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Chapter Eight

"Amanda, pack yourself enough clothes for a week and be ready to go in half an hour."

I looked up from the book I was reading as Lance came breezing into the living room and started throwing around orders at me. In the month since I came home from the hospital, things hadn't changed much, he was treating me better, but the intimacey still wasn't there. That was the part I missed the most, him holding me, touching me, kissing me.

"Excuse me?"

"I said be ready to go in half an hour, and have enough clothes to last you a week."

"And just why should I?"

"Because, I'm treating you to a weeks long vacation, that's why."

"But the babies . . . "

"Will be just fine. Shi and Trevor are going to stay here and watch them."

"But, they're still so young, I can't just take off and leave them for a week."

"Amanda, they are five months old, they will be fine without you for a few days, I promise." Lance knelt down in front of me and took my hands in his, a soft expression on his face. "Baby, please, we haven't had any time alone together since the twins were born. We both need this. Not only do we need a break, but we need time together, to try and get things back the way they used to be. I think it will be good for us if we do this."

When he put it that way, I couldn't say no. After all, I had been the one who was fighting and pushing for our marriage all those months. Now, it seemed that he wanted to try and work things out. If he truly and honestly wanted things to go back to what it had been, then I at least owed it to him to try.

"Where are we going?"

"I can't tell you, I want it to be a surprise."

"Well, at least tell me what kind of clothes I should bring. Dressy, casual, warm, cold? What?"

"Well, jeans and T-shirts should cover it, maybe a sweater or two for in the evening. You won't need any dress clothes, because I don't plan on us going out to many places. If I have my way, we won't even be leaving our room much. Oh, and a bathing suit will be a good thing to have."

"Okay, I'll be ready as soon as I can."

"Half an hour and we're leaving, ready or not."

"Okay, okay, half an hour then."

I set to work packing my suitcase, wondering what he had in store for me. He had never planned a surprise for me, not even when everything was so wonderful and we were still getting along. I only hoped that this vacation would be a catalyst in saving our marriage.

Chapter Nine
Chapter Seven