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Chapter Twelve

Michelle picked up the test and looked at it with her eyes full of fright. She looked at the sign and started laughing and crying at the same time.

"I'm not pregnant." She said. She was relieved. Sure. She would have been happy to have a child. But she was not ready. Justin got up and gave her a hug as did Lance and Elizabeth also. There was fidgiting on the door knob which noone noticed. Kourtney, and JC both entered the room.

"What's goin on?" Kourtney asked as the four turned around. Michelle took the test and hid it behind her back.

"Nothing." Michelle said all nervously.

"What's behind your back Mic?" She asked with curiousity.

"Umm..nothing..." She said backing away from her sister who was walking toward her. She grabbed her arm and wripped what was in it out. Kourtney's eyes widened.

"You thought that you were pregnant?" Kourtney asked looking at her sister and holding the pregnancy test up in her face.

"Um...." Michelle couldn't say anything.

"It's mine." Elizabeth said speaking up.



"Well then why did Michelle have it?"

" was gonna lye and say it was hers...for me.."

"Well why would she have to hide it. You don't trust me or something?" Kourtney asked knowing they were full of it.

"No. That's not it at all...."

"Oh..ok. Well. You are all full of shit. I'm not an idiot." Kourtney walked to the door and looked back in once. "Michelle, stay the hell away from me." And with that she left slamming the door.

"I should go talk to her..." Michelle said walking toward the door, but JC grabbed her arm.

"Leave her alone."

"Let go of me JC..." Michelle said tugging her arm from him.

"You lied to your sister. You all did. Something you should have told her. You know how much that's gotta be hurting her. That her own sister doesn't trust her? Do her and me a favor for that matter and stay the hell away from her..." JC turned for the door and Justin cut him off.

"What is your problem? JC why in the hell don't you stay out of it? Huh? Why do you have to act like everyones god damn dad all the time? Huh? Why don't you do all of us a favor and stay the hell away from us!" Justin yelled at him, but was answered with a fist in his cheek and a slam of the door being shut.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID HE DO THAT FOR?" Justin screamed starting out the door, but was intercepted by Michelle.

"Let it go Justin. Please." He obliged.

"Kourtney. You wanna go out for a little bit?" JC asked walking up behind her.

"JC. Can we please talk outside?" She asked. He nodded and she led him out to the porch. "Listen." She said taking a seat next to him. "If it's ok with Joey. I really want to have you move in."

"You really want me to?"

"Yeah. I just gotta ask Joe."

"Well, what if we were to get our own place?" JC asked looking at her. Her eyes just got wide. JC laughed at that. "I know we are taking things fast. Really fast for the matter..but friends always chip in for a place together. Why can't we. We are friends.....and a whole lot more." JC said taking her hand.

"Well....yeah. I'd love to. But I want to talk to Joe first. And let him hear about it all ok?"

"Yeah. So. How about we go talk to him now?"

"Alright. Let's go."


"Yeah. It's cool with me. But are you sure you are both ready for this?" Joey asked looking at the two.

"Yeah. Besides the fact I know we are both ready..." Kourtney said sitting in JCs arms.

"And I don't think I should be around Justin anymore then I have to. I kinda punched him in the uhh face." JC said kinda feeling bad about it.

"You what?" Kourtney asked looking at him.

"He was being an asshole so I punched him."

"What the hell did I miss?" Joey asked.

"Oh. My wonderful so called sister thinks that she was pregnant and never told me. She can't trust me. I don't want to be around her anymore."

"PREGNANT?" Joey yelled.

"She's not though. I looked at the test." Kourtney said scared at his yelling.

"What the hell. By who? Or. .who did she have sex with?" Joey yelled, but not as loud as before.

"The Asshole...." JC replied.

"Justin?" Joey asked.

"YUP!" Kourtney and JC said at the same time. At that time Justin, and Michelle entered Joey's house.

"Can't you knock?" Kourtney asked them rudely.

"Michelle...." Joey started calmly. "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HAVING SEX AT EIGHTEEN?" Joey had now yelled.

"You told him?" Michelle asked looking at Kourtney.

"No. A Little birdie did. What the hell do you think?" Kourtney asked her opening up a wine cooler.

"It doesn't matter who told me. There's no fucking excuse Michelle. You are eighteen years old. You wanna screw everything up for yourself and get pregnant? Want to ruin your future?" Joey yelled at her. JC and Kourtney just sat and watched all of this going on. "And you." Joey said looking at Justin now. "How in the hell could you have done that to her. Did you to little horny irresponsible kids even use protection?"

"You are out of line Joey..." Justin said with anger.

"No. No I'm not. I'm out of line cause it's my job to take care of my cousin? Someone that I have treated like a sister my whole life? No I don't think I am out of line......" Joey yelled.

"I'm eighteen Joey. You can't tell me what to do!" Michelle yelled at him.

"Well for someone who is eighteen you really don't make good decisions if you ask me." Joey said pacing around the room. "You haven't even known eachother for a week and you fucked!" Joey yelled.

"Well what about Kourtney?" Michelle yelled. Kourtney looked at her when she said her name. "What about her. And JC. Everyone knows that they fuck. They knew eachother, but a week and they screwed." Michelle yelled.

"Actually moron. I've known JC for years." Kourtney said annoyed by her sisters yelling.

"You've only been dating a couple weeks."

"So what? It's different for the two of us. JC and me are older. We have an education. If something were to happen with us then we would be set. And ok. If I got pregnant. I would atleast have an education Michelle. You aren't even done with highschool!" Kourtney yelled at her.

"SO WHAT! And you're a fucking college drop out." Michelle yelled at her. Kourtney didn't respond. She couldn't. She was to hurt by that remark. Michelle just looked at her. "You are the screw up Kourtney. No matter what you say you are the one that screwed up."

"How could you even have the nerve to say that. I was in my third year of college when I dropped out. I could go back anytime. Which I am going to do. You can't just go back to highschool if you wanted to. And how could you even bring the college drop out thing up to me. HOW COULD YOU!" She said starting to scream hysterically. "I FUCKING DROPPED OUT SO I COULD TAKE CARE OF YOU AND MOM. I HAD TO WORK A SHITTY ASS JOB AT NIGHTS SO I COULD KEEP MONEY TO MAKE THE HOUSE PAYMENT AND GIVE YOUR SORRY ASS FOOD. I STAYED HOME WITH MOM DURING THE DAY. MAKING SURE SHE TOOK ALL HER MEDICINE. HELPING HER IN THE BATHROOM WHEN SHE STARTED PUKING. CLEAN THE SHIT UP OFF THE FLOOR WHEN SHE COULDN'T MAKE IT TO THE BATHROOM. AND YOU BRING IT UP THAT I DROPPED OUT OF SCHOOL? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. I GUESS YOU GOT YOUR MORALS FROM THAT ASSHOLE YOU CALL OUR FATHER!" Kourtney screamed running out of the house and taking JCs jeep before he could run out and get to her.

JC borowed Joey's car and headed to where he knew she would be. Her mother's grave.

All though the lecture was harsh. It straightened Michelle out. But from that moment on, nothing between the two would never be the same. Michelle and Justin left Joey's house, while Joey sat in frustration of what his life was turning to. Why did he let his cousins decisions get to him? He did not know.

Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Eleven