and I want to bring her home, but in my heart, I know she's better off down there, I could NEVER be able to provide her with half the shit that JC will be able to buy for her!"

"Maybe she doesn't want stuff bought for her, maybe she just wants to be with her sister. This is the only thing she's ever known, and now she being thrown into a whole new situation. Did it ever occur to you that THIS is what's best for her, being here with us? Her friends and family, the people she's used to?"

"Yes damn it, I have! I would love to bring her back here and let her live with us, but JC will never go for it!"

"If he cares about her half as much as he claims to, then he'll agree to it, because he'll know it's best for her."

"He thinks that HE is what's best for her. The rich life, the fancy clothes, everything he can buy her. There's no way he's going to let her come back here where she'll be living in a two bedroom apartment and being bought things for as little as we can find them."

"Okay, here's an idea, probably a stupid one, but still an idea. Why don't we go down there for a surprise visit. Maybe if he sees how happy she is around us, then when we bring up the idea to him, he'll realize it's the right thing to do and let her come back with us."

"But he thinks she's happy NOW! She hasn't talked to him about how she feels or about how she wants to come home."

"He should be able to tell the difference between genuine happiness and faked happiness though!"

"I dunno, what if we go down there and he still says no, it will have been a waste."

"Not entirely, even if he still won't go for it, Jane will at least have gotten to see you, then she might feel a little better."

"I guess you're right. It's worth a shot. Let's go to Florida."

The words had barely left Tracy's mouth before Amanda was on the phone, booking them on the next flight to Orlando. She was bound and determined to get Jane home where she belonged, regardless of what Joshua Chasez had to say about it!

Chapter Six
Chapter Four