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Chapter Seven

"Stop....." Michelle cried as a guy climbed on top of her tearing her shirt.

"Shut up bitch. You are not getting out of this." He said starting to undo her shorts."


"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" The guy screamed at her. At that moment in time the door flew open.

"What the fuck is going on here." Justin screamed. At that moment he noticed what was going on. He had seen someone pull Michelle into a room from where he was sitting in the club so he decided to get up and check it out. He lunged at the guy and the two started fighting. Justin had him pinned down on the ground and was punching repeatdely as if he was going to kill him. The guy took his leg and kicked Justin off of him and dissapeared out of the room and then out of the club.

Justin sat in the room in shock and then looked over at Michelle who was curled up into a ball in the corner of the room. He moved himself next to her and brought her into his arms.

"Shh..." He said as she cried into his chest. "He's gone."

"JC." I wispered in his ear during a slow song. The two of us were dancing to "Angel Of Mine." We were both getting tired. I rested my head on his shoulder and he had his head leaning on mine.


"I'm getting really tired." I said moving my head and looking up at him.

"Me to. Let's go find everyone and go back to the hotel." He said and took my arm to find the others.

Chris and Joey were sitting at a table with two girls who they apparently had met at the club.

"You guys. We want to go." I said standing with JC at the end of the table. He had my hand in his and I was leaning against his body.

"Alright. Where's Michelle and Justin?" Joey asked as him and Chris got up from the booth leaving the girls behind.

"Michelle left me to go to the bathroom." Chris said.

"Let's go find them." JC said as the four looked around the club.

"It's ok Michelle. Settle down." He said rubbing her back. She was still crying.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Justin and Michelle looked up to see the four of us standing at the door. Michelle's shirt was torn and Justin was holding her.

"Someone attacked Michelle and almost raped her." Justin said.

"Oh my god." I said taking my hand from JCs. "Michelle are you ok?" I asked her running to her side and pulling her into my arms.

"I'm fine. Can we please go back now." Michelle cried.

"Come on sweetie." Justin said taking her from me and leading her out of the room as if he was her protector. I got up and went with JC and the four of us followed them. It was a crazy night and everyone just wanted to sleep.

About a half hour later we returned to the hotel. Everyone gathered in Joey and Kourtney's room.

"Justin." Michelle wispered into his ear. The two were sitting on My bed talking for a little bit.


"Can I stay with you tonight. I don't want to explain what happened and all to anyone else tonight." She wispered to him.

"Yeah. Let's go to my room." He said pulling her up from the bed. The two left the room without saying a word to anyone. Even though everyone noticed them leaving.

"Well, I'm gonna go to bed." Chris said. "I'll see yall in the morning." And with that he left the room.

"Well, I better get going to." JC said. I was sitting on his lap and he was in a chair that was in the room. I got up so he could get up. "I'll see you guys in the morning." He said looking at Joey than me. He looked at me a little longer and smiled. And then left the room.

"You like him. Don't you?" Joey asked me breaking my trance of endless thoughts about JC.

"Yeah. I do." I said. I looked over at him. He was stripped down into his boxers adn was ready to go to sleep, but stopped dead in his tracks when I said that. He looked at me for a second then got into bed. He was sitting up under the covers before he decided he should tell me some stuff.

"Kourtney. Come here." He said patting the spot next to him.

"What's up Joe?" I asked sitting down next to him.

"Kort. I don't think you should have these feelings for JC." He said straight out.

"Why not Joe? You don't want me to like your friend?" I asked him.

"No that's not what I'm saying." He said.

"Then what are you trying to tell me. Spit it out."

"I don't...want you to get hurt. There's stuff you don't know about JC. Nothing big. I just don't want you to get all built up about him then have him say that he doesn't want to be with you."

"What do you mean. Why wouldn't he Joe?" I asked. Not wanting him to tell me something that would break my heart.

Chapter Eight
Chapter Six