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Chapter Thirteen

"What the hell happened over their Joe?" Lance asked into the phone. "Your cousin is over here being a bitch to everyone now. She's going nuts man. She's crying one second. Then she starts yelling at everyone for no reason, then she starts crying again."

"Lance, did you know she was fucking Justin?" Joey asked him.

"Yeah I did. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you. But Lizzie was threatning me and shit if I said anything. You have no idea how much I thought you should know about everything and what was going on. Because, even though you are just her cousin. You had the right to know. Anyways. I'm sorry."

"I don't know what to do man. I love both of my cousins. But, Michelle. She lied to me and her sister. The only family she had left. I'm just. I don't know. I don't even know why I let this get to me. And then I yell at her for having sex at eighteen. Hell I had sex before that age, but I don't know. I just don't want her to."

"Well, I still don't understand what all happened at your house."

"YELLING! FIGHTING! And lots more. It was crazy. I mean. Yeah. Sure. I did most of the yelling. But everything I said I thought that I should have made clear."

"Well what happened with her and Kourtney?"

"Kourtney is really hurt. She will not want to see Michelle in a LONG time."

"What's going to happen when the tour starts?" Lance asked Joey.

"I have no idea. I think Kourtney might not go on it. I mean there's a month til the next tour. So who knows what will happen. But. I can guess Kourtney won't go. Justin and me. I'll make sure we are cool. Only cause I see where he's coming from. I gotta talk to him eventually about it all."

"JC and Justin gotta get it together by the beginning of the tour to. I mean. JC freakin punched him at this house. And let me tell you he was not to happy about that!"

"They will be cool by time tour starts."

"I hope. I don't want this group to fall apart over a fight like this ya know?" Lance asked as a retorical question.

"Man. I'm so frustrated. So how's Elizabeth?"

"Her and Kourtney are not cool. Elizabeth lied to her. I just hope Kort's not mad at me. Cause I didn't tell her."

"She won't be. Well I better get going. I want some sleep. When everything get's cool over there tell Justin to come over here alright?"

"Ok. Cya."

Meanwhile, Kourtney was sitting in front of her mother's gravestone in the graveyard. With her knees up to her chest and while she was crying, she talked to her mother.

'Mom. I am so sorry I let you down. I don't want you to be mad at me. But I can't do this anymore. It's to frustrating. I'm sorry I gave up on the family. But Michelle hurt me so much. I just wanted the best for her and she does this to me. She found out about Derek. Our so called wonderful "father". I didn't tell her everything, but I'm gonna write her a letter telling her all about him. Cause I never got a chance to tell her everything. I'm so sorry mom. I wish I could make things better, but I just can't anymore. I better go now. But I will be back soon. I promise you I will.'

Kourtney got up and walked back toward JCs car. As she was about to get in it JC came pulling up in Joey's car. He got out and walked up to her and hugged her not wanting to let go. She still had tears in her eyes, but he wiped them away as they pulled apart.

Kourtney opened the door of JCs car and sat in the driver's seat so she had her feet hanging out and in front of her. Keeping the door open. JC went up and gave her a kiss and put his hands on her waiste.

"You gonna come home now?" He asked her.

"Yeah. I just had to think." She said with a slight stutter from crying.

"Hon, you can't let this bother you as much as you are. I know how upset you are and how much this hurts you, but your gonna go crazy."

"I know. I know...." She said playing with his hands. "By the way. Sorry for takin your car." Kourtney said smirking.

"Well, I guess you are just gonna have to pay me back later tonight huh?"

"Not tonight JC." She said squeezing his hand. "Oh. Are you spending the night at Joe's?"

"Yeah. I'm not goin back to that house tonight. HELL no is that gonna happen."

"Alright. Well. Let's go then. I'm tired."

"Alright. I'll be right behind you." He kissed her and then went to his car.

"Well, it's nice to see you calmed down some." Justin said jumping on Michelle's bed. They didn't share rooms in the house because of Joey.

"Shut up Justin." Michelle said all pissy.

"Don't be mad at me." He said all offended.

"Sorry. Man. I feel bad for saying all that, but then I don't." She said covering him with blankets. It was apparent that they didn't care anymore and they were going to share a bed to sleep in no matter who didn't like it.

