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Chapter Two

"Y . . . you . . . . you . . . you're WHAT?"

"Pregnant, ya know, as in I'm gonna have a baby."

"But, HOW?"

"Well, you see..."

"Never mind, I don't want the answer to that question. I think the better question would be, how could you LET yourself get pregnant?"

"I don't know, I'm just stupid?"

"You aren't stupid Mandi, you just made a mistake."

"Yeah, a big one."

"Do you love the guy?"

"The father you mean? At the time it happened, yes, I did, I loved him very much."

"Does he love you?"

"No. In fact he is with someone else, he was at the time, if you wanna know the truth. He had lied to me, told me he broke up with her. I let him smooth talk me, and that's how I ended up like this. I can't even count on him to help me, he doesn't want her to find out what happened between us."

"Who is he?"

"That's not important, Lance."

"I want to know who did this to you."

"No, I won't tell you. You'll hate me."

"I wouldn't hate you, I could never hate you. Please tell me who did this to you."

"No. I refuse."

"Tell me who, he can't do this, get you pregnant and then just walk out of your life."

"Lancey, please, I don't want to tell you, please don't make me." I had begun crying again and I pulled my knees up to my chest. I folded my arms across my knees and lay my head down, letting the tears drip onto my jeans. I felt Lance put his arms around me and pull me back into him.

"I'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean to make you cry, it just pisses me off that someone could use you like that. I love you and I don't want to see you hurt. I just want to protect you."

"I know you do, but you can't keep me from everything. I made a mistake, and now I'm paying for it."

"But you shouldn't be going through this alone, he should be helping you."

"We're better off without him. Someday I'll find someone who can love both me and the baby."

"I already do."

Chapter Three
Chapter One