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Chapter Thirteen

"Come on Mandi, push, you can do it, come on baby." Lance held my hand tightly and tried coaching me. When we arrived at the hospital, we discovered that my water had, indeed broke, and that I was in active labor.

"I'm trying Lance, but I don't think I can anymore, it's getting too hard."

"Sure you can baby, you're almost there, come on, just a little while longer."

"I can't Lance, I just can't."

I leaned back against my pillow, completely exhausted. I had only been in labor an hour, but already I felt so weak. I couldn't understand what was happening. First I had gone into labor three months premature, and now I could barely get myself through the delivery. I saw Lance give a worried glance to the doctor, who motioned for him to follow her out of the room.

"No, Dr. Jameson, whatever has to be said can be said in front of me." I told her. I knew something was wrong, and I wanted to be a part of the conversation and know what was going on. The doctor looked at Lance as if asking him what to do, and I saw him giving her a nod to go ahead and just tell us what was wrong.

"Well, Mrs. Bass, you are hemorrhaging, a lot. The bleeding doesn't seem to want to stop, and on top of that, the fetal heart rates aren't looking all that good. At this point in time, I recommend we do and emergency Cesarean and get the babies delivered so we can start caring for them and at the same time, getting you to stop the bleeding."

I watched Lance's face as the news sank in, and I'm sure it must be a mirror of how I looked and also of how I felt. He looked down at me, unshed tears in his eyes, and squeezed my hand.

"It's up to you baby, it's your body and I'm not going to tell you what to do with it."

"What would happen if I would decide to stick it out awhile longer, or just plain not HAVE the surgery?" I asked Dr. Jameson. I pretty much knew the answer, but I wanted to hear it from her.

"We could end up losing the babies, or you even."

"How big of a risk is the surgery?"

"I'm not going to lie to you, your risk is great than that of the babies because of the complications you have been having. If we can't get the bleeding stopped, then we will lose you, but with the surgery, there's a better chance for the babies."

"Then do the surgery."

"Sweetheart, if it puts you at more of a risk, then maybe . . ."

"Lancey, I have to do this for my babies, I have to make sure they're all right."

As soon as I had given my permission, the medical staff went into action, prepping me for surgery. It was nonstop action for about 10 minutes as they got me ready. Right before they took me away, they allowed Lance back over with me for a few seconds.

"I'll see you in a little while baby girl. You and our gorgeous babies." He leaned down to gently kiss me and I grabbed his hand, looking up into his eyes.

"Promise me, that if I don't come out of this, you'll take good care of my babies."

"Don't talk like that, Mandi."

"Just promise me, please."

"I promise."

"If anything happens to me, don't let their father get them. Ask around and I'm sure you'll figure out who he is, tell them when they are older, just keep him from getting them. Promise."

"I promise you, but it's not something you'll have to worry about because you are going to come through just fine and we'll be raising the babies together. These two and dozens more of our own after them." He leaned down to kiss me again, but we were broken apart by the nurse wheeling me away. Before I was out of the room, I could hear Lance calling after me. "I love you baby girl."

I turned my head back so I could see him, and smiled at him before replying.

"I love you too."

Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Twelve