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Chapter Twenty One

'Kourtney damnit. You are not seeing this. No you are not. Stop thinking like this. You are going to make yourself go insane.' She said to herself. She turned herself coming face to face with Joey. She stopped dead in her tracks wondering what in the hell was going on. "Jo.J..Joe.Joey. Your..Your....."

"Shhh..." He said walking over to her. He stood right before her eyes.

"I'm so not seeing you right now." She said backing away from him out of shock.

"I'm here with you. Remember. I said I always would be."

"You..Your...Your dead Joe. You are not here right now." She said turning away. She held herself up with the counter top as a support and just stared out the window. She was afraid to turn back around. She was seeing her dead cousin. This was not an everyday thing that people saw. She stood shaking and felt arms go around her waiste causing her to scream.

"KORT! Calm down it's just me." She turned around to see JC. She let out a sigh of releif.

"I'm..I'm sorry Jace." She said looking up at him. She hugged him so she was able to see behind him. Joe. He was now gone. She squeezed her eyes shut and hugged JC tighter. He found this very strange, but let her hug him till she let up herself.

"Hon." He said as she let up. "What was the all about?" She just stared at him. She slowly walked by him and turned around.

"I don't know." And then she dissapeared out of the room. She was scaring JC cause he didn't know what wasgoing on with her.


"What's the idea Michelle?" Justin asked her.

"You work.....on a new album." She said. He just looked at her strangely.

"Michelle. You don't want me to make an album remember? I'll be away from Jazlyn to much. Hell. I won't even be able to handle that." He said with his hands going through his curls.

"LISTEN! Jeesh. Anyways. So you can be around Jazlyn ALL the time. I say we could build a studio, down stairs. In the basement. We take a loan out from the bank, and pay it back when we get the album out and going. Then we will be ok with money. I mean. You have the voice of an angel. You will go platinum so quick. Hell. the fans of Nsync before. They will be out to buy it the first day it goes out." Michelle said explaining her plan.

"Mic, listen. That's not all there is to an album. Trust me. I wish it were that easy. There are so many things to do. Yeah. First making the album, secondly before we have to find a record label. Then you have promotional work which can be autograph signings, advertising it, going on shows like TRL to debut the videos and get people to want to listen to it, and then there is the tour portion of it all. It's not as easy as you make it seem to be. I went through this all before. It's hard Michelle." He said looking at her.

"Justin. What else are we supposed to do?" Michelle asked him.

"I don't know. But I don't wanna do anything that will keep me away from you and Jazlyn."

"Then let me get a job..." She said to him.

"NO! I want you here with Jaz."

"Well then what are we supposed to do?" Michelle asked him.

"I don't know...." He said putting his head in his hands with his elbows rested on his knees. Michelle was on the side of him and put one of her arms on his back to rub it and her other one around the front of his waiste.


Elizabeth stood in Lance's living room unnoticed as the tears started coming faster. "YOU ASSHOLE!" Elizabeth yelled causing Lance to break away from the girl who was straddled around him. Lance's eyes got wide and he was shocked to see Elizabeth standing in his living room. "How could you do this to me?" She asked him with tears falling out of her eyes and then turned around running for the front door. Lance took the girl who was on him and pushed her to the side forcefully and got up to run after Elizabeth. She was at her car when he had caught up with her.

"Liz wait!" Lance yelled grabbing her arm as she was opening her car door.

"LANCE! Get the hell away from me. I have never felt so used and unloved in my entire life. Stay the hell away from me Lance if you know what is good for you!" Elizabeth yelled pushing him away from her. She got in her car and sped off not even looking back once at him.

Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty