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Chapter Twelve

I woke up through the night by an intense pain in my lower abdomen, like there was something inside me, ripping me apart. The pain was so bad, that it took my breath away, I slowly sat up on the edge of the bed and tried to catch my breath, but it wasn't working. The feeling of me moving from his arms, and then the motion of the bed shifting must have woken Lance, because next thing I knew, he was wide awake and sitting up behind me on the bed.

"What is it? What's wrong baby, are you okay?"

I looked back over my shoulder at him and nodded, smiling weakly. I didn't want him to know the amount of pain I was in, because I knew he would become worried and over react.

"I . . . I'm fine, just a bit uncomfortable, the babies must in an odd pos .. . . OH!" I felt a sharp wave of pain go right through me, from the top of my stomach, clear down through. Lance jumped up out of bed and was kneeling beside me almost as soon as the syllable of pain had left my lips.

"What happened?" He grabbed my hand and looked up at me, fear apparent in his eyes. I tried to smile reassuringly, but I was beginning to become scared myself.

"I don't know. If I didn't know any better, I'd almost swear I was having contractions, but that's not possible. It must be one of those false labor pains that women get sometimes."

"Baby, I know I don't know much about pregnancies, but I thought those didn't come until later on in the pregnancy, like during the last month. You're only in your sixth month"

"I know, they usually don't, but I can't think of anything else it would be."

"Maybe I should take you to the hospital. Wouldn't it be better to be safe than to be sorry?"

"No, no it's okay, I'm fine, it'll probably all pass soon, at least I would think so."

"But the babies . . . "

"Will be fine Lance, I told you, it's probably that false labor."

"I don't know, I would just feel better if we go have you checked out."

"I'm not wasting my time and the doctor's just to have her tell me what I already know."

"Just promise me that if it gets any worse you'll let me take you to the Emergency Room."

"I pro . . . " Just then a searing pain cut through me, one so bad that I gripped on to Lance's hand with a death grip trying to will my pain on to him. This pain was worse than any of the ones before, and this one brought with it a tiny trickle of liquid running down the inside of my legs. I could see Lance looking at me, a look of pure fear on his face. When the pain had subsided enough that I could catch my breath again, I looked up at him and managed a weak half-smile. "I think I'm going to take you up on that offer to go to the hospital now."

"Why? What just happened?"

"I think my water broke."

Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Eleven