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My friends and I were listening to our local radio station one lovely summer day when we heard that our favorite music group would be performing in our town. The radio station was giving away ten groups of tickets and passes to the concert, and they were having a contest to determine the winners. The contest consisted of listening for the latest song by NSYNC and being the fifth caller. I couldn't believe it when I won the last and final group of tickets. My package consisted of three front row tickets and three meet and greet passes. I knew the exact two people that I was going to take with me. My pals Mandi and Lou(short for Lourena) could not believe it when I told them that we were going to see NSYNC in just one short week. When I went to pick up the tickets and passes Mandi and Lou went with me.

Once we picked up the tickets we found out that not only would we meeting the guys and attending the show, but we would be eating lunch with them prior to the show. When we heard that the only thing we could do was scream. After we had calmed down we were able to answer some questions. After leaving the studio the three of us decided that we needed new outfits for lunch with five of the hottest guys in America. Mandi bought a cute blue sun dress and sweater set that had little white stars on it, Lou bought a pair of drawstring khaki shorts and a tan and white tank top. I purchased for myself a pair of black denim shorts and a sleeveless black, white, and silver top (to show off my tattoos).On the day before the concert none of us could sleep, we were so excited. We didn't have to worry about what vehicle we were going to take because around 10:30 in the morning there was a knock at the door. I opened the door to see a very good looking guy in a tux standing in the doorway,and behind him I could see a silver stretch limo. "You ride in style ladies, courtesy of NSYNC." Once we got into the limo we could not believe everything that was waiting for us. There were indvidualy autographed photos of each guy for us, and there was also three copies of the brand new album that was not available in stores yet. To top it off the cds were all signed by the guys. We were having lunch with the guys at The Spaghetti Warehouse, and when we got there we felt like royalty getting out of the limo. "I can bot believe that the members of NSYNC are just past those doors." Lou said. "I know I am so nervous about finally getting to meet them after all these years." I said. Mandi just agreed with the both of us. When we entered the resteraunt I could just barely see the top of Justin's head. As we walked to the table the guys stood up and helped us with our chairs. We asked them questions about what it was like being on tour so much, and what thier favorite memories were from the different tours. We talked and laughed for about two hours before it was time for the guys to leave for a final soundcheck. Mandi, Lou and I decided to go see a movie to kill time before the show, so we went and saw The Mummy for about the 15th time. After the movie was over we headed for the concert venue to find our seats and get souvieners for some friends. We knew that the show was going to be a kick butt one. During the show the guys invited us up on stage along with several other girls.

They then proceeded to sing EVERYTHING I OWN, after ending the show with GIDDY UP Mandi, Lou and I headed to the backstage area where we hung out with the guys for a little while. During the course of the time we spent with the guys I found out that Chris and I share a lot of the same likes and dislikes. Mandi and JC were getting along really well and so were Lance and Lou. All to soon the guys had to leave for the next city on the tour, but we had traded phone numbers and email addys, and the guys said that they would drop us a line the next time they were in town. The three of us were a bit skeptical but said Okay.

About a month after the concert the three of us were chilling out watching the newest video from NSYNC on TRL when all of the sudden the telephone rang. I got up to answer it. "Hello?" The voice on the other end said,"Hi am I speaking to Mandi, Stacey or Lou?" "This is Stacey, how can I help you?"

"Hi Stacey, this here is Lance, the five of us guys were in the area and we , that is Chris ,JC, and I were wondering if you three ladies would like to get together and spend the day with us tomorrow." "Could you hold on for just a minute?" "Sure." I turned to Mandi and Lou who were watching me with a major look of curiosity on their faces. "You guys will never guess who I am talking with." Lou asked,"Who?" "The one and only Lance Bass and he, along with Chris and JC want to know if we would like to hang out with the three of them for a day. Mandi said,"Tell them we say YES YES YES!!!!!" I returned to my conversation with Lance and told him that we would love to spend the day with them.

We made plans for the guys to pick us up at our place around ten the next morning. Mandi, Lou and I could not believe our luck, going out for a whole day with members of NSYNC. I was kind of curious as to what the next day would hold for each of us. After talking with me Lance hung up and turned to the two anxious faces staring at him and said, "They agreed." Chris and JC were ecstatic,the guys then discussed what they wanted to do the next day. About nine thirty I heard a noise that I was not used to pulling into the driveway. Sitting in a gorgeous sliver Cobra convertible with a black top(down) was the man of my dreams Chris. JC was driving a deep blue Jeep Renegade,with the soft top open, and Lance was behind the wheel of a hunter green Sunfire with the sunroof open.

The guys informed us of what our day would be consisting of. For Lance and Lou, they were going to go horse back riding, while JC and Mandi would be spending their day at the beach. Chris on the other hand said he was in the mood for something unusual. After everyone had left for their days Chris and I discussed what to do. We ended up going to the zoo, and while we were there we had a great time looking at all of the different animals. Everyone had agreed to meet at the house by five so we could all go to dinner, by the time Chris and I arrived back at the house the others had all pulled in around the same time. We all went to Stinger's for dinner and the guys were true gentlemen, they pulled out our chairs for us,opened the doors for us, and paid for our meals. I asked,"Did everyone have a good time?" Lou and Mandi both said that they did. Then JC asked,"So, Chris what did the two of you end up doing?" Chris and I both replied at the same time "We went to the zoo!" We all laughed at that.

The six of us enjoyed our meals and talked about anything we could think of until Lance looked at his watch and said,"I hate to do this but we have to head back to the hotel and get ready to leave for the next city on the tour." Once we were back at the house I told the guys that I had really enjoyed hanging out with them for a whole day and I had complete agreement from Mandi and Lou. Chris, Lance and JC looked at each other for a moment, looked at us, then looked at the cars. JC asked,"Can I use your phone real quick?" Lou said,"Yea, sure go right ahead." He ran into the house then came back out about five minutes later,but didn't say anything about the call he made. About ten minutes after JC had gone into the house a taxi cab pulled up in front of the house. The guys looked at us and Chris stepped forward and said,"We want you guys to have something to remember this day by." Mandi said,"Don't worry we won't ever forget this day." JC piped up with "We know you guys won't." We asked in unison,"Why?" As we were in the process of asking that question the guys had stepped forward and placed the keys of the vehicles they had been driving into opur hands. I looked at them as if they were nuts or something. Lance said,"Since we are on the road so much it's hard for us to take care of these like we would like to, so we want you three to take care of them for us." JC said,"Don't worry about payments or insurance, we will take care of that part." Lou said,"No problem we won't argue." Chris said,"On one condition." We were curious so we asked,"What's that?" Chris replied,"The condition is that when we are in town we can take you ladies and the cars out for the day." "No argument from us on that." we all three replied. The guys said that they would try to keep in touch with us at least once every other week if possible. They then gave us each a sweet kiss on the cheek, well at least Lance and JC did, Chris had to be different so he kissed us on our foreheads.

They then hopped into the waiting cab and were off leaving Mandi,Lou and myself to watch as they joined the ever moving traffic. After we could no longer see the taillights of their cab the three of us entered the house to prepare for bed and to dream of the next time we went out with the handsome guys of NSYNC.