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Chapter Eight

"Joey! Why on earth would he not want me. Not to sound stubborn or anything. But, if you ask me. He seems interested." I said looking at him straight in the face.

"Alright. You know I don't want you to get hurt. So I'm just going to tell you. JC. He had his exgirlfriend Deb. And Well, let's put it this way. He may still have feelings for her. They broke up over a year ago, but I still think he has it for her."

"Joe. Don't be ridiculous! It's been over a year."

"That doesn't mean anything. Oh forget it. Go to bed." He said turning off the light.

"Yeah whatever." I said and then went to sleep.

It was soon the next morning and we were on the bus to the next city. Everyone was just loungin around with bordem flowing throughout their bodies. Joey, Michelle, Justin, and Lance were all in the back of the bus either play n64, reading, or on their computers. Elizabeth, Chris, and me were in the front of the bus eating lunch to hold us over to dinner later that night. JC was in his bunk catching up on sleep that he so badly needed. I soon finished eating and decided that I should get some sleep. I made my way over to my bunks, but was stopped at JCs bunk where he pulled me in with him.

"Quick hands." Kourtney said smirking. He smiled back.

"And Where did you think you were you going?" He asked through the tight fitted space we were in.

"To sleep."

"Oh really. Well. I guess you fell in the right space then." He said and then started kissing her. She was more then hapy to oblige to the kisses and kissed right back slipping her tounge into his mouth. Both of their hands wandered and continued to kiss for about ten more minutes before Kourtney pulled away.

"JC." She said gaining her breath back from the kiss."I have a question."

"What is it?" He asked her.

"Are you over your ex-girlfriend. Truthfully." He lyed in silence.

"I'll be honest with you. I wasn't over her for what seemed like forever. Untill I saw you again. I was afraid that if I wasn't with her I couldn't be with anyone ya know? But when I saw you I could not help, but realize that there were other people out there. And I realized that you are that person." He said looking straight into her dark brown eyes.

"JC...does you saying that mean that you want to be with me. Like an official couple."

"Yeah. That's what I'm saying." He said smiling and kissed her again.

6 Hours later at the next city.

"So whose sharin with who? There are five rooms." Chris said wanting to get up to his room to relax.

"Well.." Michelle started. "How about Chris, you get your own room. Joey you get your own room. Lance and Liz share a room. Kourtney and JC. And me and Justin." Michelle said looking at Justin with a smile.

"Sounds good." Lance said and started to walk off. "WAIT!" Joey interrupted. "I don't like these arangements." Joey announced.

"Joey. Me and Michelle need to talk to you now!" Kourtney said dragging him around the corner of thelobby. "What are you doing?"

"I don't want you guys sharin a room with the guys."

"JOEY! Justin and Michelle wanna get to know eachother better. And me and JC. Well we are together now so deal!" Kourtney said to him sternly.

"WHAT? Why are you together? You are not supposed to be together. I told you last..."

"JOEY! Get over it!" And with that I walked off from him and took JCs hand and led us to our room.

"What the fuck!" Joe said and started to his room.


It was now later in the night and the guys were away at the concert. They girls decided not to go to the concert and to stay in since they didn't feel like hearing thousands of girls screaming on the top of their lungs.

"So, what are you guys gonna do with Joey. You know he's already pissed about the whole you guys sharin rooms with the guys thing. He doesn't like it. And if it doesn't get straightened out between you two and him soon this tour is going to be complete hell!" Elizabeth stated as the three girls lounged in JC and Kourtney's room.

"Damn. I don't know what I'm going to do with him. I understand where he's coming from, but I really want to get to know Justin better. He seems like a great person. I got past being pissed at him, and now...I just want to know him more. I know Joey is trying to protect of us from getting hurt. But he can't deny us the privelage of getting to know guys." Michelle said.

"Yeah I know. I love Joey to death and all. But he shouldn't be trying to stop me from being with JC. I really like what's inside of JC. And I'm not gonna lose him because Joe is afraid I will end up getting hurt. I understand that JC broke up with a girl over a year ago and all. But, after the sincerity JC gave me when I asked him about it earlier today on the bus, I know he's not lying to me about not having feelings for her anymore." Kourtney said just wishing Joey could ever understand where she was coming from.

"Well, I think you guys should sit down with Joe one day and talk about all of this. And have JC and Justin there with you." Elizabeth stated while walking over to the phone.

"What are you doing?" Michelle asked her.

"Well, if we are staying in such a nice hotel room, then I think we should have some nice hotel food!" Elizabeth laughed and started ordering the fun food. Pizza, fries, pasta. Everything.

2 Hours later....

"Damn. We ate so much!" Kourtney said wheeling the empty cart that was once filled with food out into the hallway for someone to pick up.

"How much did we spend?" Michelle asked Elizabeth.

"75 dollars."

"ON THREE PEOPLE! Jesus the guys are gonna kill us!" Michelle exclamied after hearing the price.

"Naw. They won't. That's not that much money."

"For food for three people it is Elizabeth." Kourtney laughed.

"So, what's goin on with you and Lance. Sneakin out of the club last night how early again?" Michelle laughed.

Elizabeth blushed. "We had some things to catch up on."

