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Chapter Fourteen

After all the pictures were picked up off the floor and put away, I slipped on my shoes and walked outside. The rain was starting to fall, but it was very light. ‘Where is he?’ I thought to myself as I walked down the pavement. It was starting to worry me that he hasn’t come back yet. Maybe he was starting to have second thoughts about what he did...maybe he regrets everything we’ve done together...

I walked into the office of the motel and walked up to the front desk. An elderly woman sat there. “Do you want a room?” she asked.

“No, I already have one.”

“Do you need some towels or anything?”

“No, but can I ask you a question?” I asked as I lightly tapped my fingers on the desk.


“Have you seen a man walk in here or by here?”

“Yes, about three hours ago, he got a room.”

“Okay, thank you,” I said as I realized that she was talking about Chris when he got a room for us, “is there anywhere around here that someone would hang out at?”

“Yes, you could go to the convenience store across the street, the old movie theater a few doors down from there, or the diner that’s farther down the rode.”

“Thank you very much.”

“You’re welcome.”

I walked out of the office and walked across the street. He might be getting some groceries or something. Once I was inside, I immediately noticed the small crowd over at the back of the store. I walked over to there to see what the matter was and saw that they were looking at birds for sale.

I walked back outside and walked over to the old movie theater. The place was very run down. I walked in and looked at the schedules for the movies. None of the start for another hour and the last movie that ran ended an hour ago.

As I walked outside, the rain began to get harder and the wind increased. A sudden chill ran down my spine. I ran over to the diner and stopped as I looked into the huge bay window. It felt like everything in my whole body stopped. I didn’t notice that the rain was pelting down with greater force or the wind blow so hard that it was knocking things over. All I could see is Chris and Dani embraced in a kiss.

A bolt of lightning flash above me, knocking me into reality. I turned and ran as fast as I could. I slipped near the motel and fell hard onto the road. I just sat there for awhile, crying so hard that my whole entire body shook.

I felt someone pick me up off the road and help me over to the veranda of the motel. He sat me down onto a chair and wrapped a towel around me.

“Miss, are you alright?” he asked.

I looked up and saw the most incredible blue eyes I’ve ever seen. I blinked a few times to make sure that I wasn’t dreaming. He reached over and wiped the tears from my face.

“I...I don’t know,” I stuttered as I answered him.

“My name is David,” he said as he sat down into a chair next to mine, and you’re too beautiful to be crying.”

“Thank you,” I said softly, ”my name is Jennifer.”

“Do you have a room here Jennifer?”


“Do you want me to help you to your room?”

“Yes please,” I said as I stood up. He put his arm around my shoulder as we walked to my room. “Thank you for everything,” I said as we reached my room.

“How long are you staying for?” he asked.

“I think I’m going to leave now, I just wanna go home,” I said and looked down.

He lifted my chin up gently with his hand and said, “I would like to see you again Jennifer.”

“But I live so far away.”

“Where do you live?”

“Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.”

“That’s not too far for me.”

“I should get going, I want to be out of here before...” I said, but came to a loss of words.

“Before what? Do you have a boyfriend?”

“No, but I did have someone here with me but its too long of a story.”

“Maybe one day you’ll tell me.”

“If we see each other again.”

“Answer me two more question before you go.”


“First question, what is your last name?”


“And the second question is, would you ever want to see me again?”

“Yes I would,” I said and smiled shyly.

“Good,” he said and smiled back at me. He walked backwards for a few steps, then turned around. Every few steps, he turned around and glanced at me still smiling until he disappeared behind a corner.

I slipped my key into the door and quickly got my things together. I stood by the door and debating whether or not I should leave a note. I decided not to and I ran out to my car. I threw my suitcase in there and ran over to the office. I turned in my key and informed them that I was leaving but the other person in my room was still going to be staying there.

The rain was still pouring as I drove away. I wanted to leave my whole past behind me, but I knew that I couldn’t. I didn’t really want to go home because I didn’t want to face what I did to Austin, but I have to. Hopefully everyone will be able to forgive me for what I did.


Two Months Later

‘No, it can’t be right,’ I thought to myself. I could feel the tears flowing as I realized what I am now. My head started to spin as I grasped the bathroom sink. “No,” I said aloud, “please make it be a mistake. Please God, I’m begging you.”

I stumbled backwards and slammed hard into the wall. I clutched my stomach as I slid down to the floor. I pulled my legs up to my chest and cradled myself back and forth. How could this happen? I’m not ready for this.

I felt my head throb in pain as the world around me spun. I felt myself black out as my body fell to the floor.

I’m pregnant.

Chapter Thirteen