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Chapter Twenty Six

20 Years Down the Road.........

"Hey mom."

"Joey where are you!" Kourtney said into the phone. "You guys were supposed to be done touring by now!"

"Well, things got hectic. But we will be home tomarrow! I promise. We had to do another show because of the one we had to cancel."

"Ok. Your dad wants to say hi sweetie. I'll see you tomarrow."

"I love you mom."

"I love you to. Here he is..."

"Joey, your not flirtin with all the girls on tour are you!" JC said into the phone.

"DAD! You know me better then that! I would never flirt with a girl. I mean. Sure I'm an 20 year old with raging hormones. But me. Flirt. Never!" He said sarcastically causing JC to laugh.

"That's my boy! Takin after your dad! Well I just wanted to make sure you weren't getting into trouble. But me and your mom have to go. Hey. Don't forget tomarrows mother's day!"

"I KNOW! You say that like I would forget she was my mother or something!"


"DAD! Don't even be thinking back to when I wasn't even one years old. I didn't know better about stuff back then!" He said refering to what his father had told him about Deb and his mom.

"Alright. I'll cya."


"That kid!" JC said laughing. "He talks like Justin! PAYCE! Are you sure he's not Justin's kid!?!" JC laughed.

"HEY NOW!" She said with a giggle. "Come here baby." Kourtney said sitting on the kitchen table. JC walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her body. "You know I love you right!" She said with her nose on his looking in his eyes.

"I know you do! But I love you more!" He said kissing her.

"We have been through so much these past years!" "I know girl. I'm so glad we got through things cause I couldn't be any more happier then I am with you. That night I almost lost you to what I had done...If I had lost you. I wouldn't have been able to bear with it."

"I'm happy that I didn't die JC. I can't believe I even had done that."

"Well it's in the past now. I have you and a horny son." He said laughing. "I think he get's his boyish ideas with those gurlys from me!"

"ALRIGHT NOW! You are telling me stuff that I don't want to hear about my son. And stop teaching him to like girls! He's already like you. That's bad enough!" Kourtney said laughing and joking with him.

"I love you." He said kissing her.

"I love you to." She said pulling him onto the kitchen table. "You know. For all the years we have been together. We've never had sex on the kitchen table." She said bringing her lips to his.

"Well, don't you have a kinky mind!" He said kissing her lips back.

"Yeah. It's great isn't it!" She said straddeling him.


"Lance, Jason just called. The kids will be home tomarrow." Elizabeth said plopping down on their bed with him.

"Alright." He said wrapping his arms around her staring straight through her.

"WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!" Elizabeth said backing away from Lance a little at a time.

"Cause. I want you."

"Well you are not getting me!" She said laughing. Lance and Elizabeth had gotten back together the day she went into premature labor. Since then they had grown closer to eachother, more than they ever were when they first fell in love.

"OH you know you want me to have you. Now." He said grinning.

"OH ALRIGHT! Yeah I do want you. So give it to me baby!" She said laughing.


"Mom, dad. I'm going out. I'll cya later." Jazlyn said running through to the front door.

"WAIT!" Justin yelled at his daughter.

"WHAT DAD?" She asked him running back into the living room.

"Where are you going?" He asked her.

"OUT!" She said turning.

"WHERE?" He asked her.

"To a um. Club." She said with a shy grin.

"Alright don't be out to late. You may be twenty, but I don't want you out all night while you are still living here."

"Alright daddy." She said giving him a kiss on his cheek. "Bye dad. Bye mom. Bye the way Randy won't be home till tomarrow." She said running out the door.

"KIDS!" The two said at the same time.

Michelle and Justin had another child ten months later after the incident with Kourtney. They had a son named Randy who was in a band with Jason, Elizabeth and Lance's son, Joey, Kourtney and JCs son, and Ryan, Chris and Jackie's son. They were a "boyband" who signed under JCs record label. Justin was still a singer who still had hits. He didn't really travel though. Justin and Michelle's daughter was a model. Justin was very protective over his daughter. He didn't want her to mess up with her life. And so far, she was doing a good job of not messing her life up.


The Next Day

All the kids were home from tour and they were all at JC and Kourtney's house. Kourtney, JC, Joey, Justin, Michelle, Randy, Jazlyn, Chris, Jackie, Ryan, Elizabeth, Lance, and Jason were all gathered for a mother's day celebration that would never be forgotten. The kids all got their mothers gifts which would forever be cherished. The couples were all madly in loev liek the first time that they had met. Life was great for all even though it was a long and winding road.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
