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Chapter One

“OK I’ll see you tomorrow, bye.”

When Samantha got off the phone with her friend, she finished packing. Sam and her friend Lisa were going to California for the summer to stay with Sam’s sister and her husband. Sam’s sister definitely had enough rooms for Sam’s whole family to stay in.

“Imagine a whole summer with my best friend and without my stupid parents,” Sam said to herself.

The next morning, Sam woke up and got dressed in a pair of jeans and a shirt. She brushed her shoulder length dark brown hair. Then, she put on her baby-blue Adidas sneakers. She got her bags and went downstairs.

“As usual. . . . . . . .no one’s home. . . . . . wait, it’s Friday morning. . . . . . no one’s supposed to be home. . . . . “

Then, she heard a honk. She, again, got her bags, but this time she went outside. It was Lisa’s mom and Lisa in the seat next to her.

“Hey!” Lisa called out.
“Hey. . . . .”
“Lemme help you with your bags.”
“Why do you have so many bags, Lisa?”
“Cuz you said to try to bring only carry-ons, so I did.”
“You’re such a crackhead.”
“I know.”

As they drove to the airport, they put the volume of the radio up. But when Nsync came on, Lisa knew to switch the station. When they got to the airport, they went to their gate and waited about 20 minutes. When there was about 10 minutes left till they boarded, Lisa went to get candy. When she came back, Sam was in shock.

“Oh my God. . . . . “
“Is that Britney Spears?”
“Oh my God, it is!”
“Let’s go curse her off!”
“What?! Wait. . . . .who’s that guy? Is she with another guy?”
“What!? Where?!----------------------No, that’s only Justin. . . .” Sam said glumly.
“Hello. . . . .?! It’s JUSTIN!”
“OH, right. It’s Justin. So what?”
“Go curse him off, stupid.”
“Don’t you mean both of them?”
“Wait I know what to do. I’ll go ask something stupid about the flight to the lady by the counter, and I’ll check if it’s them.”
“Yea, good idea.”
“OK, here I go.”

Sam was extremely nervous walking up to the counter, but still managed not to make a fool of herself.

“Um, excuse me. . . .”
“Yes, ma’am. . . . How may I help you?” the woman asked sweetly.
“Can you just check my tickets to see if everything’s OK?”

Sam quickly glanced at the two people who were “Justin and Britney.” It was them all right, and they were cuddling and kissing.

“Excuse me, ma’am. . . . “ that broke Sam out of her trance.
“Oh I’m sorry, what were you saying?”
“I was actually going to tell you that someone else has your seat numbers, and they got them first, however, there is good news. There are two seats in first class that haven’t been bought, you can take those.”
“Do I have to pay extra for them?”
“No, because it was the airline’s mistake that the seats were double-booked.”
“Are they next to each other?”
“OK, we’ll take them.”
Sam walked back and explained everything to Lisa. As they started to call up first class, Sam and Lisa got their stuff.

“Oh joy we’re behind Justin and the Beast. This is great. I finally get to meet some of my favorite Disney characters.

As Sam listened to what they were saying to each other, she made comments about everything they said, loud enough for them to hear. And she could tell they were getting annoyed. So she kept on doing it. Finally, they got so annoyed that Britney turned around.

“Excuse me, but can you please shut up?” Britney said very rudely.
“Excuse me, but can you please stop singing or get some talent, can you please start wearing more clothes, cuz Lord knows you have enough money to. Can you please disappear off the face of the earth? NO! I didn’t think you could do all those things. So when you actually do, that’s when I’ll shut up, but it looks like I won’t have to shut up for a while. So why don’t you turn your nasty, silicone-infested, slutty, trampy, I’ll-hump-myself-if-it’ ll-mean-I’ll-stay-famous, body around.”

Much to Sam’s happiness, it seemed that Britney and Justin had completely different flights. As Sam and Lisa got closer to their seats, Sam noticed curls sticking up behind one of the seats.

