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Chapter Twenty Two

Later That Night

"He's finally asleep." JC told Kourtney refering to little Joey crawling into bed next to her. JC lied facing her in bed as she acted as if he wasn't even really there. She was on her side of the bed resting her head thinking about what she saw earlier. 'Am I Going Crazy?' She thought. "Kort..." JC said breaking her out of her trance.

"Oh. Sorry Jace. What did you say?" She asked sitting up on her elbow looking at him.

"What's up with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I dunno. You have been acting different."

"It's nothing JC."

"Are you sure?" He asked her wanting to be positive everything was ok with her.

"Yeah. Nothing's up." She said giving him a kiss kinda forcefully. JC returned it right back. She wanted him to forget that she was acting differently. He climbed on top of her kissing her neck and carresing her body. She glanced to the side of the room and screamed. JC pulled away.


"Uh..umm..nothing." She said pulling herself from under him so she was on the other side of the bed and she pulled the covers over her. JC just layed confused and dumbfounded. He moved over to her and wrapped his arms around her. He felt her tense up and he had no idea why she was acting so different.

"Kourtney, what's going on. You were into it for a few seconds then you scream and push me away. What's going on?" She turned around so she was facng him and then started crying. "Kort...." He said wiping her tears away. "Just tell me what's wrong..." He said pulling her closer. She tucked her face into his chest and continued to cry.


"Elizabeth, calm down. Tell me what happened?" Chris told her as he held her in his arms as Jackie stood near wanting to know what was going on.

"I..I..Walked...into the living room....with...another girl. He was..." And with that she started bawling her eyes out.

"Sh..." Chris said rubbing her back.

"I loved him so much. Lance had always been everything to me..but I see that I was nothing to him..." She cried. "How could he. After so little time." She continued to cry her eyes out. At that moment in time the door bell rang. Jackie excused herself from the room to answer it. Moments later Lance came walking into the living room.

"Elizabeth..." He said saying her name. Chris left the room along with Jackie to leave the two alone.


"Mic...." Justin said running his fingers through her hair. "I've been thinking...about this whole money thing."

"What have you been thinkin about it?"

"Do you really think I should do the album now?"

"Truthfully?" She asked him. "Yeah!"

"Well, I still am gonna not like the idea of not seeing you as much, and all. And I don't want you missin out on Jazlyn growing up. But it's our only option."

"Michelle, I think we can do it without me missing out on anything. I mean. You and Jazlyn can come on the bus with me." He said.

"On tour?"


"Well..I guess we could.." "And I would be home through all of recording since we would be building the studio downstairs."

"And when you do promotional work we can fly with you."

"It works out perfectly!" Justin said with satisfaction.

"Well Juss...." Michelle said pulling him down to her sight. "Since well. You'll have to go on tour and everything. And we are going to be having our baby in our room and stuff....we won't be able to. You know...So maybe we should make our time well spent while we are alone at night....and..."

"Alright girl. I get where ya goin." He said laughing then pulling her under him.


"Kort...Come on! What's going on! You are scaring me." JC said as he held his crying wife in his arms.

"JC. I'm going crazy." She squealed out inbetween tears.

"Huh?" He asked her confused.

"I..I Keep seeing Joey." She cried.

"Wha? Joey. As our son? Ofcourse you see him he's..."

"JC NO!" She said crying. "I keep seeing my cousin. Your past bandmate. I..I keep seeing him. the kitchen...I could have sworn he was talking to me..." She cried even harder. JC was not sure as to what to say.

"Sweetie. You can't be seeing him." JC said sitting up in bed. So he would be able to look down at her.

"But JC I am. First I thought I was hillusinating. And now, after seeing him repeatedly and even talking to him..I don't know what to think anymore." She said as the tears started to die down.


"But why does this keep happening. JC you have to help me. I need help." JC just sat there. Not sure as to what to think of the entire situation. "JC. I have to know. Are you going to help me get help?" She cried again.

Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty One