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Chapter Nineteen & Twenty

The pounding on the door continued. JC loooked through the peephole to see an Asian lady wearing a suit. Her name tag read "zorina".. JC realized he was still naked and quickly put on one of the complimentary robes. It was a screamish color and had a design that read "zo hotels inc." JC quickly opened the door.
"Is there a problem?" he asked the lady.
"Hello, my name is zorina. I own this hotel. I dont know if there is a problem, but we have been getting several complaints of noise coming from this room.Is everything alright?"
"Yes, we just had the TV on.. i guess it was up real loud," JC lied.
"Oh alright," said the lady, "Just try to keep it down. Have a good night"
"Ummm you too," said JC, sighing in relief as he closed the door.

As soon as the door was closed Zorina bust out laughing in the hallway. The hotel had a security system undergrund which had video cameras hooked up to all of the bedrooms. When she got complaints of noise coming from room 68, zorina switched on the TV to that room to see what was going on. Being such a dirty woman, she had watched the hardcore sex while squirming aorund in her chair. Although she was 34, she was a fan of NsyNc... and thought JC was hot. She wouldn't miss seeing him in bed for the world. She snickered to herself and went back down to the front desk.

Meanwhile in the bedroom, the bubble bath was just about ready. "Dammit," said JC, " that was close." When JC opened the door for the lady, Vanessa had managed to get her naked body into the bathroom so she wouldn't be seen. JC had later told her all about what happened. JC turned around to take off the soft robe, but when he turned back around Vanessa was already gone. He found her in the huge bath tub with a horny expression on her face. Completely naked, JC climbed into the bath tub and wrapped his legs around her small waist. Laughing, shr took a bunch of bubbles and put em on JC's face, making him look like Santa Claus. He laughed and began tickling her.
"AGHHHHH JC, you KNOW how ticklish I am!"
JC kissed her nose and mouth, wrapping her up tightly in his arms. The water started overflowwing out of the bathtub.
"Look at the mess youre making JC!" nessa yelled, dunking him into the water.
"Rubber ducky.. youre the one... you make bathtime oh so fun...," JC sang in a beautiful voice.
"Umm sure JC, someones been watching a little too much sesame street."
"SExee nessa, youre the one.... you make bubble baths oh so fun," JC improvised the song, pulling Nessa closer.
"JC, sweetie, we already had our SEX for today.">br> "So.... whats wrong with a little more?"
"hmmm...nuthing!" Nessa spread the bubbles off of JC's body.

The bubbles soon disolved, like they always do, and JC and Nessa found themselves sitting in clear water. JC couldn't get his eyes off of Nessa and she couldnt get eyes off of him. She kissed his mouth, and pressed him against the wall...slowly climbing on top of him.........

Meanwhile, in room 69, Sonya still struggled to sleep. The room next door had quieted down now, it was 12am. She was glad that the hotel administration had taken action when she had called with complaints. Justin was stil sleeping like a little baby. Sonya curled up into a little ball under the cozy covers and drifted off to sleep. the next morning Sonya woke up, blinded by the sunlight that was pouring in through the curtains.
"Justy get up, its 10am already!"
"Damn, I thought I would never fall asleep...with all those noises."
"Yeah right! you were sleeping like a baby in minutes."
"Oh," Justin blushed.
"Ew, who were those sickos next door to us?" Sonya asked.
" You know what....I dont even want to know!!" Justin answered her, disgusted at the noises made next door.
"All im sayin is that no normal people do that shit in hotel rooms ya know?" Sonya giggled.

Justin got out of bed, and went over to his diffle bag to get a change of clothes. While he was changing, Sonya went to find her clothes too. She got a bra, some undies, a tank top, and some shorts. She took of her nihtgown and began getting dressed. AS she started putting on her bra, she could see Justin gaping at her out of the corner of her eye.. She turned to Justin, topless, "What are you looking at Justin?" she asked, teasing him.
"Ummm nuthing," he said, trying to take his eyes off of her chest.
"IM just looking at the boobs.... OMG i mean blinds."
"justin....there are no blinds, there are curtains."
Justin turned red and looked down at the carpet. Sonya put on her bra and her small yellow tank top. Then she slipped off her panties and got her new ones. Justin couldn't help but stare, as if he had never seen a naked girl. Sonya felt so comfortable with him, she didn't think showing her body to him wasa big deal. After all, they loved each other. Justin stared at her lower body, making it obvious.
"JUSTIN, have you never seen a naked woman?!"
"," Justin confessed, embarassed.
"What about Britney?"
"I told you i NEVER did anything with her!!"
Sonya smiled..."Don't worry Justin, you'll get more familiar with nakied bodies soon."
"What's that supposed to mean?"Justin asked, teasing.
"You'll see.." Sonya answered.

