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Chapter Three

"Lance, we need to talk, please." I walked into our bedroom where he was laying on the bed, watching television. He briefly glanced over at me before turning his attention back to the show that was on, never saying a thing to me. I walked over and turned the television off, before turning back to him.

"What the hell did you do that for? I was watching that!" I could tell he wasn't happy, but I didn't care. This had all been going on for too long, and i wanted to put a stop to it.

"I said, we need to talk."

"Like hell we do, I have nothing to say to you."

"Then don't say anything, just listen."

"No, I'm in no mood to listen to any of your lame ass excuses."

"Baby, this has been going on long enough, we can't continue living like this forever."

"I said I don't want to talk about it, now let it rest."

"NO! Lance, look at us, look at our marriage. I'm your wife and you haven't been able to bring yourself to even touch me in almost three months."

"And who's fault is that?"

I sighed as I looked down on the bed at him. He had a point, but I had made a mistake, I was human after all. It wasn't fair of him to keep pointing this out to me and allowing it to ruin what we had.

"I know, it's my fault, but we need to get past that. You used to love me so much. Or at least I thought you did. If you had loved me half as much as I believed you did, then you would be trying to work this whole mess out, not drag it out the way you are."

"Yeah, you're right, I DID love you dammit, I loved you so much it hurt. And what's more, I TRUSTED you. So what did you do? You screwed one of my best friends."

"But at the time, I didn't KNOW you loved me. God knows if I did, none of it would have happened. I never wanted to hurt you the way that I have. Do you have any idea what this is doing to me, knowing how badly I've hurt the person that means more to me than life itself, the one man on the face of the earth who has ever loved me for ME?"

"Huh, guess you should have thought of that BEFORE you screwed him, now shouldn't you have?"

"HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO GO OVER THIS? I didn't KNOW before, so how the hell could I have THOUGHT of it?"

"Maybe if you weren't such a selfish little bitch, you would have realized. But you were to concerned for yourself, and too busy whoring around, that you couldn't be bothered to notice anything beyond your own little life."

"You asshole! I can't believe you just said that to me."

"Well, you better believe it because I said it, and I meant every word of it."

"Ya know what, obviously this marriage doesn't mean as much to you as it does to me. I love you more than anything else I can imagine, but that means nothing to you. Well, I'm sick of it, I'm out of here. I'll be back later to get my things and to get the babies."

"Go ahead and leave then, I don't really care. I don't care if you ever come back at all."

I ran out of the house, and to my car, his hateful words haunting me. I tore out of the driveway as quickly as I could, and took off down the street. By the time I had drive a mile, tears were building up in my eyes, blurring my vision, and that's what caused me to not see the truck coming at me head on, until after it was too late.

Chapter Four
Chapter Two