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Chapter Four

"Amanda, wake up, you have to get better, please."

"Manda, you have to snap out of this, we all miss you."

"Manda, come on, those babies need you, open your eyes."

I could hear people around me, but I couldn't get my eyes open to look at them. I knew Sheena, Tracy, and Erin were there, along with all of the guys. I wanted so badly to tell them to stop worrying, that I was okay, but I couldn't form words. Time was an illusion to me, I had no idea how long it had been since the accident. For all I knew, it had been only a few hours, or it could have been days. All I knew was the urgency I heard in the voices around me, begging me to wake up.

In all the people I heard talking to me, only one voice truly mattered and made me want to open my eyes. He would come in the room and I could feel his presence beside me, sitting for a few moments before he would actually speak. He would take my hand in his, rubbing his fingertips lightly over my arm, then he would talk to me.

"Baby, you have to wake up. I'm so sorry about the way I've been acting, I love you, truly I do. It was just such a shock, and I couldn't make myself face it. I promise you, if you come out of this, we'll work it out. I don't want to lose you, I realize that now. I didn't mean it when I told you I didn't care if you ever came back, I regretted those words the minute you walked out the door, and I'm regretting them even more now. Just please come back to me Mandi, please. I love you."

It was the first time in three months I had heard him say those words to me. I had begun to think that I would never hear them again, at least not from him. Now, here he was, pouring his heart out to me, the one thing I had been hoping and praying for, ever since that day. But was he doing it out of sincerity and true love? Or was it just out of worry, a reaction that in reality, meant nothing?

'Oh, Lance,' I thought. 'How can I be sure if you mean it? If only I could wake up, see your eyes, then I'd know if you were telling the truth.'

I had always been able to tell exactly what he was thinking, just by looking in his eyes. That was how I had been able to tell these past months just exactly how upset he was. He may have been able to hide it from the others, but to me, his eyes had always given him away.

If only I could just open MY eyes.

Chapter Five
Chapter Three