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Chapter Nine

"Mandi, baby, wake up." I heard Lance's soft voice and felt him gently rub his hand across my face. As I opened my eyes I looked around and blinked a few times, trying to focus.

"Huh, what? What's going on?"

"We're here baby girl."

I looked out of the car window and saw that we were parked in front of a small cabin. It seemed that we were in the woods somewhere, and I could see a body of water beyond the building.

"Where IS here?"

"Just a little place I found on the internet. It boasted about it's beautiful lake, and since I know how much you love the water, I rented it."

I got out of the car and stretched my legs, all the while looking around me. The scenery was beautiful, all of the trees were so green, and the sun was just beginning to set, casting a gorgeous shadow on the lake.

Lance walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder. We stood that way for about five minutes, both of us just gazing around us, gazing at our breath taking surroundings. Finally he kissed me gently on the cheek and turned back towards the car to gather our things.

"Come on baby, let's go inside and see what it's like in there."

I joined him in unloading the car, then silently followed him into the cabin. It was so gorgeous from the inside, and HUGE as well. There was a large living room, a fairly decent sized kitchen, and a little dining area.

We walked through the living room, and down a little hallway to a door at the end of the hall. Lance opened the door and it gave way to the most beautiful bedroom I had ever seen. A king sized bed was positioned in the center of the large room, with bed side dressers on either side, as well as a large dresser in the corner.

Lance dropped his bags on the floor and immediatly went to flop across the bed. He kicked off his shoes and flung his legs up on the bed, then held open his arms to me. I slowly walked across the room and laid down next to him as he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to him.

It was the first time in month that we had been that close to each other, and I basked in the feeling of being in his arms again. I had almost forgotten what it felt like to have him hold me, and I closed my eyes, wanting to remember the feeling, just in case I didn't feel it again for a while. As I was laying there, I felt him shift next to me, and almost cried out in fear that he was leaving me. Before I could, however, I felt his lips on mine and my eyes flew open in shock.


"Baby girl, I'm so sorry for the way I treated you, please believe that. This week is my way of proving to you that I still love you, I've never stopped loving you. I plan on showing you that in every way that I know how until I can make you see it." With that he once again gently pressed his lips on mine and maneuvered himself so his body was resting on top of mine. I closed my eyes again and slowly slid my arms around him. It had been so long since there had been any kind of physical contact between the two of us, too long actually, and I was loving every moment of this.

For that first day of our vacation, Lance and I stayed in that room, holding each other, talking, and finally, making love for the first time in three long months.

Chapter Ten
Chapter Eight