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Chapter Fifteen

"Ready to go, babe?"

I looked up from the small outfit lying on my hospital bed and saw Lance standing there, ready to take me home. I was being discharged, but I didn't want to go, I wanted to stay right where I was until both of my babies would be able to go with me. Justin would be coming home today, but Brianna wouldn't be discharged until the doctors were convinced she was strong enough.

"Not yet, they still have to bring Justin in to me so I can dress him." I had barely gotten the explination out of my mouth before a nurse in a starched white uniform came walking through the door, my baby in her arms.

"Somebody's ready for his mommy to take him home as soon as she's ready." The nurse said cheerily as she walked in and handed me my son.

"I'm ready, believe me I'm ready to get out of this place."

The nurse tried handing the baby to me, but Lance stepped in between us and took the baby in his own arms.

"I don't think so. Daddy's gonna get him ready to go home."

I smiled a little, the first time in nearly two days, as I watched Lance dress Justin. He was so careful, I could almost hear him thinking out the process, step by step, almost as if he were afraid the tiny body would break into a million pieces if he moved it wrong. Finally, when the sleeper was on, Lance carefully picked up the baby and placed him in my arms.

"I think it's time for someone to go see his mommy."

"I think so too, mommy can't get enough of holding him. He's gonna be his momma's boy, aren't you, precious?"

"Well, don't think you'll be holding him much today, everyone is coming over to the house to see him."

"What? Why? Can't we just have a day to ourselves?" I asked as I looked up at Lance in disappointment. "What we needed was a day to get used to being a family, me and him getting settled in, not a house full of people."

"I tried telling them that," Lance shrugged. "But they wouldn't listen. They'll be there when we get home, but I don't think any of them are going to stay long, they just wanted to see the baby."

I still wasn't happy with the idea as I sat in the wheelchair the nurse had waiting for me, but I decided not to say anything. Sometimes it was just easier to go along with what everyone had planned than to make a fuss, besides, I was in no mood to argue.

The half hour ride home from the hospital, I don't think Lance ever drove over 35 m.p.h. I told him several times that he could speed up, but he kept looking over at me as if I were nuts, and informed me that we had 'precious cargo' on board. I smiled a little at how sentimental and overly protective he was already being, I could tell already that he was going to be a good dad.

When we got back to the house, everyone was waiting outside, and immediately began to crowd around the car. Lance told them all to back off or he wasn't taking the baby out. That got them to move fast and they all went to wait inside. Lance wouldn't allow me to carry my bags inside, so I got Justin while he grabbed our stuff. When I got inside, I sat on the end of the couch and unwrapped the baby, allowing everyone their first glance at him. They all told me how beautiful he was and how much he resembled me, amidst all their compliments, I notice Lance in the doorway, a proud look on his face. We caught each other's eye and smiled, it was great to finally have our baby home.

Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Fourteen