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Chapter Fifteen

Kourtney just sat on the ground crying not being able to move. Everyone saw this and ran over to her to see what was wrong.

"Kourtney! What's wrong." JC said running over and pulling her into his arms. She was crying hysterically. "Kort. Come on. You have to tell me. What happened?" He asked again.

"" She managed to spit out inbetween tears.

"Oh my god." Michelle said starting to cry.

"J..C We have to go to the hospital now..." She said crying. "They said if we want to see him we have to go now..." She said crying.

"Oh my god." JC said. Starting to get teary eyed. Justin, JC, Kourtney, And Michelle all got up and headed to the hospital. On the way Justin had called Lance, Elizabeth, Joey's family, and Chris. Everyone was at the hospital in the waiting room waiting for the doctor to come out. After what seemed hours he came walking out. Everyone gathered around him listening intentively.

"Doctor, what's going to happen with my son?" Mrs. Fatone said as strong as she could.

"He's bleeding internally. The impact of the crash was horribly a strong force."

"But. How did he get into an accident?" His father asked.

"A deer. It was in the middle of the road and Joseph was not able to react quick enough to be able to miss it safely. He turned the car, but not quick enough. He turned it and hit the deer still and at the same time hit a tree..." The doctor said. "He's now bleeding internally. He does not have much longer, so two people can visit him at a time...."

"Thank You." His father said. The doctor walked away after telling a family something that he hated to do. But then again it was his job.

Joey's parent's were the first to go in. They were in the room for about ten minutes before they came out. His mother was balling her eyes and her father was holding her up. Next to go in was Steve and Janine. They were in their for about five minutes when Janine came running out crying. Steve came out moments later. Next to go in was Lance and Elizabeth, Justin and JC, then Chris, and finally Kourtney and Michelle.

"There's my girls..." Joey said with tears in his eyes as the two walked into his room.

"Hey.." Kourtney said trying to hide the tears. She didn't want to cry cause she knew it would make Michelle cry.

"Joey....why did this have to happen to you." Michelle asked him taking his hand and starting to let her tears come out.

"Aww Mic. Please don't cry. It's just my time..."

"But I don't want to lose you Joey.... I love you to much. You were always there for us..." She cried.

"You won't be losing me. I will always be with you Michelle, and with your sister. I'm just gonna be your angel now." He said pulling Michelle to give him a hug.

"I love you Joe. Promise me that you will always be with me and guiding me. I love you so much."

"I love you to Mic." He said starting to let tears come out of his eyes. Michelle pulled away and looked at him one last time. And then left the room. Kourtney just stood looking at Joey who brought his eyes to her.

"Hey Kid..." He said wiping his tears away. "Give me a hug..." He said. She ran over to him and went into his arms and buried her head into his chest. She was balling her eyes out and she just couldn't stop. "Aww come on now girl. Don't cry..." He said pulling her head up and wiping her tears.

"Joey I love you so much you can't go....." Kourtney cried to him.

"Like I said. I'm still gonna be here with spirit....."

"I know. I know you are.....Joey listen. I want you to know that I love you more then the world. I don't know how I'm gonna have to deal without you here to complain to about my problems..." She said making him laugh..."Or someone I can just go out with and have fun with and not have to worry about anything else in the world...I'm just gonna miss you so much....You were so much to me. You were like a Brother, a Father, a cousin, a friend. But I guess I can an angel to that list huh..."

"I'm gonna be your angel. And you can still talk to me. Just speak and I promise that I will be listening to you...." Joey said. Kourtney held his hand in hers and kissed it.

"I love you Joey..."

"I love you so much to. I need you to promise me something though......"


"Take care of Steve, Janine, Your sister, my parents, and the guys for me ok? And I want you to stay strong." He said bringing her into a hug again.

"I will. I promise. But I need you to do something for me to..."

"What's that..."

"Tell my mom that me and Michelle said hi and that we miss her so much...."

"I think I can do that.."

"And Joey. I want to tell you this before you go...while we were waiting to come in and JC were talking. We are gonna name the baby after you..boy or a girl..." At this Joey shed a tear.

"I'm honered..." He said hugging her and giving her a kiss on teh forehead. "Kid, stand up so I can talk to the baby..." She did so. She lifted her shirt so it was right above her tummy. "Hey little angel in there....." Joey said with a giggle with a hand on her stomach. "I want you to know that your mommy and your daddy are two of the greatest people I have ever met in my life. And I want you to take care of them....they are wonderful people..." He said. And then kissed her stomach.

"Joey you are so sweet...." She said and then hugged him again and gave him a kiss.

"I love you kid...I love you more then the world..." He said to her.

"I love you to." And held him till his machines went off into a straight beep. She started balling her eyes out and a nurse came in and pulled her out into the lobby so she could be with everyone else.

Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Fourteen