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Chapter Seventeen

1 Month Later......

"Michelle I can not believe I'm freakin getting married man!" Kourtney said as her hair was done. Michelle laughed.

"Are you nervous?" She asked.

"I am, but I'm not. I'm afraid I'm gonna trip going down the isle and fall flat on my face!" I said as I could feel my palms getting sweaty from nervousness.

"YOU WON'T FALL!" Michelle laughed. "So, who's watching the kids in the church while we are in the ceremony?"

"Lance's parents have them. Then you will get your little peach fuzz back at the reception. And me and Jace are going to watch Joey at the reception because we won't see him for a week when we leave in the morning for our honeymoon."

"JC's parent's taking him while you are gone?"

"YUP!" Kourtney said standing up. " do I look?" She asked her.

"Oh my god. You look great! Mom would be so proud Kort. And so would Joey......" Michelle said hugging her gently making sure not to mess any of her dress up.

"So. You ready to go knock JC out?" Michelle asked her.

"YEAH! That's if I don't knock out of this dress first! Man. I don't look fat do i? I had Joseph two months ago..."

"You look great! Now...WAIT!" Michelle said.

"Where is Elizabeth?" Kourtney looked up at her.

"I don't know. But she better get her butt over here wherever she is." At that point the two heard commotion at the door. And next came her and Lance stumbling in looking like they were making out in a closet, or hell doing it in a closet for that matter.

"LANCE GET OUT!" Michelle yelled at him. Splitting the two up from kissing. She pushed Lance out the door and locked it. "Man, the horny little catarific minds that you two have." Elizabeth laughed.

"Don't be ridiculous. So. I guess I better get fixed up huh?" She asked smirking and walking over to a mirror to fix her dress. Kourtney and Michelle laughed at her. "So ya girls all ready?" Elizabeth asked turning around. They all nodded and Kourtney headed to a new path in the long road of her life. The Marriage part.



"So are we going to the luiao (sp?) tonight?" Kourtney asked walking behind JC and wrapping her arms around him.

"MmmmMhmm.." he said turning around and wrapping his arms around her. She rested her head on his chest.

"You think Joey is ok?" Kourtney asked not wanting to bring it up knowing it would make JC mad if she did.

"YES! He is perfectly fine. My parents are taking wonderful care of him. You have nothing to worry about!"

"Alright. It's just. I never left him for this long..." Kourtney said rubbing her hands up and down his back.

"Well, don't worry. He's ok." He said taking her hand toward the recliner type chair they had in their hotel room. He sat down and pulled her down with him.

"I can't believe our honeymoon is almost over!" Kourtney said nudging her head in his shoulder trying to get comfortable.

"Yeah I more nights of hot, wild, passionate sex." JC said kissing her kneck.

"HEY!" She said sitting up. "We can still have hot, wild, passionate sex!" Kourtney said looking at him.

"I don't know.." He said playing with her. "With the baby and all...and with how loud you moan..."

"Oh SHUT UP! You are louder than me!" Kourtney said defending herself.

"Uh huh..." He said kissing her. "Why don't we find out who does then. And settle it once and for all!" He said picking her up and tossing her onto the bed.

"I like how you think!"


"Hey you.." Michelle said sitting down next to Justin who was cradling the baby in his arms while she slept.

"Hey...She's beautiful..." Justin wispered to Michelle.

"Yeah she is. She's got peach fuzz like her daddy..." Michelle giggled.

"She's got her mothers sleeping abilities." Justin started. "You snore and she...well..I guess that's baby snoring!" Justin said laughing.

"Hey!" Michelle said tickling him lightly making sure not to disturb the baby. "I don't snore."

"Uh huh...Keep telling yourself that!" He smiled at her.

"You are mean. I hope she doesn't get that trait from you. I want her to be a nice little girl like me!" Michelle said crossing her arms.

"Nice? I always thought you were a fysty (sp) one!" Justin said slyly to her.

"Do you always think like that? Jease!" Michelle said.

"Oh you like when I think like that. Don't hide it!" He said standing up. "I'm gonna go put our little angel up to bed now." He said walking out of the room. "And then I have to talk to you about something...."

Five minutes later he came back downstairs.

