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Chapter Eleven


Kourtney and JC peacefully slept in eachothers arms till around Eight O Clock when they were awoken by the phone. Kourtney stayed still while JC answered thephone.

"Hello?" JC asked sleepily.

"JC. Autograph signing. Ring a bell?" Chris said into the phone.

"What time is it?" "8:00.""SHIT!" JC yelled sitting up in bed.

"You have an hour before we leave so I would start getting ready."

"Alright. I'll see you in a little bit." And with that he hung up the phone.

"Kort..." JC said rolling back on the bed.

"HMm?" She moaned not wanting to wake up. She was up, but her eyes were not open.

"I have to go to an autograph signing. You can sleep. And I will just see you at the concert." He said kissing her lips and heading to the bathroom to shower.

"Jace..." He stopped and turned around. "Wait. Where are you going right now?" She asked him.

"Shower. Wanna join me?" He asked looking at her slyly. She just jumped up and pulled him into the bathroom and closing the door.

Meanwhile Justin and Michelle were both awaking at the same precist time. Both yawning and then looking eachother.

"AUHHHHHH!" They both screamed and sat up.

"Oh shit....we didn't." Michelle said panicking.

"Um...I think we did....." Justin said falling back onto the bed.

"What the hell happened last night!" Michelle said falling next to him. Neither of them were ready to have sex. With eachother...just yet.

"I think we had one to many drinks."

The two of them liked eachother a lot, but they were not actually together or anything yet.

"Oh my god...." Michelle said. "I can't believe I fucked you." Michelle said surprised at what happened. Justin stopped thinking and everything else when he heard her say that. He got out of the bed and went in the bathroom slamming the door shut. Not even once looking back at Michelle.

'Oh shit. I can't believe I just said that.' she said silently to her self and threw on Justin's boxers and a tshirt that was lying on the ground to cover herself up. She walked over to the bathroom door and it was locked.

"Justin!" She said knocking on the door. "Can I PLEASE come in." She begged. He wouldn't answer her. "Justin please. I'm sorry. I didn't mean that the way it came out." He still wouldn't talk to her, but he started the shower so he could drown her voice out.

"Damnit."She cursed herself.

She walked over to the phone and was about to dial her sister's room number, but decided not to. She dialedm Elizabeth's instead.

"hello?" "Hey Lance. It's Mic. Liz around?" Michelle asked him.

"Yeah hang on."


"Hello?" Elizabeth said into the phone.

"Hey It's Mic."

"Oh hey. What's up?"

"Nothin really...listen.. Are you going with the guys today to the signing?"

"I was going to. Why? Did you want to do something today?"

"Kinda. Something happened with me and Justin last night. And I just said something that I regret and all. I can't be around him right now. Can I like. Just talk to you today."

"Yeah. I'll stick around. What happened?"

"Um. I'll explain it a little later. Listen. Can I use the shower in your room?"

"Yeah. We are done with it. Come on over."

"Thanks. OH LIZ! Don't say anything to Kourtney that I had to talk to you and all that."

"Ok I won't."

"Ok. I'm on my way."

Not even minutes later Michelle came walking into Liz' and Lance's room. Lance and Elizabeth both looked ar her and gave eachother looks. "What the hell happened Michelle!" Elizabeth said looking at her.

"Let me take a shower and change then I will explain later. And Lance. I am not in your room right now. Don't tell my sister exspecially. Ok?"

"Yeah..." He said not even wanting to question.

Michelle was soon in the shower and cleaned up. Borrowing clothes from Elizabeth till she could get to her room without having to face Justin.

Kourtney had gone with JC and the guys to the signing leaving only Elizabeth and Michelle at the hotel.

"So what's up?" Elizabeth asked Michelle.

"Me and the party last night. We had to many drinks. And then....back at the hotel. We......"

"YOU HAD SEX?" Liz asked interupting her. Michelle nodded her head.

"I..I can't let Kourtney know. Cause she will lecture me. I mean. I'm eighteen. And I was not even dating Justin. Last thing I need is for my sister to think is that I'm a whore."

"I won't tell her. But question. Why did you tell me all this? Why didn't you just keep it inbetween you and Justin?"

"Because. I said something to him that I totally regret. I was not even thinking."

"What did you say?"

"Really meanly I'm like I can't believe I had Sex with you. And he totally got pissed and went into the bathroom. He wouldn't let me apologize or talk to him or anything for the matter."

"Give him time to cool off. And then after he does. Get him alone and talk. If you don't talk to him eventually. could turn even uglier."

"Elizabeth. There's another thing......" Michelle said trailing off.

"What's that?"

"Me, Justin. There was no protection......."

Elizabeth just looked at her. "You'll take a test in two weeks. Till then. RELAX."

"This is going to be so hard acting normal around everyone Elizabeth." Michelle said crying.

"I know. I know." Elizabeth said comforting her.
It was now later that night and the concert had past. The next morning the guys were to leave really early to start to the next city. Everyone made their way to their rooms.

In Michelle and Justin's room there was silence. Justin did not want to talk to her, but she wanted to talk to him. But she didn't know how to start. Justin was on the computer typing out emails to his family and Michelle was watching tv. She decided to get up and try to talk to him.

"Hey...." She said sitting next to him on the loveseat. "Who are ya writin?" She asked as she watched his hands work with the keys. He wouldn't answer her. "Justin. Ok. since you are not going to talk to me. I might as well just say what I have to then I will be on my way off of this tour and living in some run down apartment working as a waitress somewhere. Cause that is sure as hell better then having you ignore me all this tour." He continued to type out his email, but was having trouble since Michelle would not stop talking to him. "I'm sorry. For saying that to you earlier. I all seriousness didn't mean...." Michelle stopped talking agetated. "Damnit Justin. Can you please atleast stop typing and hear me out since you won't fucking talk to me." Michelle snapped. He stopped typing, but would not look at her. "Anyways......I didn't mean it how it came out. Justin. I wasn't saying it like..oh I can't believe I fucked Justin. As in. You are some nasty asshole that I would never touch. Cause believe me. I like you. A lot. And I would do anything with you. But I guess you could say that I was upset. wasn't how I imagined it. Justin. I was a virgin ok? And I didn't want my first time to be something I couldn't even remember ya know?" she said as he finally looked at her in the eyes. "I didn't want it to happen because I was drunk either. I wanted it to be with someone I loved. Don't get me wrong. I do love you. But I can't remember. I wanted it to be romantic. And. Yeah. I just wanted to apologize to you and make you see why I said that. I didn't mean for you to take it the wrong way. I just wished we could be together. And I guess it just totally ruined that from happening because of what I said. Just..I'm sorry." She said with a tear. She wanted Justin so badly. And she wanted to fix this. But she knew what she said to Justin was harsh. And that it may be hard. She started to get off the loveseat so she could cry in the bathroom and be alone. But Justin pulled her down into his lap so she was facing him and just looked at her.

"Michelle. I want us to be together. But that hurt so much. When you said that. My ego dropped so low...."

"And I'm so sorry Justin. About all of that. Just. I want you to love me." She said crying and looking in his eyes.

"I do. I love you." He said. And then kissed her lips softly and sweetly. She pulled away.

"Justin....Wait. I have to tell you something that may..I dunno. I just have this feeling. First....when things you ever have a gut feeling before it happens that it will happen?"

"Yeah..I guess. Why what's wrong?"

" and you. We didn't use protection...what happens...if..Well. What happens' if I am pregnant?" Michelle asked him with tears still in her eyes. Justin just looked at her. He was not expecting this. But he knew in his heart what would have to happen.

"Then we are gonna have to raise the baby. Together. And I will stick by you through all of it. But you can't worry about that. Not till you know."

"I'm going to be going through hell the next two weeks..." Michelle said wrapping her legs around his waiste and her arms around his kneck.

"You'll get through it baby. We will get through it." He said.

Two weeks went by. Justin and Michelle had become an official couple. The tour was over and they were spending every second of everyday together. Michelle was living in a house with Justin, JC, Lance, and Elizabeth. Kourtney lived in a house with Joey and Chris. She did not want to live with JC just yet. She wanted to be with Joey and spend time with him. She didn't see him much on tour because she was always with JC. She owed it to him. Joey and Kourtney both noticed how much Michelle had not been around them. But never brought it up to her.

Justin, Elizabeth, Lance, and Michelle were all huddeled in Justin and Michelle's bedroom. About to see the results of the pregnancy test. It seemed that the minutes were hours as they four awaited the results. Justin's watches timer went off and he looked at Michelle. Very slowly, afraid of the results, Michelle made her way over to the test, where she would find out the inevitable.

Chapter Twelve
Chapter Ten