“Oh crud. . . . we have accommodations next to the lovely, curly-haired prick. . . . “

Justin heard this, and of course was pissed-off at this point. But he decided to keep it to himself. When Lisa and Sam put their carry-ons in the compartments, Sam accidentally dropped her CD player on Justin’s foot.

“Oh my God! I’m so sorry!”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“It was an accident. I swear.”
“OK, whatever. . . . “
“And excuse me? Did you just use the ‘F’ word? I don’t think you’d want the media to know that you have such a temper. I mean, I’d say that that would ruin your career, but you’re already dating Hooker-Satan.”
“You need help. A lot of help. And you shouldn’t judge people by what you hear. You’re just jealous that she’s da------. . . . . . . . nothing, forget it.”
“Were you just about to say that I’m jealous because she’s dating you? Ha! Looks like you’re blind, stupid, a jerk, and your ego is bigger than the size of Australia.”
“How old are you?”
“Why do you wanna know?”
“Cuz I’m curious.”
“If I got a dime for every time I heard that, I’d be richer than you and your porn star wannabe of a girlfriend put together.”
“Really. . . .?” Justin asked in a nonchalant way.
“But you didn’t answer my question.”
“I just turned 15 in May. Are you happy?”
“You’re pretty bitchy for a 15-year-old.”
“That’s what you think.”
“Why do you hate her so much?”
“Now, THAT’S none of your business.”
“OK. Fine.”
“I know this is not at all any of my business and I’m sorry, but I don’t think you guys’ll last.”
“What?! That’s none of your damn business!”
“I said sorry.”
“And why don’t you think we’ll last?”
“Because your relationship is so cliché. It’s not even funny.”
“What?! No, it’s not.”
“Yea it is. I wouldn’t be surprised if you were pressured into dating her because that’s the way the media saw it. But I feel your pain. At least half of it.”
“That’s dumb. I care about her.”
“Care enough about her not to stand up for her when someone’s making fun of her? I thought you said that when something negative is said about her, you take more offense to it than she does, in Teen People. But that was all bullshit to make yourself look like a good guy and a good boyfriend, right? I’m sure, that as soon as she read that article, she thanked you VERY kindly, if ya know what I mean. . . . . “
“You’re a physco. . . . .you do know that, right?”
”Can I ask you a question?”
“Is it something that a normal human-being would ask?”
“Excuse me, but in the words of my 8th grade math teacher, ‘The only bad question is the question not asked’. So kiss my ass. . . “
“Geez. . . . ya know I hear Disney’s looking for an eighth dwarf: ‘Bitchy’.”
“Oh did you tell Britney about that? Well since, ya know, her career’s down the shit-hole anyway, I think it’s sweet that you’re helping her out.”
“Ha ha. . . . real funny, bitch.”
“Is that my new name?”
“Yea. . . that fits you just right.”
“Look, I find the fact that such a talented, good-looking, charming, sweet, polite, kind guy; other circumstances, of course, such as yourself is dating someone as disgusting as Hooker-Satan. I mean, I don’t know if anyone’s told you this to your face, but it’s about time they did. Justin, you can do better. A lot better. Hell, just for the sake of my daily intake of Britney dissing, a lab-rat on crack could do better than Britney. Face it. Open your eyes. Wake up and smell the stale silicone implants.”
“Whoa. . . did I just hear what I think I heard? You called me good-looking? You like me. . . “
“What?! OK, take it easy there, little fella. . . . . I said you were good-looking, not I wanna marry you, K?”
“Yea, whatever. Admit it. You have a crush on me. . . “
“Oh Lord. . . . . this is what happens when you give someone as yourself, a complement. . . .”
“Look, I think it’s cute. . . “
“Ya know what?”
“It’d be cuter if it was true. . . . “
“Whatever. Hey, what was your question?”
“Oh, I just wanted to know why you think I’m such a physco or why you think I’m weird.”
“Oh, well, basically, not to sound big-headed, but you’re the only girl your age I’ve met that hasn’t jumped my bones. That seemed pretty weird to me.”
“So I just swept you off your feet...?”

