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Chapter Nine

"Okay, you aren't peeking are you?"

"How could I be? You're hands are over my eyes. I mean, really Lance, is this necessary?"

"Yes it is, so humor me. Ready?"

"Yes, I'm ready."

Lance took his hands away from my face and I gasped in surprise. I was standing in the middle of the nursery which had, only weeks before, been empty are bare. Now there were two cribs on one side of the room, a changing table, and a rocking chair. The walls had been painted a pale cream color, and now held stick-ons of Baby Looney Tunes.

"Oh my gosh, Lance!"

"So you like it?"

"Yes, it's perfect."

"That's not the end of your surprise, either."

"There's more? What did I ever do to deserve you?"

"He had nothing to do with the other part of it." A voice behind me spoke up. I spun around and saw five of my best friends standing in the doorway.

"OH MY GOSH!!!!! What are you guys doing here?" I ran over and hugged all of my friends in one giant group hug.

"We wanted to surprise you," Jane answered me. "Did it work?"


"We're gonna help you finish getting things ready for the babies. We'll be here until after they're born."

"But, I still have three months left."

"Yeah, and a lot to do before then. But don't worry, we're here to help."

"Oh my gosh, you guys are the greatest! Thank you!"

"It's the least we can do, besides, we want to make sure our nieces or nephews get the best. Now, the first thing we need to do is some shopping, you got a car that can hold all of us?"

"Yup, just got a van about a week ago, c'mon, let's go."

We all piled into the van Lance and I had gotten and headed to the nearest mall. Us girls spent the entire day doing nothing but baby shopping, and by the time we got home at about nine that evening, we were all worn out and piled down with tons of shopping bags.

Chapter Ten
Chapter Eight