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Chapter Nine

"Don't worry man! I'm sure he is not telling her. Besides it is your job to tell her..not him!" Chris said trying to get him to calm down.

"Me tell her?" JC asked him dumb foundly.

"YES! You have to tell her man!" Chris said.

"I don't think I can."

"Well you are going to have to. It's the right thing."

"But it's the past." JC said reminding him.

"Yeah. And the past catches up with you." Chris said. "Do the right thing man." He patted him on the shoulder and walked off.

"JC!" He heard a voice behind him say. It was Kourtney.

"Oh hey babe." He said about to give her a kiss, but was pushed away by her. "What's wrong?" He asked already knowing the answer.

"We have to talk. NOW!" She said. And then walked out the doors and to the bus.

"JUSTIN!" He turned around to the moaning and saw Michelle trying to carry two suitcases. Alls he could do was laugh. "Are you going to stand there all day or get your ass over here and help?" She asked him frustrated. He laughed and walked over to help her.

"Here." He said grabbing both of them.

"THANK YOU! Now I'm gonna go ahead to the bus alright?" She asked. He nodded. She went off and boarded the bus.

"Kourtney. What's goin on?" Michelle said walking up to her sister. The two were the only ones on the bus.


"I saw you brush JC off in there. What was up with that?"

"He freakin lyed to me. He made it sound like he got dumped by his girlfriend. The truth is she dumped him because he's a cheating prick."

"Well, you are not going to let that stop you from dating him are you? It was over a year ago."

"I can take it you are gonna make me the one to be the bad guy of this all so ya know what? I'm just gonna leave this room before you start lecturing me on what and what not I think of stuff." She said and stormed out of the back room towards the front of the bus at the same moment Justin was about to enter the back room.

"What the hell was that all about. She PMSin or something?" Justin asked her laughing.

"She's mad about something with JC and blew up at me for no reason."

"Wait. JC?"

"Yeah something with cheatin."

"Uh oh."

"Yeah. Uh oh."

At this time everyone else was now on the bus. Chris, Joey, JC, Lance, and Elizabeth were up front where Kourtney had been.

"JC. Come here now!" Kourtney said pulling his arm. Everyone just kind of looked at the two, but stayed out of whatever was going on. Kourtney dragged him all the way to the back of the bus and asked Justin and Michelle to leave the back for a little bit. They did so and Kourtney locked the door to the back room.

"So, when were you going to tell me?" She asked JC who was sitting on the couch. "When were you going to tell me you and your girlfriend broke up because you are a lying cheating asshole? When were you going to stop feeding me all this bullshit like you were about how, 'oh i never thought i could have anyone again till i saw you.' What the fuck was all that?" She yelled at him. "I'm not a little fan you can lye to JC. I want some fucking answers."

"Settle down!" He said standing up and raising his voice very loudly which scared her. She sat down slowly fighting back a tear.


'Daddy please don't hit mommy!' She cried hysterically.

'Shut up!' He yelled at her and slapped the little fragile girl in the face. Which made her cry even harder. 'Settle Down...or you'll get it again.'

Kourtney slumped into a ball in the corner of the room till her dad was done beating on her mother.


JC saw the frightened expression in her face and regretted yelling like he did.

"Kort. I didn't mean to raise my voice baby. Just please let me explain what happened with Deb to you." He said sitting down next to her. He brought his hand to her face and started to caress her cheek. He felt her tense up. He knew something was up, but didn't want to ask at the time. "Deb and I were dating for a couple years. Yes. I did cheat on her. I was going to tell you. But I guess Joe told you before I could even get a chance to. Yes. I regretted cheating on her. I broke her heart. And No. I was not feeding you bullshit the other day. I was heart broken after I lost Deb. I can't believe I ever cheated on her. But I had to learn from my mistake. I learned the hard way. And yes. I thought I would never find someone I liked as much as Deb. But I met you. And I love you. I love you even more. I would never hurt you Kourtney. Please believe me. I'm sorry I did not tell you any sooner...."

"Wait." Kourtney said interrupting him. "Did you say you loved me?" She said untensing somewhat.

"Yeah..I did."

"JC. We've only been together..for like two days."

"Yes. I know. Two days. But love shouldn't be measured on how long people have known eachother. If someone feels it. Then they can't hide that feeling." Kourtney understood what he was saying. Cause she was feeling it to.

"So you are saying. If I am feeling that to. I shouldn't hide it?"


"Well. Then I guess I love you to." She said going to kiss him, but pulled away. "BUT NO MORE HIDING STUFF!" She said to him sternly.

He laughed. "Alright. I love you baby." And with that they lied in the back of the bus kissing..before being so rudely interupted.

"OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" Chris yelled banging on it. Kourtney got up off of JC and unlocked it.

"Thanks!" Chris said and went over to the N64 and started playing.

"Okkk.." Kourtney said and grabbed JC's hand in which she led him to the front of the bus. "JOEY!" She said getting his attention. "Everything is cool ok? You don't have to worry about me being hurt. Just accept JC for me..ok?" She said straight and forward. He looked at the two. He gave in. Besides, if JC ever cheated on Kourtney he knows Joey would kick his ass.

"You better take good care of my cousin." He said shaking JCs hand making apparent that he now approved of it. "And I'm sorry that I told her. But I wanted her to know before she got into anything serious."

"I know. Don't worry."

" isn't this all cute!" Elizabeth said laughing.

"Yeah cute!" Lance pouted. He was still sore about last night.

"Lance." Elizabeth said sensing what he was feeling. "Time for me and you to talk." She said dragging him to a bunk. Everyone looked at the two in disgust and made their way to the back of the bus...except Kourtney and JC. Who just wanted to be alone.

"JC....when we get to the next city...since you don't have a concert. Can we please go on a date. We haven't even been on one!" She said as he pulled her into the booth seat with him.

"Yeah. I think we should." He said. And then started to kiss her kneck.

"What are we going to do?" She asked while running her hand up and down his thigh.

"Hmm...I'll think something up." He said pulling her to him so she had her legs strattled around his waiste. He started to kiss her slowly and sweetly.

"Anyone ever tell you that you're a pretty damn good kisser?" She asked inbetween kisses.

"It's come up." He said with a laugh. "Anyone ever tell you that your not pretty good, but the BEST kisser?" He asked her before starting to kiss her more forcefully not even giving her a chance to answer.

"Ahemm." Someone coughed out splitting the two apart. Kourtney still had her legs wrapped around his waiste and he still had his arms wrapped around her waiste.

"Hey Joey." Kourtney said blushing that he just came up and saw them kissing like they were. She hid her face in JCs shoulder and tried not to laugh.

"Oh aren't you two just so cute!" He said and sat on the other side of the booth. Kourtney climbed off of JC and was now sitting down next to him. He put his arm around her shoulders.

"Yeah yeah...what brought you up here?" Kourtney asked Joey irritated.

"Well, I just wanted to let you know on how your sister is going on and on about how wonderful your father is back there..." Joey said making Kourtney tense up. JC sensed it and tightened his grip around her as if he was protecting her for some reason.

"What's wrong with that?" He asked.

"Let's just say Kourtney and Michelle's dad is not the greatest person. Michelle just thinks it. He used to beat their mom and Kourtney. Michelle doesn't remember it. She was to young to remember."

"Let's just say my father was an asshole." Kourtney said trying to get off the subject.

"What?" The three turned to see Michelle, Justin, and Chris standing not even two feet from them.

"Oh shit." Kourtney said. Michelle had heard everything that Joey and her said.

Chapter Ten
Chapter Eight