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Chapter Sixteen

"Aw, look at her, she's so precious!" My best friend, Jane was sitting in the living room holding Brianna, who had just come home from the hospital that day. "It's strange though, Justin looks so much like you, Manda, he's got a lot of your features, but Brianna doesn't resemble you at all."

"She probably looks like her father, air head." Tracy, another one of my best friend's, and Jane's older sister, told her. "You know, not ALL babies look like their mother!"

"No, she doesn't look like Lance either. It's weird, most babies look at least somewhat like ONE of their parents, but she doesn't look like either of them. She does have some familiar features, but I can't decide who it is she looks like."

"You've gone nuts, Jane." I said nervously as I took my sleeping daughter from her arms. "She'll begin to look like one of us eventually, she's still just a baby."

"So's Justin, but you can certainly tell he's yours, he has the same dark hair as you, your eyes, and his mouth is shaped exactly like yours. Brianna has NOTHING, all she has is the dark hair, and even IT'S not quite the same, her's is darker than yours. Her facial features are all different too."

"Okay, that's it, this conversation is over now, it's a stupid conversation anyway. What difference does it make what she looks like anyway?"

"It doesn't, I was just commenting. Sheesh, Manda, bite my head off why don't you?"

"I'm sorry Jane, I didn't mean to snap, I guess it's just a protectively mother thing, I don't like to hear people talking about my baby.

"I didn't even say anything bad, just commenting on how she doesn't look like you."

"I know, and I'm sorry."

Eventually everyone began to slowly leave and drift home, leaving just Lance and me, and our beautiful babies. Justin was already asleep, but Brianna was still wide awake, so Lance offered to watch her for a little while so I could get ready for bed. As I stood in the shower, the warm water running down over me, I started thinking of the events from earlier in the day and tears began flowing down my face. Jane was right, she didn't look like me, and the thing that scared me is that Tracy had no idea how right she was when she said that Brianna probably looked like her father. She had all of his features, right down to the piercing blue eyes.

I knew he noticed, too, I saw him looking at her all day. For now I could brush it off, but I couldn't keep it hidden forever. People were going to realize sooner or later, and I could only hope it wouldn't be for quite sometime. If nothing else, I didn't want Lance to know, not yet anyway.

After I managed to compose myself, I got out of the shower and slipped on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, then walked downstairs. The sight that met me wiped away all thoughts of the days events and brought a smile to my face. There was Lance, asleep on the couch, Brianna's sleeping body resting on his chest, and one of his large hands covering her back to prevent her from rolling off and hitting the floor. I went over and gently removed his hand, then picked up my daughter and carried her into the nursery. Once up there, I couldn't bring myself to place her in the crib just yet, so instead I sat in the rocker and began rocking back and forth, all the while talking to her in a soft voice.

"You're gonna be my downfall, little one. I love you so much, but you'll be the one to get me caught. I'm surprised you didn't already. I figured if it would be any one to notice, Jane would. I thought for sure she'd be the one to notice how much you look like JC."

"Excuse me, what the hell did you just say?"

I spun my head around quickly and saw Lance standing in the door of the nursery, an unreadable expression on his face."

Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Fifteen