By now she had pulled her shorts up and was buttoning the last button. SHe walked into the bathroom to get dressed while justin changed his boxers. SHe pulled her hair back into a tight pony tail, and applied some lip gloss.
"Justin," she called out of the bathroom," Do you mind ordering some room service? I'd die for some fresh squeezed Orange juice right now."
Justin rang up the room service and ordered two glasses. A few minutes later there was a ring at the door. Sonya opened it to see a lady with a cart. "Room service," said the lady.
"Wow... you look so familiar," Sonya exclaimed.
Justin came in the room, and his jaw nearly dropped. "Are you the plane lady?!" he asked.
"umm.. no... anyways, my name's Zorina.. call if you need anything else." She put the two glasses of juice on the table and rolled her cart out of the hallway.
"that is SO weird," Justin exclaimed.
"AWww man Justin, theres no ice in here, Do you mind going down the hall and getting a bucket of ice for us?"
"Sure babe"
"thanx, youre the best."

Justin walked out the door, and down the hallway to the ice machine. When he got there there was already someone there, so he stood behind them in line. After the man got his ice he turned around to walk away. Justin caught a glimpse of his face.
"JC??!!?!?!?!?!?!!?" he asked, tapping the guy on the back.
"Oh my god, what are you doing here?! Youre supposed to be in San Diego!"
"We flew out to see you guys. We're staying in room 68. Where are you and Sonya?"
"69...,"Justin started.
"Cool!! youre right to the left of us!" JC exclaimed.
"So...youre to the right of us," justin started, putting together puzzle.
"Yep!" JC said.
"Oh my goddd..." Justin said as it finally hit him.

[chapter 20]

"Uh... JC. ...who were you sharing a room with last night?"
"Um Vanessa, why?"
"Well umm.. we heard some noises..and we couldn't fall asleep.... and we called the hotel manager...But we didn't know who it was in the room and what they were doing."
"Oh....Uh....,"JC suddenly felt uncofortable...
"Come on man, we're best friends."
"Vanessa and I made love last night."
"Yeah. we heard you Jc. . WE called and complained abut the noise..I never would have guessed that that was you..."
"so what are your guys' plans for today?"
"well...we wanted to surprise you with our visit. We took the night flight to Orlando. There was nothing to do in Daygo anyways and we all missed our girlfriends....."
"you DID surprise me," Justin laughed.

"Anyways... we were gonna meet up with Nicole and Sherry. Rachel, Darlene, Charlene, Leila, Vicki, and the guys are all here. Vicki and Chris have room 70, and the girls have 71... thats the deluxe suite. They needed it since there's 4 of them. The other guys have room 67."
"Oh, alright...well I can't wait to see Sherry, Nicole, and Vanessa again... but I have some business to take care of. Plus, I promised Sonya we'd spend some time together. I'll be back at the hotel by 11 though okay?"
"Alright...we're just next door so drop by and we can make plans for the rest of the week."
"Kay, i'll call your cell kay? Say hi to everyone for me."
"Kay, cool man."

By now they were at their rooms... Jc and Justin casually hugged and said goodbye. Justin walked into his room with the ice.
"Thanx hun..geez that took a half an hour!"
"Sorry... guess who's here.You'll never guess."
"I dunno ... tell me."
"You know the moaning room?"
"Yeah ahaha," Sonya laughed.
"Go knock on the door."
Sonya went out of her room and knocked on Jc's door. Jc opened it. "OH MY GOD JC!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"
"Yeah, hey sweetie," JC laughed, hugging Sonya.
"You bad bad boy!! I heard everything! Geez!! couldn't sleep for half the night."
"Sorrie," JC blushed.
"Hey come meet Vanessa."
"Vanessa.....?" Sonya asked.
"Yeah, we've been going out for a year now. I love her... She's from Orlando, and since we flew out her I get to spend time with her... we missed each other a lot.."
"Yeah JC, i could tell," Sonya laughed.

SHe met Vanessa who seemed really kewl, then went back to her room. Justin said that he had called the hospital and been told that Lynn was alowwed to have visitors. Justin and Sonya took a cab down to the hospital.
"Yuck Justin, I don't like this place."
"Who does?" Jusrin asked.
"Even the smell scares me! ACK!"
Justin put his arm around Sonya and they walked up to the front desk.
"May I help you?" an asian lady asked them.
"This isnt funny," Justin said, "You've been the stuardess and the hotel owner. Are you some stalker or something?!"
"Excuse me sir, may I help you?"
"Is your name Zorina?"
"Forget it!!" Justin said frustrated, "May I just please have the room number of Lynn Harless?" Yuck..Harless...Justin hated saying that last name.
"Room 69, sir. It'll be to your left on the second level."
"Woah, thats the number of our hotel room." Sonya said.

Justin and Sonya first stopped by the gift shop, and bought some flowers, then took the elevator to Level 2.
"67...68...69. There we go."
Justin knocked on the door.
"Come in.." a weak voice said.
Justin opened the door, and what he saw made him shudder.He closed his eyes for a moment, and prayed that the pain he felt in his heart would go away.

Chapter Twenty One & Twenty Two
Chapter Seventeen & Eighteen