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Chapter Sixteen

8 1/2 Months Later

"Hey Joey." Kourtney said sitting in front of his grave with baby Joseph in her arms. She had gone through a premature pregnany and had Joseph a month early. "I've missed you so much. You wouldn't even have an idea as to how much. Anyways...I'd like you to meet Joseph Anthony. Remember how I said JC and me were going to name the baby after you? Well we did. Isn't he beautiful. He has his daddy's blue eyes. I can't believe we made such a beautiful creature. Everyday I think of how lucky I am. I kept that one promise to you about how I would take care of everyone. I hope I'm doing a good job." She said with tears coming out of her eyes. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see JC standing there. He sat down next to her and put his arm around her shoulders.

"Hey man..." JC started. "I see you met out little bundle of joy...." JC said. He seemed to look upset. This being the first time they brought the baby to his grave and all. "I tell him everynight that when he gets older, that I'm gonna teach him how to flirt like his Uncle Joey would have.." JC said causing Kourtney to let out a little laugh. "We miss you so much man."

"Jace, why don't you tell him about the group..." Kourtney said thinking about how all the fans were so supported after Joey was lost.

"Oh...the fans have been great Joey. They still send us fan mail. They miss you. After we announced that we would no longer be Nsync without you, they started sending letters saying things like don't worry about. N Sync will always be in our hearts."

"Well, we gotta get going Joe. We are going to see my mother today..." Kourtney said as JC stood up.

"We'll be seeing you man.." JC took the baby from Kourtney and then she stood up. The two walked over to her grave and sat down in front of it.

"Hey Mom. I'd like you to meet a couple people. First JC. I never brought him to your grave and introduced you to him, and I figured that I should. I guess I should tell you about him huh? Well," She said taking his free hand into hers, "He's amazing. If you were here today you would be so pleased to have someone so wonderful as the father of your grandchild. We are getting married in a month. And I'm sure you would not be pleased with anyone else, but him to be my husband. He is such a loving person mom. And noone makes me feel better then he does or ever will. He is just. Spectacular. Brilliant. Hell he's phenomical. I love him so much." She said with tears starting to come out of her eyes. JC had never felt more loved then he did right then and there hearing those words coming out of her mouth.

"Mrs. Fatone, I'd like you to meet your grandson..." JC told her with the baby in his arms. "His name is Joseph. And he is beautiful. Just like his mother. And I want to tell you. That if you were here today, you would be so proud of Kourtney. She has built such a good life for herself. And she is so happy. And she is the strongest person that I have ever met....You would be proud..." JC said with a tear in his eye. At that moment JC jiltered for a second handing me Joseph. He stood up and looked at his pager.

"Michelle's in labor...." He said taking the baby again.

"Mom. I love you..." Kourtney said and then stood up rushing to the car with JC.


"YOU DID THIS TO ME!" Michelle screamed as she was wheeled into the delivery room while clawing Justin's arm up. Justin just squealed in pain from her nails being dug into him. She was now in the was the delivery room and the doctor would be arriving any second to deliver the baby. "I hate you! You did this. I hate you I hate you I hate you...."

"OH you love me!" He said tugging his torn up arm from her grasp. "Squeeze the hand babe." He said taking her hand, but she had other plans and hit him in his stomach as hard as she could in her position while the doctor was walking into the room.

"Are they all like this?" Justin gasped at the doctor holding his stomach.

"Every last one of them."

"AUuUhhHhhh....." Michelle screamed in pain.

"Mrs. Timberlake, you need to push now..." The doctor said. Justin and her married about three months into her pregnancy.

"It hurts so much..." Michelle cried.

"Come on Mic you can do it......" He said taking her hand. "Squeeze my hand and push...." Justin said. "Without clawing.." He said under his breath.

"I can't do it..." She said falling back onto the bed.

"Michelle come on you can do it..BE strong.."

"One more push and this baby will be out.." The doctor said urging her.

"AUhhAHhh.." Michelle screamed through the pain.


"Congrats Mr. And Mrs. Timberlake. You have a beautiful baby........."

Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Fifteen