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Chapter Six

"Oh hey guys." Kourtney said all nervous. "So how long yall been standing there?"

"Long enough to hear about your wild fantasies I guess you could say with JC." Joey said laughing.

"Shut up JOEY! God. was all a joke. Michelle was kidding around!" She said trying to make him understand it never happened.

"Uh huh. Sure she was." He said smirking.

"Joey. Grow up." She said and then started up again. "I...I gotta go." And with that she ran out of the room to her and Joey's room.

"Well that was handeled well!" Elizabeth said with a little laugh. "I'm gonna go see what she's doin!" She said and left the room.

After the two were out of the room Michelle spoke up. "Um hey JC! She said with a smirk. "HaHa. Um. All that stuff I said that Kort did. Total joke. Totally! And if you don't believe me. Ask Joey! If she did do all that stuff don't ya think he would have heard her?" Michelle said kinda regretting that she said any of the stuff that she did earlier, but still thought it was funny as all hell. JC looked over at Joey who nodded showing that she was now telling the truth.

JC was releived. He wasn't sure if he wanted to start a relationship up with someone. I mean. He was all interested in Kourtney. He had it for her since the first day he laid his eyes on her. But, he had recently broke up with his girlfriend who he was at one point in total love with. It took him a while to get over his ex, Deb. it had been a few months. But he still didn't want to rush into anything.

Meanwhile Kourtney was in her room staring up at the ceiling from her bed.

"Kourtney?" Elizabeth said walking into the room.


"What's goin on?" She asked.

"Liz, how am I supposed to look at JC now? Do you have any idea of how embarrased I am? Yeah. I'll admit it. I have liked him since the first day I freakin met him. But now. He probably thinks I am a freak. My chances have gone from slim to none with him! How am I gonna act around him now!" Kourtney said sittin up in my bed. "Jease. This sucks." At that point Elizabeth was laughing at Kourtney. "What are you laughing at?"

"You! Damn girl. Listen up. Everyone knew it was a joke. So don't worry about it."

"JC DIDN'T! Did you even see how red his face was!"

"Oh don't worry about him. Listen. We gotta get ready. The guys are leaving for the venue in a few, and we are leaving a little bit later. Anyways. You gotta get dressed. So come on. We are gonna go get your bags so you can wear that ne woutfit of yours. The tight black pants and the tight fitting Green sparkling top thing. You are gonna knock JC out!" She said pulling me out of the room.

Next thing we knew we were walking back into her and Lance's room where everyone was now gathered around. Justin and Michelle were on opposite sides of the room. Michelle refused to look at him, but he was sure as hell starin his eye balls out at her. She was talking to Joey, Justin talking to Lance, and JC and Chris were in the center of the room going over some lyrics. As soon as we walked in, everyone looked up at me. I felt so uncomfortable.

"What are yall starin at. Go back to whatchya were doin!" Elizabeth said as she started picking up the shopping bags around the room. Everyone went back to what they were doing, but I could see out of the corner of my eye JC looking at me. I bent down to pick up a bag when Chris spoke up.

"JC. You likin the view? Cause ya sure seem to be." Chris said cracking up causing other people to laugh in the room except me and JC.

"JC bud. Your face is turning red!" Lance said trying to not laugh.

"Shut up Lance!" JC gritted out of his teeth. After that comment I walked out of the room.

We were soon at the venue and there was still an hour before the concert was to start. The guys already did their soundcheck so everyone was lounging around. The guys still had to get ready, dressed wise, but were putting it off. I decided I was hungry so I made my way to the room that had all the food in it. I went in only to find that noone was there to eat yet, so I picked up a plate and helped myself to 'dinner'. I put some rotini, corn, and bread on my plate and walked over to a table.

'Italian Food.' I thought. 'Must have been Joey's pick!'

As I ate my dinner I heard someone walk in the room and start to get food.

"Food any good?" the person asked. It was JC.

'great.'I thought.

"Yeah. It's ok." I said.

"Mind if I join you?" He asked.

"No, go ahead." I said. And with that he sat down at the table.

"So..what's up?" he asked trying to make conversation.

"not much really." I said really uncomfortable.

"Oh. You are really uncomfortable aren't ya?" He asked. I looked up at him and gave him a smile.

"What gave it away?" I asked as a retorical question.

"Don't worry. I know your sister was jokin around." He said and then took my hands. "NOW STOP BEIN NERVOUS AROUND ME GIRL!" He said laughing. I let out a giggle.

"I still can't believe she did that! I could kill her!" I said loosening up some. "If I did that to her she would go beyond killing me.....well. I guess I better get going since I'm done eating and all!" Isaid standing up.

"Yeah I better get a move on it to." He said. The two of them threw their plates away and as they were both about to go out the door JC pulled Kourtney in and shut it. And immediately after doing so he pulled her into a kiss which seemed to last beyond forever. And she was more than happy to oblige to it and return the same feeling on her end of the kiss. After what seemed eternity he pulled away. "I'll see you after the concert." He smiled blushing at himself for what he just did. He ran out of the room leaving her to be more then shocked.

The concert soon started and the venue was packed! The guys were on stage singin their hearts out with the everynow and then look down and smile. Every now and then JC would look over at Kourtney and wink at her causing her to blush. Justin would look at Michelle for what seemed to be every five seconds. Everytime she caught him looking at her she would turn away. Lance would look down at Elizabeth every now and then and lip stuff to her. She would make gestures to him ofcourse making sure none of the fans saw. For isntance. She took her hand and wrist and then would jack it back and forth. After that she would lip 'later'. Me and Michelle saw her do this to Lance causing the two of us to start cracking up. She would just blush then she was over it. Whenever Joey did not have a part he would make faces down at the girls. The concert was over and the girls were on their way to the backstage area when three girls pushed in front ofthem.

"HI!" They all said all valleyish. (is that a word)

"We were wondering. Well. About you two girls. We know that well. you are dating Lance and all." The one girl said to Elizabeth. "But what about you two?" They asked pointing at Kourtney and Michelle.

"Joey's our cousin." Kourtney said.

"Oh. So you are not dating any of the guys?"

"Nope." Michelle added.

"Oh ok. Thanks!" they said and turned around. One girl said to her friend. "My ass. Stupid tramps."

"Oh my god!" Michelle said.

"Do you believe me about all the little teenyboppers now?" Elizabeth said laughing.

It was now a few hours after the concert and everyone was a dance club. Everyone was dancing with people. Kourtney and JC were busy dancing on the floor along with the flirting and touching stuff. They didn't think anyone woudl see them but JC was roaming his hands all over her, while she did the favor in return. Lance and Elizabeth had skipped out of the club an hour earlier and were heading back to the hotel. Probably to get on top of those gestures that Liz was making to him all night while he was up no stage. Who knows. Justin was at a table sipping his drink. He badly wnted to go up to Michelle and apology to her. he just didn't know how. Michelle danced with Chris for a while before she left to go to the bathroom. on her way there someone grabbed her and pulled her into a janitors closet. She tried to scream, but nothing could come out of her mouth because of the amount of fright that was in her.

Chapter Seven
Chapter Five