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Chapter Twenty Three

4 Months Later.......

"Kourtney, I don't want to make you stay here hun." JC said with her clutching to him.

"JC I am still seeing Joey everywhere." She said as they took a seat on a bench outside the ShadyGrove Home. It was beautiful. The bad thing about this place was that it was a nut house. "God. I've turned insane." She said sighing.

"You'll get better Kort. You have been through so much, that you can't help, but see things."

"JC you are acting like you have no problem with this. How come you seem to be so understanding. I don't get it! Your wife is a nut and she's leaving you to raise a child and run the record company yourself!" She said not understanding him.

"Hunny! Listen. I love you more then the world. And I'm not gonna have something like this tear us apart. You are not a nut! You have just been through a lot. And I won't be raising Joey and running the company by myself. You are not going to be here forever!" He said looking straight into her eyes.

" don't know how long I'm going to be here." She said. "Atleast hire a nanny or something."

"NO! I can do it!"

"Alright. I know you can." She said sighing. "I'm sorry. I. I'm just scared Jace!." She said crying into her hands. JC pulled her to him and rubbed her back gently.

"You'll be ok. You'll be out before you know it hun." He said trying to comfort her.

"Hey guys..." Justin said walking up to the two with Joey in his hands. Justin, Michelle, and Jazlyn went along with JC to bring Kourtney since none of them would see her for awhile. Plus Justin was to leave for tour the next day. He got his album out and done and it went right to number one. Michelle was excited to go on tour with him and to bring Jazlyn. Kourtney and JC had opened their own record label/management company. So they had signed Justin. It all worked out.

"Hey." JC said standing up with Kourtney.

"Have fun on tour guys." Kourtney told them. 'God knows I'd rather be there.'

"We will. And you take care of yourself Kort." Justin said giving her a hug.

"I'll try." She said.

"I'll miss you sis." Michelle said giving her a hug.

"I'll miss you to." Justin then handed her Joey. She sat down looking at him and started to cry. "I'll miss you little guy. And take care of your daddy." She said giving the baby a kiss. Justin then took Joey, Jazlyn, and Michelle and headed them out towards the car leaving Kourtney and JC.

"I love you JC. And I'm sorry about all of this." She said looking up at him.

"You have nothing to be sorry about kid." He said pulling her into a hug. "I love you so much. Get better. I'll always be here for you. And I want you to call me as much as you can!" He said and then gave her a sweet lasting kiss.

"I love you." She said returning the kiss. JC then pulled back and smiled at her before leaving and walking to the car. As soon as his car was gone and out of sight she broke into tears in middle of the park that was connected to the home.

Meanwhile over the months Elizabeth had skipped out of town. Or just disapeared for that matter. The last time her and Lance has talked she ended up breaking down and just didn't want to see him. She stayed connected over the phone with Chris, Jackie, Justin, JC, Michelle, and Kourtney. But she didn't tell them where she was. The truth of the matter was that she was living and working out of her apartment that she had bought. She was depressed. She was still in Orlando. She worked using video confrences on her computer to work for a company. She was also six months pregnant. Noone knew that though. And she had not told Lance. Lance on the other hand had gone through depression. He had never touched another girl after the incedent Elizabeth walked in on. He didn't want any other girl except Elizabeth. And he would only be with her. He had kept to himself the last couple months because the only person he wanted to talk to was Liz. Untill he can find her, he doesn't want to be around anyone.

ONE MONTH LATER..............

"Deb, Thank You so much for helping me out this past month. I totally appreciate it." JC said smiling at her. Kourtney was still at as she called it the nut house. Days went by and she started to stop seeing things. She missed everyone more then the world. JC also missed her, and he started to feel like he was missing "stuff".

"It's no problem!" She smiled back and them moved closer to him. She had been at the house and had been helping with Joey. Justin and Michelle had not known about it. This girl was JC's ex. She came to "help him out". The truth was during the month she had screwed him twice. JC felt guilty about it, but at the time he felt great doing it. He had not had sex with Kourtney in a while and I guess he just "needed" it.

Kourtney was now on her way home. To surprise JC. She had been released from the home because she had gotten better. She couldn't wait to see JC. When she got to the house she entered it. And then walked into the living room. There she saw JC and Deb locked into a kiss. "What the hell is going on here!" She asked. The two immediately broke apart.

"KOURTNEY! What are you doing here?" JC asked frantically.

"I fucking live here! Now why in the hell is she here? And for the matter, who in the hell is that!" Kourtney yelled causing Joey to start crying. Deb walked over and picked him up. Kourtney didn't notice it right away and just stared at JC with angry tears in her eyes.

"Kourtney.....this is my ex Deb.....She's just here to...."

"SAVE IT!" She realized that the girl had gone and stopped the baby from crying. This fumed Kourtney.

"Don't FUCKING TOUCH MY CHILD YOU TRAMP! Get the hell out of my house." Kourtney said taking Joey from her. Joey then started crying out the word momma and put his arms toward Deb trying to pull away from Kourtney. Kourtney just looked at her child in tears. She set Joey back in his play pen and started bawling. JC went up to her and tried to hug her, but she pushed him back with all her force so that he was by Deb.

"JC. You just destroyed this family!" Kourtney cried in tears.

"Don't blame this on JC." Deb yelled at her. "You're the dumb bitch who went insane and couldn't fulfil your commitment to him. So I came and did it for you." She smirked. JC just looked down at her with an evil expression. Kourtney now went off. She lunged at Deb and the two were at it. Kourtney had her pinned down and was throwing punches at her as hard as she could. JC pulled her off.


"Me settle down! You know what. Fuck You JC! This is all your fault!"

"Dude, shut the fuck up." Deb said pulling herself off the floor. "JC DOESN'T LOVE YOU!" At these words Kourtney fell to the ground in tears. JC saw how hurt she was. First the baby calling Deb momma and pulling away from her, and now this. JC knew he screwed up.

"DEB LEAVE!" JC yelled.

"huh?" She questioned him.

"LEAVE! And stay away from me." He yelled. "NO JC. She can stay. Cause you just lost me and will NEVER get me back. Now tell me JC. Did you fuck her?" Kourtney questioned him. He didn't asnwer. "HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU!" She screamed and then ran out of the house.

Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Two