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Chapter Two

Then, for hours on end Justin and Sam talked. Both were interested, but both also knew that they had to keep their relationship a mere friendship. Finally, during the last hour of the flight, Justin and Sam switched numbers. Justin told her he was going to be staying in some big house in Beverly Hills with the rest of the guys, and Sam would be staying with her sister in North Hollywood.

When they got off the plane, Chris was sitting by the gate waiting for Justin.

"Dude, it's about damn time..." Chris said.
"Take it easy man. I want you to meet someone."
"Look Justin, I've already met Britney, and no offense, but I don't wanna meet her again."

Chris heard laughing behind Justin.

"No, man. I want you to meet my new friends, Sam and Lisa."
"Oh...hey you guys."

"So, Justin, what do you mean by 'friends'?"
"Whoa there, Mr. Joke Man, Bitch Boy and I are just friends.."
"Bitch Boy?"
"Yeah, that's what she calls me now. But it's all good, cuz I just call her Bitch."
"OK, you guys are weird."
"Look, Sam, I gotta go, but you better call me, OK?"
"Later, Bitch...."

"What just happened, Sam?"
"Hello..." Sam answered confused.
"You guys talked during the whole flight!"
"It was a six hour flight!!!"
"OK, so? Come know how much emotional shit I've gone through for 'you-know-what'."
"Yeah. But I meant tell me what you guys were talking about, stupid!"

Once Sam and Lisa got to Sam's sister's house, they just hung out for a while. They talked all night and finally went to sleep.

Chapter Three
Chapter One