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Chapter Two

"What do you mean we can't go Kourtney?" Michelle yelled at me.

"Don't yell at me!" I yelled at her. "You know exactly why we are not going."

"This is bull shit Kourtney. Why do you have to ruin this chance. Joey invited us to go somewhere and you turned it down. Why the hell did you do that? You have to ruin everything. You couldn't even give me a straight out answer as to why we can't go."

"Michelle, that's because you know the reason."

"No, ya wanna know what? I'm 18. I can do whatever I want. And I am going. I don't care what you say! You are not my mother, you have no god damn right to tell me what in the hell to do with my life." She said interrupting me.

"You wanna know what Michelle. You are right. I'm not your mother cause our mother was put in the ground today. And I do have every right to tell you what to do cause I know and I'm sure as hell everyone else knows you don't know how to make good decisions for yourself and that's why I was trying to make that one for you." I screamed and stormed out of the room and up to my bedroom slamming the door on the way in.

'Mom, I can't do this. You haven't even been gone for four days and everything is going crazy. I need your help.' I cried.

"I shouldn't have done that." Michelle said sitting down and crying on the couch. "I shouldn't have brought our mother up like that." She cried. Joey sat down and pulled her into his arms. "My sister hates me now. And she and you was all I have left." She said starting to cry even harder.

"Shh. She doesn't hate you. Everyone is just under a lot of stress. Just, let her cool down." He said trying to sooth her somewhat.

"I, I just want to go so I can leave here. We could sell the house and start over. We can start everything over and try to make the best out of everything." She said starting to calm down.

"I'm going to go talk to her Mic, I know I can get through to her. I'll be right back."

"Kort?" Joey said walking into my bedroom. I was curled up on my bed in a ball.

"What?" I said making it come out snotty, but by accident. I didn't mean for it to be so harsh.

"Can we talk?" He asked sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Yeah. We need to." I said sitting up. "Let me say what I have to say first. I'm afraid to let Michelle go because I'm afraid she won't fullfil what our mother wanted us to acheive in life. I'm afraid, once she gets on tour she will forget about school. I'm afraid that she will start getting into trouble with all the knew people she will be meeting. And I'm afraid she will forget about our mother."

"Kort. Ok. First off. She will NEVER forget about your mom. She felt the same way about her that you did. She loved her more than anything. She may start walking around not acting as if she misses her, but that's because Michelle will hide her feelings like that. Secondly, she will not forget about school. She will use the same tutor that Justin has for school. It is real school. She will graduate. And thirdly. She will not be getting into trouble with the people she meets on tour cause if she does she will never hear the end of it from me! I'm there to protect you guys so you don't make bad decisions. I'm the brother you never had! I really think the two of you should come. Besides. If I'm nice, I may even let you hook up with JC." He said with a laugh trying to make the best out of the situation. "So, what do you say...are the two of you going to come or what?"


I made my way downstairs to where Michelle was lying on the couch watching basketball on the tv. Joey had gone to the kitchen to get something to eat so I could talk to my sister.

"Hey Mic." I said walking into the room. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have flipped out like that to you. I'm just...the past twelve years of my life had so much stress in them, and with mom dying...I just had to vent and I have been going crazy today. And I just. I don't know. I'm sorry." I said sitting down next toher.

"Naw, don't be. I was selfish. I knew exactly why you didn't want me going on tour. I know you're afraid that I'll start having so much fun that I will forget about school. And I know that you think I will forget about mom. Which I won't Kort. You know I won't." She said looking at me. "Anyways. I'm sorry to for bringing mom up like that."
"No more fighting ok?" I said to her.
"Yeah! No more fighting." and then we hugged.

"AwWwWw...." we heard a few voices say from the doorway.
"Sisterly love." Joey smirked. "Shut up!" We both said.< p> "Girls, I want you to meet a couple people. This is Lance and his girlfriend Elizabeth. I told them to come down. Cause I knew that you two would be coming on tour and I had planned on to ask you after I heard about your mom. So. Anyways. They came down to help you guys pack!" Joey said smiling.

"It's nice to meet yall, but Joey DUH! Kort said I can't go." Michelle said confused.

"Oh by the way....before we were so rudely interupted!" I started in a joking tone. "We are going to go on tour as long as you agree to work with the tutor Justin has for the last quarter of school."
"Oh..AGREED!!!" Michelle yelled.

"Damn girl. Calm down!" Joey yelled at her. "Anyways. You guys got to start packing up! So, here's the deal. Lance, you help Kourtney, and Elizabeth, you can help Michelle. Alright?"

"And what are you gonna be doing?" Elizabeth asked curiously.

"I'm gonna be packing snacks from the kitchen." He said laughing. "Cya yall later." He said walking off to the kitchen.

"What a pig." Michelle said and the four of us headed up stairs to pack.


Chapter Three
Chapter One