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Chapter Eighten

"ShHhh..It's ok Jazlyn. Me and daddy did not mean to wake you up." Michelle said picking Jazlyn up out of her crib. The yelling had woken her up and Michelle felt bad for it. She was so stressed out with Justin telling her that he wanted to leave to go make a solo album. "Are you hungry?" She asked the little baby as if she was going to actually answer her. She would not stop crying. Michelle carried her down stairs and got a bottle for her. The crying slowly went away as Jazlyn sucked the milk out of it. Michelle was relieved that she was finally done crying and carried her into the living room where Justin was. She didn't look at him. She just went and sat down with Jazlyn in her arms virouciously working on the bottle.

"Michelle..can I please talk to you....." Justin started before Michelle snapped at him.

"Justin shut up. I finally got her quiet and so you have to talk. Just shut up!" She said as she pulled the bottle out of Jazlyns mouth. Justin sat and watched her burp the baby. What he saw was amazing. This little human being was his. It made him think momentarily about the whole album thing. Michelle finally got Jazlyn to burp and brought her back into the original position in her arms gently rocking her to get her to sleep. Moments later the crying started again.

"Come on Jaz. Sleep for mommy...." She said rocking her in her arms.

"I'll take her..." Justin said getting up.

"I have it under control..." Michelle snapped yet again.

"Damnit Michelle. It's my baby to. Just cause you are pissed at me doesn't mean I can't hold her!" Justin yelled. He was right. The baby shouldn't be used against eachother when they were fighting. Michelle didn't say a word, but let him take Jazlyn out of her arms.

Justin rocked her momentarily and then started to sing God Must Have.... to her. Moments later she was fast asleep again. Justin looked at Michelle and then back down at Jazlyn. He walked out of the room not saying a word to Michelle and brought Jazlyn up to her room where he put her to bed for the night. Or should we say till she started crying again. Since she was born, she had not yet slept through an entire night. She was getting better though.

Justin later came back down stairs and took a seat on the recliner. Michelle layed on the couch after putting in the movie 'You've Got Mail'. She quietly watched it glancing over at Justin every now and then. During the movie, Justin left the room to go on the computer where he started to type up an email so JC could read it when he got home from his honeymoon.

Subject: Change of Heart..........
Date: 01-20-00 21:35:62


JC~ Yo. Listen. I've been thinking. Well Today. I broke it to Michelle about the whole thing with the albums. She went bazurk. Did you tell Kort yet? Mic got so mad at me. And I'm not sure why it affected her so much. Anyways. I was thinking. I was watching Mic with Jazlyn. And as much as I want to make an album. I don't wanna miss out on Jaz growing up. So I'm not going to make one. Maybe later in life. But not now. I can't miss out on something so wonderful ya know? So how's the honeymoon going? Gettin a lot of action? haHa. Anyways. I gotta go. Cya.



Justin stared at the screen and then hit the SEND button. He closed the computer and then headed back into the living room to see Michelle asleep on the couch with the movie still going. He turned the movie off and the tv. He locked the house up and then came back for Michelle. He picked her up like a baby not waking her and brought her upstairs. He layed her on her side of the bed and tucked her under the covers. After doing so he made his way to Jazlyn's room to check on her. He looked into the crib at her and smiled. He realized that this is the life that he wants. He would sure miss music. But this meant so much more to him. He couldn't wait till the morning so he could talk to Michelle and tell her his change of heart on the whole music thing. He kissed his fingers and brought them to Jazlyn's head lightly and placed them on her. He turned and made his way to bed where he took one glance at Michelle and smiled. He lightly gave her a kiss on her lips and went to sleep for the night.

"Chris....." A girl giggled as Chris continued to kiss her ignoring the bell. "The....door..." She laughed a little more.

"Whoever it is they can come back tomarrow!" He said pulling away from her. It rang again for the tenth time.

"CHRIS!" The girl said pushing him off of her and got up from the couch. "I'll get it then." She said making her way over to the door. Pulling the door open revealed a girl with a tear stained face. "Can I help you?" The girl asked her politely.

"I came to see Chris. But I guess it's a bad time." The girl said turning around to walk away.

"NO. No. He's here and it's not a bad time." She said. "I'm Jackie."


"Come on in." Elizabeth went through the doors into the house.

"Who is it...." Chris said walking over. "ELIZABETH!" He said after seeing her. He went over and gave her a hug. "I haven't seen you in god knows how long! How's it going..." He said pulling away. And then saw her face. "What happened?" He asked her concerned.

"Can I stay here tonight?" She asked him with a blank face.

"Um..Yeah. But come in the living room so you can explain what happened. Oh. Elizabeth, this is Jackie. She's my girlfriend....Jackie. This is Elizabeth. Joey's cousin....." He said trailing off.

"Yeah we met..." Elizabeth said.

" did?" He asked confused.

"Duh Chris." Jackie said rolling her eyes at him. "Who do you think answered the door!"

"Oh yeah!"

"ANYWAYS!" Jackie said ignoring his forgetfulness. "If you don't mind me askin. What happened?" She asked looking at Elizabeth.

"I don't mind. Me and Lance just broke up. That's all." She said with tears coming out of her eyes onto her face which was already tear stained.

"Why?" Chris asked.

"Because. He said some menacing comments to me. I asked him why our relationship could not go any farther. And he's like. In order for a relationship to go any farther, both people have to want it to. And I'm just like whatever. Our whole damn relationship is sex. I'm so sick of it anymore. That's not love." Elizabeth cried even harder. "I love him so much..." She said trailing off. Jackie got up and brought her in her arms and told her not to cry. "I haven't even left our place for over three hours and I already miss him so much." She said continuing to cry.

"Shh. Elizabeth. Listen. Guys. They can be real assholes. You can't let it get to you. Before you know it you and Lance will be all cuddly again. And there will be so much love there. He will realize what he said was wrong and want you back there with him. Think about it. He's probably even more miserable then you right now because he would have realized how much he loves you and what he said was wrong..." Jackie told her.

"You're right." Elizabeth said sitting up rubbing the excess tears off her face. "If he really wants me he will come get me right?" Elizabeth said looking at Jackie and Chris.

"YUP!" They both said simontanesly. Elizabeth let out a little smile.

"I hope so."

Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Seventeen