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Chapter Twenty

'Damnit Michelle pick ya phone up!' Kourtney thought to herself as the 7th ring went through her ear.

"Huh?" The person on the opposite end asked picking the phone up.

"Justin? It's Kort. Where's Michelle? And is the new way to answer the phone?" Kourtney asked all at once.

"Sorry. Yeah it's Justin. Hi Kort. Michelle went out to run as she calls it some 'errands' and no it's not my new way of answering the telephone." He said in a mouthful.

"What kind of 'errands'?"

"She said she had to run out. She wouldn't say where."


"Yeah. So how was the honeymoon. You hornballs do alot of the sumpin?" He asked laughing.

"More than you have probably gotten. So. How's the little one?"

"She's ok. She's sleeping finally."

"Oh ok. Well, I'm gonna go lay down for a bit. Tell Mic to call me."

"Will Do. Later."



Elizabeth slowly walked up the steps to Lance's house and entered without hesitation. She figured that since Lance would not be coming to her because of Jackie and Chris' telling him not to. That she would go to him. She walked through the doorway and headed to the living room. She stopped right before the entrance and listened to the noises she heard.

"Lance, just forget about her already. You are to good for her. Now come on. Let me give you want you want." Elizabeth stopped dead in her tracks and listened a moment longer. She peeked around the corner and saw a girl straddled around Lance's waiste and the two kissing very passionately. She stepped farther into the room and a tears started down her face.


"JUSTIN! I'm home." Michelle yelled out walking through the door. He came walking up to her. Jazlyn was still asleep which meant he had this time to talk to her about how she has been acting around him the past couple days.

"Hey Baby." Justin said pulling her into his arms and kissing her.

"Hi." She said kissing him back then pulling away. She took his hand and led him into the living room on the couch. "Justin...I need to talk to you about some stuff."

"What is it?"

"Well, I was just at the bank. And the money.. Hon. It's going fast." She said running her hands through her hair.

"How fast?" He asked looking at her.

"To fast."

"What does that mean?"

"I'm going to get a job."

"You're not gettin a job Mic." He said taking her hand.

"Then what are we supposed to do?"

"I'll work."

"Doing what?"

"I dunno. I'll find something." he said.

"I have an idea..." Michelle started. "I really don't like the all aspect of it, but I know it can work."

"What is it?" She asked him.


The Next Morning

Kourtney stood at the sink washing the breakfest dishes with the occasional glance out the window above it. While washing a reflection caught her eye and she dropped a dish at what she saw.

Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Nineteen