"Would it have anything to do with those guestures you were making to Lance during the concert that night?" Kourtney laughed at her.

"Maybe." Elizabeth said. "ANYWAYS!" She said laughing. "Are you guys mad that the tour is almost over?"

"I don't even know when it's going to end!" Michelle said tossing some popcorn in her mouth.

"It ends in two weeks."

"TWO WEEKS!" Kourtney said jumping up. "Man. This was getting fun to!"

"Well the next one starts a month later so you won't have to wait to much longer."

"Good. This is a fun life were living!" Michelle said with a smirk. After that there was rattling on the door nob and the door opened. All the girls looked up. It was JC.

"What in the hell did you girls do to my room!" He said walking in dropping a book bag. They all just looked at eachother and laughed.

"We kinda got hungry." Kourtney said giving him a killer smile so he wouldn't care. There were bags of chips everywhere and pop cans.

"Yeah yeah. Everyone out except smart ass brunette. I'm tired." He said walking into the bathroom.

"Alright!" Michelle said standing up.

"Cya guys tomarrow." Kourtney said walking the two to the door.

"GOOD NIGHT Oh ROYAL ONE JC!" Michelle and Elizabeth yelled through the door to JC laughing.

"Nite ladies." The girls left the room and Kourtney relaxed on the bed till JC was done showering and getting dressed. About fifteen minutes past and he came out of the bathroom all cleaned up.

"You're lookin pretty sexy." Kourtney said looking up at him.

"Yeah. I don't really need to try. Kinda comes naturally." He said falling down next to her.

"Someones got a big ego." She said resting her head on his chest.

"I'm playin."

"I know." She said lifting her head up. Sitting up at the same time. She turned her body around and sat indian style leaning over and looking down at JC. "What are we going to do about Joey?" She asked him.

"What do you mean?"

"He doesn't want me to see you cause he's afraid that I will end up getting hurt."

"Oh." He said sitting up. "Well. We will talk to him. I want to be with you. I like you. And Joey's going to have to accept it. You will not get hurt."

"I hope he does." She said with her smile dissapearing.

"Come on. Don't let it bother you." He said giving her a kiss. "Let's just go to sleep."

"Alright." The two layed down and JC wrapped his arms around her. She was quickly off to sleep, but JC could not sleep knowing that Joey might actually tell her what happened with his last relationship and why him and Deb broke up.

Meanwhile in Lance's room Elizabeth and him were talking about Joe, JC, Justin, Michelle, and Kourtney.

"We have to talk to Joe, Lance. We have to make him see the two will never hurt Michelle and Kourtney."

"Elizabeth we have to stay out of it! The last thing I need is for people to be mad at us for getting involved in something that is none of our business."

"FINE THEN!" Elizabeth yelled at him turning on teh bed to face the opposite way.

"Oh come on Elizabeth. Don't get mad about it. Now don't you want to play with me." He asked pulling her body to his.

"NOPE!" She said and tugged away.

"Please!?!" He asked moving closer to her licking her kneck.

"Poofu keep lickin and you're not getting anything for a week. Now leave me alone I'm tired!" She said and then pulled a pillow inbetween the two.

"Fine!" Lance said pissed off and went to sleep.

"Don't you ever miss seeing your family all the time?" Michelle asked Justin. The two were playing twenty questions to get to know eachother better. They were lying down facing eachother asking stuff over and over.

"Yeah. I miss a lot of stuff. I wish sometimes I could be with my family and never leave them again. I miss seeing my brothers grow up. Sometimes I feel like I'm not a good big brother."

"Don't say that. You are a good brother. I mean. Wasn't it earlier you were on the phone singing to them?"

"Yeah. But still...."

"Don't worry. One day will come where you will be with them all the time. Till then ya gotta cope."

"I guess. So, have you had a lot of boyfriends. Cause I mean. Look at you. Anyone would want you. You're so nice and pretty. There's nothing more a guy could want."

Michelle started to blush.

"Aww....your blushin." Justin said smiling at her. "Well, have you?" He asked her again.

"No. Actually. I haven't had any. Is that sad? Anyways. I figured that when I was in 7th grade. I would wait to have a boyfriend till I got into highschool. Then by time I got to highschool. My mom was sick. I was to busy playing basketball, going to school, and taking care of my mom. So nope. Not any." Michelle said a frown slowly appeared on her face.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to have your mom brought up."

"No. Don't be. Anyways. So. You. Mr. Justin all Pimp Timberlake. You have a lot of girlfriends?" Michelle asked interested.

"Here and there I did. Noone special." He said. "So you getting tired yet?" He asked Michelle.


"Oh...tomarrow...there's this party. My friends are throwing. Since we'll be in Mississippi and all. And well. I was wonderin if you would want to go to it with me after the concert..."

"Sure." Michelle smiled at him and then turned the light off.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The next morning soon came and everyone was gathered in the lobby. JC noticed Joe talking to Kourtney on the opposite side. He watched the two carefuly. Kourtney turned around every now and then and would look at him, but then would turn back around to listen to Joey talk more. JC was worried.

"JC. What's up man?" Chris asked walking up to him.

"I hope to god Joey is not telling her." JC said and prayed silently that he was not.

Chapter Nine
Chapter Seven