"So what did you need to talk to me about?" Michelle asked Justin.

"Um..well sit down with me..." He said pulling her up next to him on the couch.

"What is it?" She asked him worried that he was sick or something.

" and JC. We were talking a couple weeks ago. And well. We both wanted to go back to the studio....and record solo albums......" He said drifting off to see her expression. On the inside Michelle was hurting that he said this. She loved Justin more then the world, but this was the last string that he could have pulled to make her really upset. Because she didn't want him leaving yet. Their daughter was only a month old. And he wanted to go record an album. Which would take up SO much of his time. And then when the album went on the charts he would have to tour. Which meant he would never be home. "So what do you think?" She wouldn't show him what she was really feeling.

" You really want to record a solo album?" She asked him.

"YEAH! I mean. I love singing!" He said. "And I figure. Ya know. Music is my life and...ya know?" he asked her.

"Yeah. It is your life huh?" She asked him standing up. "Well. I'm happy if you are happy. And good luck with it." She said and then started out of the room. Justin got up and followed her into the kitchen sensing something was wrong.

"You don't want me doing you?" He asked her.

"Justin...hon. Listen. It really doesn't matter what I think....."

"YES it does.." He said interrupting her. "I want to know what you think!"

"You wanna know what I think? Alright. I'll tell you.." She said trying not to raise, but did by accident. "You just sat in the other room and told me how much you love music and how it is your life.....look in front of you Justin. I thought me and YOUR child were your life now. You are going to get a solo album which will more than likely be a success. And then you are going to be on tour all the time. And we won't ever see you! That is just my thought on it ok?" She yelled at him.

"So you are saying, just because I have a child, and I am married I shouldn't go off and make an album?" Justin yelled and then the baby started crying upstairs.

"I'm not telling you to do anything. If you want to then go on ahead and make one Justin." Michelle said and left the room to go check on the baby.

Justin just walked into the living room where he held his head in his hands to think.


"Lance, can I talk to you please?" Elizabeth asked him walking out onto the balcony where he was standing looking at the scenery around their estate. They had moved into a bigger house, but had not settled.

"Yeah..what's up." He said putting his arm around her shoulder.

"Um, I was kind of wondering some stuff....." She said drifting off.

"Like what?" He asked looking at her.



"Yeah. Family. I want to make one." She said turning so she could see his face better.

"Oh.." He said not with much in his voice.

"Don't you want one?"

"Elizabeth..I...I'm just. I'm not ready for that step in my life right now...I can't do it." He said.

"So. You don't want a family..and you don't want to get married. Where is our relationship going Lance?"

"Elizabeth. I like it where it's at. Why should we have to get married to show that? We both love eachother. We don't need to get married to show that we do."

"So you just want to be Elizabeth and Lance our whole lives? Lance and Elizabeth. The two that screw around all of the time and nothing else."

"Elizabeth, come on." He said loudly causing his Mississippi accent to come out even more. "You now that's not it."

"Then what is it? You don't want to move this relationship any farther! I swear Lance you are like a freakin Log!" She said walking back into their bedroom. He followed her. "We have been dating longer than Justin and Michelle, and JC and Kourtney! And they are both two steps ahead of us. That should have been us getting married first. And us having the baby first!" She yelled at him.

"Is that what this is? You want me to take you to the next level because they did? WE are NOT them Elizabeth! You have to stop comparing us to every other couple that is around us." Lance yelled at her. "Why can't we just be us. Why must it be more!" He yelled.

"Because I want it to be more."

"Well it can't be more if one of the people in the couple don't want it to be more!" Lance yelled at her not wanting it to come out like he said it. The truth is he did want more. But he was afraid if they got married their love would die.

"Fine. I guess you don't fucking want more out of this relationship because you don't even want the relationship!" She screamed at him. "Well congratulations (sp)! You just lost that relationship!" She yelled at him and stormed out of the house. Lance just stood speechless as he heard the wheels of her car streak out of the driveway. He fell the the ground and just lyed their crying. Why did he have to say that stuff? He knew he didn't mean it. He just threw away the best thing that would have happened to him. Would he get her back? Or did he lose her forever?

Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Sixteen