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Chapter Fourteen

"Doctor, what do you mean I'm pregnant!?!" Michelle asked shocked. "I took a pregnancy test TWO weeks ago and it said I wasn't." She said demanding an answer.

"Well, you may have taken the test to early, which made the results come out wrong. Or the test just could have been wrong all together, to early or not." The doctor said answering the question. "I can take it that this is not a planned pregnancy? Well. Their is always other options. Theirs abortion, or Adoption...."

"NO! Those options are totally out of the question." Justin said standing up.

"Well, then. I guess the two of you will need to make an apointment at the front desk to come in for your first check up. Till then. Good Luck with everything." And with that he walked out of the room.

"Justin. Oh my god." Michelle said dropping her head in her hands. "How could I be pregnant! Oh my god! How could I! Man. I'm so sorry Curly." She said turning to him.

"NO! Don't be sorry. It took two to make this baby. And you know what. It will take two to raise it. And it stays at that." He said.

"You want this baby?" She asked him.

"Yeah. I do." He said. And then pulled her out of her seat and into his arms.


Kourtney and JC were now both moved into their new home. They were happy. And They felt like a family. And felt as if they were together for years. The two didn't care about how long they had been together. Because the two knew that the only thing that should matter is the love that they share.

"So who's all going to come?" Kourtney asked flipping through the tv channels. She was referring to the barbeque they were going to have. They wanted to show off their new house.

"Lance, Elizabeth, Joey, Chris, My mom, dad and brother, Justin, Michelle, Some of my friends......."

"WAIT!" Kourtney said sitting up. "Michelle's not COMING!"

"Kourtney. Yeah she is. Justin is my friend. And if he comes she comes."

"Well, I don't care what you think ok? She is NOT coming. That's that."

"Yeah she is."

"Then I will not be there." Kourtney said getting up and walking into the kitchen. JC got up and followed her.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?" She asked grabbing a can of diet pepsi out of the fridge.

"Being all bitchy about this. She's my FRIEND, Justins' MY FRIEND, you can't tell me my friends can't come."

"WHATEVER!" She said walking out of the kitchen.

"Yeah whatever." JC said and picked up the phone. Kourtney walked back in the kitchen.

"Who are you calling?" She asked him.

"Don't worry about it." He said turning so he didn't have to look at her.

"Why are you being an asshole." She screamed at him.

"Why am I being an asshole? Probably because you are being a bitch."

"Fuck you JC." She screamed throwing her can of pop to the ground and stormed upstairs to their room. She couldn't handle the stress anymore. She filled up their hottub and went in it so she could relax. She was in it about ten minutes when JC came into the room and walked through to the bathroom. He stripped down to nothing and got in next to her. She didn't look at him. She just moved away and started climbbing out of it. But he pulled her back in.

"What do you want JC?" She asked him not making eye contact.

"I don't like us fighting Kourtney." He said trying to get her to look at him. "I don't like fighting with you."

"JC. You know I refuse to see my sister. But yet you go on and invite her into our home."

"Kort. You can't stay away from her forever." He said moving in front of her and lifting her chin up. She looked at him and got lost in his eyes like she always did when they were fighting. And it would make her forget about what they were even fighting about.

"I don't care. You can let her come." She said. "But. Don't force me to talk to her." She told him.

"I wouldn't do that." He said as he slowly moved his lips to hers. "No more fighting ok?" He said inbetween kisses.

"Yeah. No more fighting." She said as she kissed him even harder. "Hey Jace." She said pulling away. "Me and you never did it in a hot tub." She said smiling at him. He laughed and pressed his body up against hers which would eventually lead to the inevitable.


Two weeks later at the BBQ & Day B4 Tour starts.....

Everyone was getting along great at the party bbq, but Kourtney and Michelle still ignored eachother. They acted as if the other one did not even exist.

"Everyone. JC and I would like to make an announcement." Kourtney said as he took her hand.

"And me and Michelle also have an announcement." Justin said after her. Kourtney just looked at Justin like you idiot. I was trying to say something here.

"Thank you both for clarifying that!" Chris said getting annoyed that they would not get to the points they were trying to make.

"I'm PREGNANT!" Kourtney and Michelle said at the same time. Then both looked at eachother. And then at the same time and also the first words they have said to eachother in forever they said "YOU'RE WHAT!?!"

Kourtney took her water and set it down and left to go in the house. JC was going to go in and follow her, but Michelle cut him off.

"Let me talk to my sister." She said. And then dissapeared into the house. Everyone stayed out back and mingled. While they all were curious as to what was going on.

"Kort." Michelle said walking into the living room where she was sitting. "Can I please talk to you?"

"What do you want? Wanna ruin another day for me?" She asked standing up. "Wanna take another moment from me Michelle?"

"No! Listen. I..I JUST DON'T WANT TO FIGHT WITH YOU ANYMORE!" She said. "I have said so much stuff that I did not mean! And. I just want you to forgive me. And That's all I'm gonna say. ok? Just please. I wanna be your sister again." Michelle said walking up to her. "Please?"

"Yeah. I guess you are right." Kourtney said wiping a tear away. "I'm sorry to. I have been so stubborn lately."

"No. no. It was all my fault. I have been so mean. Just. Let's just get the hug over with so we can tell everyone we are not fighting ok?" Michelle said. Kourtney laughed and then they hugged.

"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" They looked at the door to see all the guest listening in. They looked at eachother and laughed.


All the guest were now gone from the party except Joey, Justin, and Michelle. Michelle and Kourtney walked Joey out to his car because he wanted to talk to the two.

"I'm so proud of you guys." He said hugging them. "And congrats to both of you. I'll be uncle Joey." He said laughing. Not really uncle, but that's what the kids would call them.

"Joey we love you babe." Kourtney said giving him a hug. Michelle joined in on the hug.

"You girls made me so proud. Remember that always. Everything is falling into place now." He said kissing their forheads. "Well.." He said pulling away from them. "I better go."

"I love you Joey." Michelle said giving him a kiss.

"I love you to." He said.

"Well goodnight." She said. And then headed back into the house.

"Kourtney a mother." He laughed.

"SHUT UP!" Kourtney said punching him lightly. "Give me a hug." She said to him. He took her in his arms and held her forever. "Thank you for showing me the way Joey..."

"Through what...."

"Life." She said. "Well. Goodnight babe." She said tighting the hug for a moment then parting. "I love you." She said. He gave her a kiss and smiled at her.

"I love you to kid." He said and got into the car.

"Drive safely." She said.

"I will. Goodnight Shorty." He said. And then pulled away. Kourtney walked back into the house where JC, Justin, and Michelle had started watching a movie. She joined them and about a half hour later the phone rang.

"Hello?" Kourtney said picking up the phone. "What?" She cried. "Ok Thank you." She stuttered through tears and fell to the ground with the phone clasped into her hands.

Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Thirteen