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Chapter One & Two

Sonya jumped onto the couch and clicked on the TV. There she saw herself, her own music video flash across the screen. Seeing her face everywhere wasn't new for her, cuz Sonya was in a world famous pop girl group called Angelic 4.

Angelic 4 wasnt a crappy band like a lot of the bands that were out earlier such as Spice Girls, etc., [haha no offense if anyone likes them]. Also, the girls in the band -Sonya, Leila, Charlene, and Darlene- weren't sluts. They were 4 nice girls with grade voices and some tight dance moves.

Their fans knew that they were real and not some trashy cheap fake talentless group. They had a good image and a good rep, and it was cool for them because the guys AND the girls liked them. But charlene leila darlene and sonya didnt care about the millions of guys that were after them [how stuck up does this sound?] the only guys they cared about were *NsYnC!...

they had met them several times at parties but had never really gotten to know them..... Darlene, Charlene and Leila already had wonderful boyfriends back home. Leila was going out with a guy named Erfan (ahhahahaahhaha). He had a nice body and was a breaker [brekdancer] Charlene was going out with a guy named Mark. He was hot except he was a little deformed. Darlene was going out with a boy named Paulo. No, im joking.... she was going out with this hottie. Im not sure of his name tho..... umm.. ill find it out later.

Anyways, the only poor deprived girl that didnt have a boyfriend back home was Sonya.....ever since that day 3 years ago, sonya had her eye on justin timberlake. she remembered the days when she sat at home staring at her nsync convered walls and whining at how she would never get justin. to sonya, justin was more than just looks and cash.... and his voice... His personality was one in a million. He had a strong caring heart and his sile could brighten up her day in a flash. She had never imagined that something like Angelic 4 would happen.

Suddenly the phone rang and Sonya snapped back to reality... her video was over and a new britney spears video was playing. it was called "hit me baby one more time again" ... it was a pretty good song and video apart from the fact that he rheavy boobs had begun to sag. The phone had rang three times when Sonya finally picked it up. "hey. sonya speaking"
"hey..its me, dar face"
"oh hey darlene...wutsup?"
"I have some good news...."
"we are going to start a new tour...a 2 yr long world tour"
"wow thats great!!!!!"
"wait sonya...thats not the good news"
"omg what is it!?!??!"
"guess who we are opening for?"
before sonya could answer darlene screamed "NSYNC!!!!!"
"ahhhhhhhhh"sonya went crazy and started jumping up and down. She was so happy she was almost crying...

[chapter 2]
"Do charlene and leila know that we're gonna tour with nsync???" sonya screamed into the phone. "Charlene knows... its not a big deal to her tho ya know, since her and Justin have been friends for a long time" "oh yeah.." Sonya remembered. She had almost forgotten that Charlene and Justin had known each othe since they were babies. "and char probably told lei about it, considering how tight they are.." darlene went on. Sonya suddenly realized that her hand that was holding the phone was shaking. Trying not to get her hopes up, Sonya kept thinking that she might have a chance with Justin after all.

"hey, sonya, you need to call Vicki [the manager] ...she wanted to talk to you," "ok thanx dar...luv ya, bye" Sonya hung up the phone and quickly called Vicki. Vicki was such a sweet person... she was the one that got them the record deal and everything. Also, Vicki had the hots for Chris.Char, Lei, Dar, and Sonya all tohught Chris liked her too but Vicki didnt think so. Now that Angelic 4 was going on tour with *Nsync they were sure to set Vicki and Chris up." Just as Sonya went to call Vicki, her cell phone rang, She hung up the regular phone and picked up the cell.
Just as soon as that word came out of the person's mouth Sonya knew who it was. that had called her cell. Justin.

Chapter Three & Four