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Chapter Nineteen

"Is this room ok Elizabeth?" Chris asked her walking into the room he had supplied for her to stayin.

"Yeah. It's great. Thank you Chris." She said giving him a hug.

"No problem. Well I'm gonna go to sleep. If you need anything me and Jackie are just down the hall."

"Alright. Thanks. Good Night."

"Good Night." Chris said to her, and then made his way out of the door.

'Yeah real good night' Elizabeth wispered to herself. She sat on the bed for moments looking at nothing, and just thinking. Seconds later she fell back onto it and started crying softly.

"See! I was right." Kourtney said running her fingers up and down JCs chest. "You are SO much louder than me." She giggled.

"Yeah yeah. Keep laughing." He said playing with her hair. "But, I'm not THAT much louder than you!"

She laughed. "Ok. Whatever you say JC!" She smiled looking up at him. "I'm tired....."

"Me to. I'm gonna go to sleep." He said turning onhis side.

"Me to." He pulled her into his arms and gave her a kiss goodnight. "I love you." She told him.

"I love you to. Nite babe."

"Good Night."


2 Days Later

"It's so good to be home!" Kourtney yelled walking into the house with one of her suitcases and a backpack on. Her and JC were now home from their honeymoon and had already picked up Joey from his parents house. JC was walking in not to far behind her with Joey in his carrier, in his arms.

"Kort, take Joey so I can get the rest of the bags." JC said walking behind her. She took the carrier from him and he dissapeared back outside. Minutes later he came stumbling into the livingroom and fell on the couch with his head on Kourtney's lap.

"Was it that big of a workout?" Kourtney lightly laughed at him.

"YEAH! I gotta start working out! This body is getting out of shape. Starting to get that old look to it."

"Oh..well I love your body." She said bending down and kissing him on the nose.

"Hey Kort. Where's Joey?" He asked changing the subject.

"Asleep upstairs."

"Ok. Well, I think I'm gonna do the same. And go take a nap."

"Ughg." She said pushing him off the couch. "That's all you do old timer." He pushed himself up off of the floor.

"Thanks for the push!" He said sarcastically and turned around.

"Aww is my poor baby pouting?" She asked walking up behind him bringing her arms around to the front of his waiste. He turned around and kissed her hard.

"BE NICE!" He said jokingly and went upstairs.


"Justin you are not mad at me are you?" Michelle asked walking into the computer room where he was at.

"Naw. Why would I be?" He asked her.

"Cause of this whole record thing." She said putting her hands on his shoulders. He was typing an email out to one of his fans.

"Naw. I decided I really didn't want to anyways. I can't miss out on Jaz growing up. I take one look at her and you and I don't even think about wanting to make an album, cause what's important to me is right here." He said.

"That's so sweet Justin." She said kissing his kneck once lightly.

"I try. Me being the pimp and all!" He said.. He looked over at Michelle who seemed to have a frown forming on her face. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Um. I'm gonna go out for a little bit. Can you watch Jazlyn?" She asked him.

"Yeah. Where are you going?"

"I have errands to run. I'll see you later sweetie." She said giving him a light kiss and then walked out of the room. 'Something's up' Justin thought. Michelle had seemed kinda down and he had no idea why.


"I miss him." Elizabeth said talking with Jackie. Her and Jackie had become close within a few days and they told eachother everything now.

"Elizabeth. Go back to him. Talk to him. You are a wreck without him!" Jackie said urging her.

"Jackie. You don't see it. He should be the one coming to get me. He hasn't even come here! Or tried to talk to me!" Elizabeth said ready to cry. Jackie sat still for a second with an unkowingly expression come across her face. "What?" Elizabeth asked her.

"You are going to kill me and Chris...." Jackie said. "We told him not to come over here!" Jackie said to her.


"We told him you needed to be alone and to wait awhile."

"Oh man." Elizabeth said. "You can't be serious."

Chapter Twenty
Chapter Eighteen