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Chapter Six

This is all i have for now, I'll probably have another chap soon, possibly by the end of the night, but i'm not sure. I promise i'll send it to ya as soon as i have it done.

"I can't believe I'm married," I sighed happily as I sunk down on the bed I now shared with Lance. "And I can't believe it only took two months."

"Well it did, and you are, baby." Lance said as he sat behind me and softly kissed my shoulder.

"I'm so glad the girls were able to fly down, I haven't seen them in so long."

"I think you shocked the hell out of them when they found out you were pregnant, especially the little blond one."

"Poor Amber, she's the innocent one of my friends, as far as she's concerned, I shouldn't have been having sex until AFTER I was married. But she was happy about the fact that I was 'doing the right thing and marrying the baby's father before it was born.'" I slightly rolled my eyes and looked back at Lance and noticed the hurt look on his face. "What's wrong baby?'

"Well, it's just that you DIDN'T do the right thing, because you didn't marry the baby's father, now did you?"

"No, I didn't, I married someone who loved me, someone who I love."

"But you must have loved him, too, or else you wouldn't have slept with him. I know you too well, and I know that you aren't the type to just have a meaningless one night stand."

"No, it wasn't a one night stand, I loved him very much, but he took advantage of me and hurt me."

"What happened? You won't tell me who he is, you won't tell me what happened that you got yourself into the situation to get pregnant. I just want some answers, honest ones. If you truly love me, you'll give me at least that much."

"Well, one night he called me and told me that he had just broken up with B .. . . uh, his girlfriend, and asked me to come over, he said he needed someone to talk to. He sounded so lost, so upset, I went over to his house and stayed up with him all night, just talking, and holding him while he cried. After that, I started spending more time with him and we became really close, when I look back on it now, I realize that I was beginning to fall in love with him. One night we were at my house, watching TV when he looked at me and told me how beautiful I was and that he loved me. No guy had ever told me that before . . . I trusted him so much, I would have trusted him with my life, I never thought that he would be lying to me. It was about a week or so later that I found out he was still with B . . . his girlfriend. They had never broken up, it had just been a lie so that he could get to me."

"I don't know who the hell this guy is, although I wish I did, but what a jerk. I can't believe someone would use you like that. This guy must be something else."

"Yeah, I guess you could say that."

"I just wish you would tell me who this guy is, I want to know."

"It's not that important, just please, stop asking me."

Lance turned me around to face him and looked deep into my eyes. He must have seen the pain and regret on my face, because he simply nodded and pulled me into him.

"I'll stop asking, for now, because I don't want to upset you. But, I want you to know that when you feel ready to tell me, I'll listen, and I promise I won't judge you."

I knew that in his heart he honestly believed that, but in my heart I knew, that if he ever found out, I would lose him. There was no way he could possibly be able to even look at me again after finding out who had fathered my baby.

Chapter Seven
Chapter Five