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Chapter Four

"How much longer till we get there!?!" Michelle complained. She was really syked about being on tour.
"Stop wining! We'll be there soon!" I said flipping through a magazine.
"Well, how soon!" She was sick of being on the plane and wanted out.
"Attention passengers. This is your captain. Please fasten your safety belts. We are now on our approach phase. We will be landing shortly. Thank you!"
"There! Ya happy?" I said releived that she shut up.

"So Joey. Who's room are we staying in at the hotel?"
"Well, since they were booked and we couldn't get anymore rooms, you both are going to have to share with someone. One of you can share with me. And one of you can share with Justin because he has his own room and the rest of the guys are already sharing with somebody."
"Oh ok. I'll share with you then." I said.
"Cool. The Mic can share with Justin."
"Huh?" She asked getting nervous. She thought Justin was the hottest person, yet she just had a bunch of nervousness put into her. Me and Joey both laughed ather.


"Oh my god Joey, this room is awesome!"I said falling onto my bed.
"So where do I go again?" Michelle asked already knowing but hinting tto Joey to get her settled in.
"Hang on. Let me call Justin in here. In the mean time you two go fix up in the bathroom. You look like shit!" Joey said picking up the phone.
"oh thanks superman!" I said giving him an evil eye as me and my is walked into the bathroom.
"What's up?" Justin asked walking into the room. The two of us were still in teh bathroom, but could hear him and Joey talking.
"Um, Michelle is going to share a room with you." Joey said waiting for his reaction.
"What? I don't want to share my room with anyone. I finally get my own room on the tour and now I get that taken away from me. This sucks. Did I even ask to have some girl share a room with me." He yelled not even noticing the words that were coming out of his mouth. "Damnit! Why did you have to bring people on tour with you! Now I'm going to have some tag along who is probably mommas little girl following me everywhere!"He yelled.
At that point me and Michelle stepped out of the bathroom with tears coming out of Michelle's eyes.
"You're an asshole." She wispered yelled and ran out of the room. I was hesitant, but then ran out of the room after her.
"How in the hell could you do that?" Joey screamed. "How the fuck could you do that!" He repeated. "To my own cousin for that matter."
"Your cousin. I thought she was some girl you invited to come up to the hotel for the night." Justin said all confused.
"My ass! You knew that my cousins were coming on tour with us. And you knew that I was out of town from you guys the last two days so I could get them ready to come. You know. Because Kourtney, and quote unquote 'mommies little girl' Michelle's mother passed away you asshole. I can't believe you made that comment." He yelled wanting to punch Justin, but held back.
"Your cousins name is not Michelle Joey. I swear that I thought it was just some girl. I thougth her name was Mic!" He said wanting to slap himself in the face.
"Mic is short for Michelle." He yelled at him. "Oh damn."
"Yeah. Oh damn." Joey said turning around fromJustin.
"Hey kid." I said walking up to Michelle who I found sitting on a curb outside the hotel crying.
"I hate him." Michelle said through her tears.
"Oh don't worry about him. Who cares what he says or thinks. I mean. Maybe you and me both misunderstood the situation. Maybe he misunderstood the situation. But who cares. He's a teen idol pop star who is in way over his head. Don't let his no thinker comments upset you sis." I said trying to get her to forget about him and what he said.
"I can't believe I had a crush on him. God. I guess the hotter a guy is the bigger asshole they are!" Michelle said wiping some tears away from her face.
I started laughing. "YES! That's very true! Now come on. It's late. Let's go get some sleep!"
"Where do I sleep?"
"Joey's room. Lets go."
"So should I wait here to explain myself to her?" Justin asked Joey wanting some advice to get her to forgive him.
"No. Not till tomarrow. Don't try to talk to her till then. Let her cool down." Joey told him.
"Alright. I'll cya tomarrow. Breakfest in the lobby still?" Justin asked.
"Yup! 7 am. Cya." And with that he left the room.

Chapter Five
Chapter Three