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Chapter Five

It was soon the next day and me, Joey, and Michelle were all rushing to get ready for breakfest since the guys had to leave directly after it to go do some promotion stuff. It was the first day on tour with them and everyone was already rushing to do stuff. We were to meet everyone downstairs at the Lounge Resturaunt in the lobby to have breakfest. Michelle wasn't really pleased with it all because she did not want to look at Justin. She didn't really want it to bother her, but she let it. For some reason it was when if it were anyone else who had said this she would not have cared. I think it was because she liked Justin. She didn't know the kid, but she still had it for him. Atleast before she did. With being so busy and all in the past day the thoughts of our mother was escaping my head. I mean. I thought about her a lot. But I would lose that thought so much because of having to run around. I didn't want to lose it though. I was still stuck on the whole thing that I may forget about her. And that was the last thing I wanted to do.

At around 6:55 me, Joey, and Michelle were entering the resturaunt only to see everyone gathered around a large table in the back of the resturaunt. We walked over to be greeted with a bunch of "hey guys."

"Everyone. I'd like you to meet Michelle. She is my cousin. Michelle you already know Lance and Elizabeth, and Justin. To your right is Chris, and damn. I don't know where JC is. And yall know Kourtney so I won't even introduce the little scrub."

"Thanks Joey." I said giving him the look.

"Kourtney?" Someone said behind me. I turned around slowly already knowing who it was.

"Hey JC." I said smiling.

"You look..wonderful." He said pulling me into a hug.

'man.' I thought. 'We talked to eachother for only a little while that one day and he's huggin me. damn!'

"Thanks." I said blushing and pulling away from him. "So how about we eat!" I said turning around because I was turning so red looking at him. We all sat and ate for about 45 minutes before some short little guy walked in telling the guys that they had to get a move on it. And with that they left. Leaving us girls, Elizabeth, me, and Michelle all alone at the hotel.

"So what do we do?" I asked turning to look at Elizabeth. She was used to the guys leavin her.

"SHOP!" She said laughing.

"Shopping's not fun!" I said. "Ya gotta have money to do that and well. Ha. We don't have any!" I said laughing.

"Don't worry. Lance gave me a credit card. So you are more then welcomed to charge stuff. It's actually a credit card for all of us. It's from the guys. What ever we spend on it they will cover!" She said with a smile. "So. What do you say?"

"I'm in!" Michelle said with a LOT of enthusiasm. I agreed and we headed out in a rental car to a shopping extravaganza.

"I can't believe we bought so much stuff!!!" I said falling onto the bed in Elizabeth's room.

"Take's a lot of stress off huh?" Elizabeth asked laughing.

"HELL YEAH IT DOES!" Michelle laughed.

"Hey. How come you didn't even talk today at breakfest?" Elizabeth asked Michelle.

"Cause." She said and left it at that.


"It's because a certain curly haired fellow was being a prick yesterday and said some menacing comments." I said answering for Michelle.

"Oh Curly? Don't worry about him. He's had a stick up his ass..or well...anyways. he's been acting weird lately. Just ignore him." Elizabeth said and Michelle pretended to be more relieved about the whole situation even though she really wasn't.

"Hey Elizabeth....I have a question for you." I started not wanting to get on the subject totally. "Do any of the guys. Well...besides Lance and Joey have girlfriends?" I asked not really trying to seem interested but at the same time was.

"You mean is JC single?" She said with a smirk. "Yeah he is." She said. I blushed when she said JC. "Man you got it for that boy!"

"NO I DON'T!" I said throwing a temper.

"OH YEAH YEAH YOU DO!" Michelle said. "You were up all night saying 'Oh JC. Oh baby. I want you. Yeah baby yeah. You wanted to get on that boy!" Michelle said busting up laughing along with Elizabeth. I was about to say something when a voice started behind me.

"Ahemmmm...." I turned around to see Lance standing in the room with Joey and JC standing right behind him. JC was beat red from what he just heard from blushing while Joey and Lance were trying not to laugh. I just froze and my eyes got big.

Chapter Six
Chapter Four