*Justin starts to fake cry*

“ Yea. . . cuz you’re the wind beneath my wings. . .

Justin said as he pretended to cry.

Then he leaned in for a hug. Sam was taken aback by his forwardness.

“I love you Justin. . . Promise to never let go. . . “ Sam continued on with the charade.
“I promise I’ll never let go. . . I’ll never let go. . . “

When Sam and Justin were hugging, Sam could smell Justin’s cologne. It gave her that feeling inside. It was a feeling that she hadn’t gotten inside for years. Now, she felt it again. She was scared. She didn’t want that feeling. That feeling caused her an immense amount of pain; physical and emotional.

“Dude. What are you wearing? It smells good. . .”
“Well, even though I know you were trying to rape my shitty fro, and I’m now officially frightened, I’m wearing ‘Pleasures’.”
“For men?”
“No, ‘Pleasures’ for women,” Justin responded sarcastically.
“Gee Justin. . . I didn’t know your boat floated on that river. . . “
“You need help. . .”
“OK. Sure. Well, now that my new name is bitch, I can finally call you my name that I’ve had for you for the past year or so. . .”
“What’s my name. . .?” Justin asked, almost scared to find out.
“Bitch boy.”
“What?! That’s weak. You bit off mine!”
“Look, Elmo, take it easy. First: I had ‘bitch boy’ even before I met your bitch boy ass, K? Second: Would you rather prefer something along the lines of ‘man-whore’?”
“Wait. . . Where’d Elmo come from? Isn’t that Joey?”
“Yea, so? I mean sure, Joey used to have the red hair, he sounds kinda like Elmo, he looks cuddly like Elmo, but when I look at you and think ‘Elmo’, it clicks.”
“Ummm. . . . . Okaaaaay. . . . “
“I’m weird, I know and I don’t care.”
“You don’t care at all?”
“No, and you shouldn’t care either.”
“What makes you think that I do care?”
“How you’re always changing your hair and style. . .”
“What?! I change myself because change is good.”
“No, you change yourself because you’re insecure that if, God forbid, you stay with a certain style for too long, people might stop liking you.”
“That’s not true. . .”
“Yes, it is.”
“No, it’s not.”
“Yes, it is.”
“Yes. Wait! You tricked me, Bitch!”
“No, you fell for it. That means that it’s true.” “Prove it. . . . .”
“You said that you have a shitty fro. . .”
“I happen to like your hair. Even more when it’s au natural.”
“And by that you mean. . . . . . ?”
“I mean I like your fro when it’s all big and poofy. Ya know? Like the ‘I just got outta bed’ look?”
“Ohhhh. . . . Yeah, Britney said that she didn’t like that, so I had to cut it.”
“So, Britney didn’t like it?”
“I’m sorry. . . “
“For what?”
“For bothering you. I won’t talk to you for the rest of the flight.”
“What?! Why?! I like your company.”
“So now you like my company, huh?”
“Yeah. Why would you wanna leave me alone, anyway?”
“Cuz, I guess if you love someone enough, you’ll actually chop off your hair. That’s what you would do for someone you love.” “Wanna hear the truth?”
“I was gonna get my hair cut anyway, so when she told me to, it looked like I loved her so much that I would actually cut my infamous fro for her.”
“Yea. . . “
“Cool. . .”
“I’ll grow it out for you if you want. . . “
“Why would you do that for me ?”
“I dunno. . . Cuz I feel like it.”
“But you don’t even know my name. . . “
“Wait. . .You’re right. . . What’s your name?”
“Haha. . . Samantha, but just call me Sam.”
“OK. Now I can grow out my fro for you.”
“Yea. Why are you so happy? Are you a fan?”
“Well, of your music, and plus I see you guys everywhere so I like to see you at least good-looking.”
“Are you not a fan of us?”
“Well, I don’t really know the others. So, I don’t know.”

Chapter Two