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Chapter Five

"You're WHAT?"

Lance and I had just told the rest of the guys about our decision to get married. They were all pretty much in shock, none of them had ever suspected that we were in love with each other, at least not enough to get married. In a way I couldn't blame them, we had only realized it ourselves only a few days before.

"We're getting married," Lance repeated as he took my hand in his own.

"WHEN?" Joey asked us, looking between the two of us, completely confused.

"Well, we're going to have to do it soon. We'd like to have it done before the baby comes."

"Baby?" Now Joey seemed even more confused as he looked at us. "You mean, you're. . .?"

"Pregnant. Yes. Joey, I am. About a month along."

"I didn't realize the two of you had screwed."

"You have no tact do you Joey? We didn't SCREW, as you put it, we made love." I told him, it wasn't a complete lie, we had. He didn't need to know when, or the fact that that wasn't what had resulted in my pregnancy.

"Yeah, well, what ever you call it, the end product is still the same. Lance, I can't believe this, I never thought you'd be the first to get a girl knocked up."

"Yeah, well . . ." Lance blushed slightly at Joey's comment. I could see a slight tinge of pain in his eyes, knowing that, in fact, he HADN'T been the one to get me 'knocked up'.

"So, I take it you aren't having a big wedding?" Chris asked us.

"No, we're just gonna have a small ceremony. You guys and a few of my friends, and that's all."

"Wow, this is really sudden and unexpected. The two of you, getting married, and you're going to be parents on top of that? Wow, congratulations, especially to you Mandi, I know you're going to make a great mom."

Everyone began to congratulate us, but in the midst of it all, I could feel a pair of eyes on me. I looked over and, even though he was talking to Lance, he kept throwing glances my way. When he saw me looking at him, he made sure to make eye contact with me, and I could see the question in his eyes. I silently and subtly shook my head no and watched as a small smirk formed on his face. I could tell he was amused at the fact that he held a secret with me that not even my fiancee knew about. I couldn't take it anymore and I turned, burying my face into Lance's shoulder, willing myself not to cry.

"Are you okay, baby?"

I glanced up at Lance, faking happiness and enthusiasm. I knew if I acted like anything was out of the ordinary, he might become suspicious.

"Of course, I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?"

Chapter Six
Chapter Four