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Chapter Three

"So, how long have you and Lance been together?" Michelle asked Elizabeth interested in knowing about the two.

"About four months." She replied with while folding some clothes for Michelle.

"Have you liked touring with the guys? Like is it fun? Stressful? Tiring?"

"At first it's a lot of fun. I mean, visiting everywhere and all. You get to meet new people, see new things. The bad thing about being on tour with the guys is that they're always being mobbed by girls. and when yuo are with them, people will start to assume that you are dating one of the guys. In my case, I am,and everyone knows that, but for instance. Lance's cousin came on tour for a week with the guys. All the fans started to think she was dating Justin. And she wasn't. It just gets weirded out sometimes. The thing that really bothers me is how you have all of these girls trying to hang all over the guys. And there are these girls who know me and Lance are together, but they still do it in front of me."

"What tramps!" Michelle said with a laugh.

"Yeah they are!"

"But, besides the things with the girls, it's fun right?"

"Yeah! Pretty much."


Meanwhile in my room Lance was helping me pack.

"I'm sorry about your mother Kourtney." Lance said packing the clothing I picked out tightly in my suitcase.

"Thanks." I said with no voice. The word mother brought tears to my eyes, but I would never she them. By hearing him say mother, it made me think about how I was going to react in the future when other people said it.

"So, you excited about coming on tour with us?" Lance asked curiously.

"Yeah I am. Hopefully it will take my mind off of everything."

"It will. You'll be so busy having fun that you will just forget about everything that is bothering you."

"Good!" I said with a little enthusiasm.

"So, as I hear, you have a lil crush on JC?" Lance said eyeing me strangely causing me to blush.

"Maybe." I said cautiously.

"MmmHmm. I knew it. How cute. Well, you don't know what the future can bring you." Lance said.

"Yeah." I said thinking about what he had just said. 'you don't know what the future can bring you.'

Chapter Four
Chapter Two