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Chapter Eight

"BOTH? You mean TWINS?" I stared up at the doctor in shock, not sure if I was hearing her right or not.

"Yes I do, it looks as if you're going to be a mommy of two instead of one."

"Oh my gosh, WOW." I looked up at the screen, trying to distinguish my two babies. I looked over at Lance and saw him also staring intently at the screen, trying to see the two separate bodies. "Twins, Lancey, there's two of them in there."

He glanced down at me, a huge smile on his face. The look on his face was one of pure happiness. He took my hand in his own and gave it a light squeeze.

"I know, baby, I know."

Lance looked back at the screen, still in wonder and amazement. He had been so excited when there was only one, and I could tell this news was even more thrilling to him. Ever since he had found out I was pregnant, there had always been a slight look of sadness in his eyes at any mention of the baby. Now, though, all pain was erased, and his face lit up as he looked at the black and white blur that was my twins.

After printing out a sheet depicting the babies, the doctor told me I was free to go. As I walked out to the car, I was still in such a state of shock that I could hardly think straight. I slid into the passenger's seat and smiled over at Lance as he got in beside me.

"Well, what do you think?"

"Two . . . there's going to be two. Twice the diapers, twice the clothes, twice the crying . . ."

"Twice the love, twice the laughter, twice the smiles. My family has twins in it, and they are two of the most adorable little girls you've ever seen. I've always wanted twins, and now I'm having them, my dream is coming true!"

"As long as you're happy, that's what matters."

"I am happy, I truly am."

"Ya know, we're really going to have to start thinking about names, especially now that we have to come up with more!"

"Well, I know of at least one that I'm definitely using if either twin is a boy, and I have a couple of girls names that I like, but only if you agree with them."

"Oh yeah, and what would those be?"

"Well, if either one of them is a boy, I'm using the name Justin. As for the girls names, I really like Brianna Jordan and also the name Jonali . . . if either one of those is okay with you, if not, I'm sure we can find something we agree on. The only name I absolutely refuse to budge on is the one for a boy, I love that name."

"Oh, really?"


"Any particular reason?"

I glanced at Lance out of the corner of my eye and noticed the thoughtful, yet worried expression he wore on his face. I knew what he was thinking and I sighed to myself, wishing things would be easier. I should have known it would come to this, that he'd start suspecting everyone he knew.

"Oh, just a guy I had a crush on once, the name stuck in my head."


I noticed him give one last, pained glance over at me before turning his attention to the road and I could tell he didn't believe me. I silently sighed again before staring out my own window. As I watched the road go by, I couldn't help but wish things weren't so complicated, and at the same time knowing that it was all my own fault.

Chapter Nine
Chapter Seven