"I can't tell you what to feel. But you gotta claim peace with your sister." He said pulling her into his arms.

"That won't happen anytime soon. She was out of line. Acting like my mother. She will never take that place. I won't claim peace to her for a LONG time."

"Well, if that's what you really want."

"Yeah it is. Well goodnight sweetie." She said kissing him and closing her eyes.

"Good Night."

JC and Kourtney soon arrived at Joey's house and logged onto the internet. They were going to go to bed. But decided to look at houses in the Orlando area instead.

"This one is nice. I mean. We don't need a mansion Jace. Just something we can call our home." She said pointing out one of the houses on the screen.

"4 Bedrooms? That's a lot of bedrooms." He said to her.

"Well you'll never know about the future hon..." She said causing him to turn and look at her. He was thinking she was talking about children. Which she was. But she quickly recovered. "I mean. We will probably be having guest a lot of the time. They can't sleep on the floor." She said smirking. He sighed.

"True. Let's see what else here.....Masterbedroom has full bath. Hot tub...hmm I like that." He said slyly to her. "Walk in closets in masterbedroom. Nice...Inground pool, fireplace in living room, den...what do we need a den for?" He asked looking at her.

"Well, the whole business aspect. Or you can use it for writing music. So people don't disturb you."

"Oh. Good Idea. Other, dining area, living room, family room, basement which will be furnished on request.....This is actually good. It's not to fancy. Wanna look at it tomorrow?" He asked her.

"Yeah I guess." She said sighing and leaning back into her chair.

"What's wrong?" He asked lookin at her.

"Nothin. I'm just. Well, I'm not going to be going on tour with you guys when it starts back up, so I'm gonna have to start job hunting in a couple of weeks."

"You aren't coming?" He asked her.

"It'll just be fight after fight with Michelle."

"I'm gonna miss you though."

"I'll visit you. I'll talk to you on the phone."

"Man..alright. I can't force ya to go. And you don't need to get a job."

"Yeah I do."

"Why? I'll take care of the house. I'll take care of the bills. And most importantly I'll take care of you."

"JC. No. You shouldn't have to."

"But I want to. I love you more then the world and I do not mind!" He said turning her chair to face him.

"I'm still getting a job." She said.

Before JC could respond Joey opened the door to the computer room in his boxers.

"I'm going to bed guys." Joey said. "I'll see you in the morning."

"Nite man." JC said.

"Joey I have to talk to you." Kourtney said. Getting up and leaving the room. She followed him into his room and sat down on his bed next to him.

"What's up?" He asked her.

"I just. I wanted to say thank you." She said holding his hand in hers.

"For what?"

"Being such a good cousin. You have been so good to me over the years. And I haven't gotten to thank you for that."

"You don't have to thank me for that Kort."

"Yeah..I do. You are such a wonderful person. And I think that you may not know that. You have had such a enormous impact on my life. And I just wanted you to know that Joe." Joey actually had a tear drop out of his eye. He felt so loved and he loved that.

"Thank you sweetie!" He said. And then hugged her.

"Well, I'll see you in the morning. Me and JC are going to look at a house tomorrow!" She said excited.

Joey laughed. "Well it's good to see you smilin shorty. Well. Good Night."


"What was that about?" JC asked Kourtney as she walked back into the computer room.

"Nothin. Just had to thank him for something."

"Oh ok. Well I'm tired. So let's get to bed."

"Alright." And with that they were off to bed.

Two weeks had now gone by. Everything was now cool between everyone except Kourtney and Michelle. And it didn't look like it was going to any time soon. Michelle was really upset from it all and got sick which made her have to go to the doctor. She explained to the doctor how she started puking and passing out. From the stress.

"Well..." The doctor said walking into the room where Justin and Michelle were seated. "I think I found out why you were puking. And why you are passing out. The passing out is from the stress, and lack of eating. You did say you haven't been eating much correct?"

"Yeah." Michelle answered.

"That's why you were passing out then. And the throwing up. Well. Congrats. You are pregnant!" The doctor said.

"WHAT!?!" Michelle and Justin said at the same time in shock.

Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Twelve