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Chapter Ten

"You fucking liar! How in the hell could you even say something like that! Either of you!" Michelle screamed at Joey and Kourtney.

"Michelle listen...."

"NO! You listen!" Michelle said interrupting Kourtney. "How the fuck could you even say that about daddy?" Michelle yelled and then stormed to the back of the bus, not wanting to look at or face anyone.


It was now later that night. Everyone stayed out of eachothers faces to keep away from fights. JC and Kourtney went out on that date they planned after the concert and Michelle and Justin went to the party he said that he would take her to.

"Justin, sweeite, can you please get me another drink!" Michelle said straddling him around the hips and kissing him hard on the lips.

"Who could say no to that!" He said getting up and grabbing abother six pack of beers from the kitchen.

"Hey Dave!" Michelle yelled. "This party is starting to suck man!" She said cracking open another beer.

"Hey babe!" Justin said crawling next to her. He took her lips to his and started sucking the left over taste of beer on hers. "You taste good!"

"Mm...Baby. LLLet's go home...this party blows my asshole." Michelle giggled climbing onto his lap.

"MmmMK.." He said picking her up. "Let's go have some fun at the hotel!"

"WAIT MAN!" Justin's friend Randy said intercepting Justin and Michelle from the door. "I'll drive you there. You're to waisted."

"Alright Yo! But ya better hurry. Mr. Winky is gonna force himself outta these pants if he can't get out soon!" Justin slurred from his mouth.

"TO MUCH INFO MAN! Let's go..." Randy said and they were out the door.


Meanwhile, JC and Kourtney were just coming in from their date. JC treated her to a romantic dinner and a movie. They both walked in their hotel rom with smiles left on their faces.

"What do you want to do now?" Kourtney asked crawling on the bed with the strap of her dress hanging off of her shoulder. JC smiled locking the door. He kicked off his shoes and climbed on top of her so she wouldn't be able to move if she wanted to. JC slowly captured her lips in a kiss which seemed to last eternity.

"JC.." Kourtney said inbetween kisses.

"Hmmm..?" He asked starting to kiss lower on her. While kissing her kneck he starteeeed pulling her straps down and then brought her body up to his so he could unzip her dress.

"I..Love...You..." She wispered inbetween breaths. JC stopped taking her dress off and stopped caressing each of her body parts so he could look at her in her eyes.

"I love you to." He smiled annd then kissed her hard before continuing his previous goal.


Meanwhile Justin and Michelle were returning to their hotel room stumbling onto the bed ripping eachothers clothes off like their was no tomarrow. Michelle unzipped his pants while kissing him. She pulled his pants down and smiled at him.

"Mr. Winky came out!" She slurred from her speech and he pulled her under him and started kissing her all over. The two were so drunk that they were not even thinking about protection. Justin slowly grabbbbed and breast and started sucking on each of them with all the tenderness he could.

"Justin...." Michelle moaned.


"Skip this shit. I want you inside of me now!" She said kissing him even harder than before. He obliged and thrusted his cock into her slow at first, but then quickened his pace. The two were moaning with so much pleasure that they could have wakened teh whole entire hotel.

"Oh FUCK..I'm gonna cum." Justin forced out of his mouth moments before releasing into her.

"Fuck!" He said. "That was the best fucking sex!" He said falling down on the bed next her. Michelle was to out of breath to respond, but she thought the same thing. The two soon fell asleep and would not wake till the next morning in where they would finally realize what they had done, and reality would soon take place.

Chapter Eleven
Chapter Nine