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Chapter Twenty Four

Kourtney jumped in her car and headed all the way to inner city Orlando where she went to The Ramada hotel. She checked into a room where she went to cry or what seemed like hours when her cell went off. She was hesitant to answer it, but did anyways.

"Hello?" She stiffled through tears.


"What do you want?" She snapped through her tears.

"Kourtney. I'm so sorry. I'm feel horrible." Said JC fighting back his own tears.

"HORRIBLE! You feel HORRIBLE! Fuck JC. How in the hell could you feel horrible. YOU SHOULD FEEL BEYOND HORRIBLE!" She screamed. "How could you do this to me? You told me before you left me at the fucking nut house that you would be here for me. And that you loved me. And then you go find your ex, screw her, and have her take my child away from me?"

"Kourtney. You will never realize how bad I feel. I wish I never went behind your back and had sex with her. I don't know what I was thinking. And trust me. I will NEVER see her again. I WILL NEVER. I just want you back. I love you so much." He said crying.

"GOD DAMNIT JC! How could you even say that you love me when you fucked someone behind my back. And how in the hell could you ever let OUR child get attatched to her. How did you even find her JC? Did you run and find her when I couldn't be there with you. Or have you been having a fucking affair all along! Damnit. Joey was right. The first time we met. He told me that you would hurt me. HE TOLD ME AND I DIDN'T LISTEN! How could I have been so stupid! HOW! Damnit. You told me you loved me JC! You told me. That one day on the bus. That when you met me you stopped loving her. You fucking LIED TO ME! You lied. HOW COULD YOU! I have never felt so unloved in my entire life. EVER! And you told me that you did love me. I have noone JC. Michelle is living her own life. Justin's with her. The other guys have their own lifes. You and Joey became my life. AND HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW THAT I'M HIS FUCKING MOTHER! You let that tramp by my baby. You let her. And Now my baby..." She fell into even more tears clutching the phone. "My baby's first word was Momma. To that..." She dropped the phone in tears and fell to the ground. She couldn't handle talking to him one second longer. Her life was gone. Moments later she picked up her phone. "I always loved you JC. I always loved you." She said.

"Sweetheart. I love you to. Please. Let's just talk this through."

"JC. I gotta go. I loved you." She cried.

"KOURTNEY! Please. Where are you." JC cried into the phone.

"I always will." She said in a wisper. And then hit the off button. She slowly made her way to the bathroom and looked at the tear spots all over her face. And then she eyed the razor blades which were provided by the hotel only feet away from her.


"Oh my god Elizabeth! I haven't heard from you in so long!" Michelle said jumping out of the booth in the bus off of Justin's lap. They were in the middle of a make out session when Michelle's phone began to ring. Justin frowned when she ran to the back of the bus to talk. he was enoying the kisses. He decided to get up and play with Jazlyn. His career was going great. He was even bigger than Nsync had been. He attracted listeners of all ages and was on his two month sold out tour. He was through one month of the tour and still had another to go.

"So what's going on? Everything good?" Michelle asked Elizabeth. Michelle layed on a couch in the back of the bus when Justin went back there.

"Yeah. As can be expected. I'm happy." She lied. She looked around her little apartment and let out a sigh.

"Are you telling me the truth missy!" Michelle said into the phone. Justin laughed at her motherly tone with her.

"NO." Elizabeth said. The reason she called was to tell Michelle she was pregnant. "There's a reason I called."

"What is it?" Michelle asked her.

"Um..I'm pregnant." She signed. And then heard a thump. Michelle had fallen off the couch and Justin was looking at her like she was crazy.

"YOU'RE WHAT! CONGRATS! Who's the father?" She asked. Justin raised an eyebrown and started being nosey.

"WHO DO YOU THINK!" Elizabeth said into the phone.

"I..Uh. Lance?"

"YES! Geez."

"But..Wait. How far are you?" She asked.

"7 Months."

"WHAT? Does Lance know?"

"NO! And it stays that way. I just had to tell somebody."

"But Elizabeth....."

Meanwhile during their conversation Justin's cell went off. He excused himself from the room and made his way to another part of the bus with Jazlyn. Moments later her came back into the room. Elizabeth was still on the phone with Michelle when Michelle looked up to see tears coming out of Justin's eyes.

"Elizabeth. Can you hang on a sec?" Michelle asked her friend.


"Justin what's going on?" She asked covering the phone.

"'s Kourtney..She.." He started stuttering as tears came out of her eyes. "She..."

Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Three