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Chapter Five

I slowly opened my eyes, and looked around the room, blinking and trying to see clearly. Lance was sitting right next to my bed, gazing off into space, his hand resting on the bed next to me. I gently reached out, taking his hand into my own. He jumped, glanced down at our hands, which were now intertwined, and then looked up at me. At first there was a slight expression of shock on his face when he saw me gazing back at him, then a huge smile spread across his face.

"Baby, you're awake. Oh my gosh, you had me so worried, I never thought I was going to see your eyes again."

"I'm okay," I managed to choke out. My throat was so dry, and my voice so scratchy, I wondered if he was even able to hear me.

"I have to go inform the nurses that you're awake, and go tell the others, they've been here all week, worried sick about you. I'll be right back baby girl." Before he left, he leaned down over the bed, and kissed me gently. It was the first sign of affection I'd had from him in so long, that it almost brought tears to my eyes. For so long I had thought that I would never again have the love of my husband and now, here he was, acting like he loved me again. I was so afraid to be hopeful, scared to death that it was all an act and that I was just setting myself up to be hurt again.

A few minutes after Lance left the room, a nurse came bustling in. She hurried around me and began checking my vitals. After she was satisfied that everything seemed normal, she looked down at me, a soft smile on her face.

"Well, Mrs. Bass, you seem to be a miracle. We honestly didn't think you were going to come out of it."

"How long was I like that?"

"A week and two days. There was a bit of head trauma, and a slight swelling of the brain. The doctor thought for sure you weren't coming out of it, and if you did, there would be severe brain damage, but you seem to be fine. I think you've got a guardian angel looking out for you."

"I do, my Grandpa's watching over me."

"Someday when you see your Grandpa again, you need to be sure to give him a huge hug, he must have been working overtime for you this past week."

"I will, oh believe me I will. It would have been a bad time for me to go anyway, I have a lot of things left to live for."

"I'm glad to hear that, and I think one of those things is waiting impatiently in the hall. I'm going to go ahead and go now, so he can have you back." She quickly breezed out of the room, and a moment later, Lance was standing there.

He made no attempt to move towards me at first. We both just looked at each other, trying to read the expressions in the others eyes. Finally he slowly walked over next to my bed. He sat on the chair and reached up to take my hand before looking at me, and then opening his mouth to speak.

"Amanda, there are some things I need to say to you. We need to talk."

Chapter Six
Chapter Four