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Chapter Three

The next morning Sam woke up to a face she knew she recognized. The face had a head full of small curls. Once Sam comprehended who the face belonged to, she jumped out of bed.

"What the hell?!"
"Whoa there," Lisa said.
"What are you doing? Trying to kill me?" Sam asked as she pointed to the picture of Justin that Lisa held in her hands.
"I don't think you would die if you saw Justin's face."
"Why did you do something that dumb?"
"Just to see what you would do if your Loverboy was really standing here."
"He's not my Loverboy!"
"Yes he is."
"No he isn't."
"Yes he is. And you know why?"
"No, please fill me in."
"Because you'll make him your Loverboy. You'll probably use your little sarcastic remarks, your sharp wit, your humor, and your tomboy-ness to lure him in."
"Well, I do have all those qualities, but that doesn't mean he's my Loverboy."
"Whatever. Just hurry up. Loverboy and his friends are coming to pick us up."
"Yeah, we're going to Disneyland."
"Wait, why was I not made aware of this sooner?"
"Because you just woke up, and I didn't wanna go near you any sooner than that."
"Oh, OK. Now get out so I can get ready."

Sam threw on a shirt, a pair of baggy capris, and sneakers. As soon as she got downstairs, the doorbell rang. Lisa answered it.

"Oh, hey Loverb-----um, I mean Justin."
"Hey. Are you guys ready?"
"Yeah. Sam's just in the bathroom taking a little tinkle."
"I'm ready! By the way, Lisa, I heard that."
"Great, we can get going then," Lisa said trying to change the subject.

After everyone got introduced, they left. During the long ride there, everyone noticed that Sam and Justin had hit it off. Once they got there, they were inseparable.


Weeks Later:

Justin and Sam had gone out many times, but only as friends. Justin wanted them to stay friends because of him and Britney. Unfortunately, Sam didn't feel the same, but she kept her feelings to herself.

Soon, it was time for Sam and Lisa to leave California. The night before they left, Sam and Justin had gone out to a dinner and a movie. Sam thought it was her last chance to tell Justin how she felt. They were sitting in the movie theater, about 10 minutes before the movie started, and Justin was watching all the advertisements on the screen.

"Um, Justin?"
"Can I tell you something?"
" like you....."
"I like you too...." Justin answered, still paying no attention to what Sam was saying as he watched the screen.
"No, I mean I like more than a friend..."
"Oh...look, Sam, I told you that we couldn't be more than friends------"

Sam cut him off.

"Justin, I remember.....I just wanted you to know the truth. I don't expect you to feel the same way...."
"OK.....cuz you know I love Britney.."
"Yeah, Justin. For the millionth time, I know you love Britney. And I'm sick of hearing about it! Whether or not you knew I liked you more than a friend, you still shouldn't constantly talk about her in front of me!"
"I'm sorry! ?How stupid could I be?! I actually thought you were my friend and that I could talk to you about stuff like that."
"Yeah, but you knew that I hated her before we even SPOKE! And you knew that I wasn't fond of your relationship either!"
"Look, you're leaving tomorrow and I don't wanna fight and then have you leave being pissed off at me."
"Fine. Then just take me home."

When they got to the front of Sam's sister's house, they talked outside for a while.

"Look, I'm sorry for what happened at the movies," Justin said as he looked down.
"Yeah, me too. I gotta go."
"You promise to keep in touch?"
"Yup. Do you?"
"Of course..."
"OK. Well, bye.............Justin?"
"I love you..."
"Sam, I can't......."
"I know, and I'm sorry......"

Sam went inside and Justin went home.

Chapter Four
Chapter Two